
mike church show

The Mike Church Show-First They Came For The Cake Baker…FBI Targets Traditional Catholics As Extremists

micMike Churchtoday02/09/2023 46

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    The Mike Church Show-First They Came For The Cake Baker…FBI Targets Traditional Catholics As Extremists Mike Church

HEADLINE: WHISTLEBLOWER DOCS: FBI Cites Southern Poverty Law Center in Report on ‘Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’ by Tyler O’Neil 

  • Catholic Apologetics International
  • Catholic Family News
  • Christ or Chaos
  • Culture Wars/Fidelity Press
  • The Fatima Crusader
  • In the Spirit of Chartres Committee
  • The Remnant
  • Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 
  • Tradition in Action
  • Is your organization on the list from 2021?
  • Here is an interactive map at SPLC for you to check out your area – 
  • The SPLC claims it does not brand Christian organizations “hate groups” merely because they oppose same-sex marriage, but many of its accusations boil down to a disagreement on LGBT issues. The SPLC branded the Ruth Institute an “anti-LGBT hate group” in part because its founder, Jennifer Roback Morse, called homosexual activity “intrinsically disordered,” pulling a direct quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
  • This excerpt is very telling indeed: The SPLC branded the Ruth Institute an “anti-LGBT hate group” in part because its founder, Jennifer Roback Morse, called homosexual activity “intrinsically disordered,” pulling a direct quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
  • We do not reject the Vatican II council and that is what this document says.
  • We believe it is valid but some are using it to push an alternative agenda.
  • The former FBI agent said that trend, along with this report “shows an ideological bent” that is “pervasive at this point.”
  • How will you know if an FBI agent has infiltrated your TLM society?
  • Can you profile them?

mike church showThe Mike Church Show