
The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Stick A Fork In Him, DeSantis Joined Cabal Inc.

micMike Churchtoday01/11/2024 92

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    The Mike Church Show-Stick A Fork In Him, DeSantis Joined Cabal Inc. Mike Church

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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NYC Closes Schools for Migrants

  • They told the student to do at home learning because they had protect the migrants from the cold weather. 

HEADLINE: A School Sheltered Migrants in a Storm. The Hate Calls Poured In. by Troy Closson, Liset Cruz and Wesley Parnell

  • An angry backlash erupted at a Brooklyn high school on Wednesday, after New York City officials housed about 500 migrant families in an auditorium there overnight because of heavy rains and fierce winds at their shelter site.
  • You can push people only so far.
  • You start taking food off of tables in a relatively free society, there will come a point where people that have families will rise up and say no.
  • About 2,000 people were evacuated on Tuesday evening from their tent shelter at a remote former airplane runway in Brooklyn to James Madison High School. Families with children piled onto the floor and into auditorium seats to sleep. By 2 a.m., several families said they were asked to prepare to return to the tents.
  • Amendment 3 – No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. 
  • It has never been an issue recently – only during a brief part of WWII there were 3rd Amendment cases.
  • So let’s take a closer look at Amendment 3. 
  • The implementation will hang in the balance of the definition of what a SOLDIER is.
  • At that time a soldier would not have necessarily been an actual uniformed soldier. 
  • Remember all clauses and Amendments are stand alone.
  • When the British occupied the city of Boston.
  • Let’s pretend someone wasn’t even enlisted but he was the valet for a Corporal…he would be considered a soldier at the time of the writing of the Constitution. 
  • Why is this important?
  • They are going to start confiscating American homes most likely in poor areas.
  • Elon Musk even rang the alarm bells yesterday on X.
  • We have to stop this and stop this now.
  • This Biden Regime is not going to surrender and they aren’t going softly into that good night.
 CNN GOP Presidential Debate

Ron DeSantis – my how the great have fallen.

  • He opened Florida before Trump said he could.
  • Ron DeSantis was a despised man to all our enemies remember back a few years ago this was the case.
  • After last nights debate, it is clear they have bought and paid for Ron DeSantis.
38mTwo Major Hearings Yesterday

Hunter Biden

Alejandro Mayorkas

  • Typically if the Congress issues a subpoena it is abided by.
  • It is simple common courtesy. 
  • Contempt of Congress is actually a crime.
  • He just appears into the room w/ his two lawyers Abbe Lowell and Kevin Morris.
  • He just sits in the gallery w/ his attorneys.
  • He didn’t take the oath, he didn’t take questions he just sat there and smirked at the Oversight Committee. 
  • I think this was all planned and I think the Democrats knew what was going to happen.
  • What happened to the ‘Sacred Halls’ of Democracy?
  • The left professed how sacred and important that place was.
  • Hunter Biden went in yesterday and pissed all over it.
  • This whole thing is going to come down to – January 6th
  • They want it to be about January 6th and Killing Babies.
  • Do we really know what the fight truly is?
57mHEADLINE: Wisconsin Judge Rules Use of Mobile Vans in Absentee Voting Violates State Election Law by Katabella Roberts 

  • This is the enemy testing the barriers.
  • Like a dinosaur systematically testing the electric fences in Jurassic Park.
  • “Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions mobile van absentee ballot sites or anything like them. Such an interpretation was and is contrary to law.” – Racine County Circuit Court Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz
  • This is the left testing to see where the law and which courts will be ‘on their side’. 
  • They are doing a SWAT exercise.
  • You know they stole like 17,000 votes in nursing homes. That is a fact, that has been handled in court already.
  • Not even the Democrats pushed back on that one b/c they knew they were busted there, I mean dead people can’t vote.
 HEADLINE: The Perfidious Unreality of the “New Normal” by Kit Knightly 
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: Diversity Is Going To Get Us Killed by Rod Dreher 

  • This is a company that is gung-ho about this stuff. You hear the same blatherskite there that you hear in all these kinds of corporate presentations: that diversity is our strength, that we couldn’t do what we do without diversity, that we cannot be competitive without diversity, and so forth. It’s all harmless until planes start falling out of the air. That video is so full of canting corporate bullshit it actually makes you stupider by the minute.
  • Spirit AeroSystems’ Commitment to Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – 
  • I don’t want airplane parts to be a collaboration of immigrants that don’t know anything about aerospace!
  • I don’t care what color they are.
  • I don’t care what nationality they are.
  • I do however care that they are KNOWLEDGEABLE about building airplanes so I don’t fall out of the sky when in their aircraft.
  • Now all of this diversity stuff started w/ TV commercials.
  • It has been happening for years now.
  • Every commercial will have a black woman and a white man as the ‘family unit’. 
  • What about your doctor, or surgeon? This week I have to hire a Hungarian accountant to prepare my taxes for both Hungary and the US. I want the absolute best accountant I can find and afford. Why? Because what if I’m audited? I need to be confident that whoever I hire to do my taxes is diligent and exceptionally competent. I don’t care if he or she is straight, gay, male, female, black, white, Asian, whatever. All I want to know is that they are good at what they do. I’ll probably go to a Hungarian branch of one of the big US firms (KPMG, etc.), because they will have experience with this sort of thing. Fortunately, Hungary is not a country that has gone gaga for diversity. Though American firms doing business in Eastern Europe do tend to press their American fads onto them, Hungary itself does not have a “diverse” workforce, by American standards. The great majority of Hungarian accountants who apply for work there will be Magyar — that is, ethnically white. I don’t care about that. What I care about is that ethnic diversity will have de facto been removed as a hiring criteria. That means I have a better chance of getting an accountant that was hired solely on the basis of professional competence. Good.
  • Let me ask you: was society better served by Patrick Chavis being admitted to medical school over Alan Bakke? Were the patients of Patrick Chavis better served? Heck, was Patrick Chavis better served by being promoted far above his ability to perform?
1h38mSenator Vance on w/ Tucker Carlson

Ukraine – Vance told Tucker Carlson they bled 12 million citizens about 500,000 of them have been killed either in direct battle or being a bystander.

  • Here is another stat that was given almost 1/2 of the men age 18-40 are either maimed, limbless or so injured they won’t be able to rebuild anything!
  • They don’t have the money, they don’t have the bodies at this point to rebuild so what is going to happen to Ukraine?
  • This is almost as bad as what they did in Iraq.
  • There have to be men and women of good will that love their country and will rise up and put an end to this.
  • Our American government did this.
  • They did all of this in 2 years to Ukraine.
  • Trump had nothing to do with this.
  • When someone says they want to withdraw and drop out of all politics b/c it doesn’t matter anymore….what about this?
  • What country is on the chopping block next?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Bryon Donalds at Hunter Biden HearingLet’s be clear this isn’t about Hunter Biden’s white privilege this is about his Democrat privilege. This is a joke, the man has been subpoena’d by Congress. 

  • Nancy Pelosi coined the term – Sacred Temple of Democracy
  • Was it sacred yesterday?
1h47mAUDIO/VIDEO: CNN Republican Presidential Debate – Donald Trump Appeal

Ron DeSantis – I think there’s a larger issue Republicans have got to think of. He is doing to lose that appeal. He’s going to end up going to trial in front of a stacked left-wing DJ jury of all Democrats. What are the odds that he’s going to get through that?

  • DeSantis just admitted there is a 2 tier system of justice?
  • If that is how our ‘system’ works, why continue this?
  • He basically just threw Donald Trump under the bus, backed it up, admitted the judicial system is rigged but he isn’t concerned about it b/c he is a good guy.
  • I remember a time when DeSantis as Governor was a top dog.
  • Everyone in Florida loved him and hell during COVID residents of other states loved him.
  • They removed, the left, removed DeSantis – they promised him he could run and be successful against Trump.
  • They dangled the WH in front of him and he took the bait.
  • Do you consider Ron DeSantis a big dog anymore?
  • He will not be president. 
  • He won’t be nominated.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News Iowa Town Hall w/ Donald Trump on Abortion

  • On principle I completely disagree w/ him.
  • Politically I understand what he is talking about.
  • He makes a very good point politically.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Andy Biggs at Hunter Biden HearingHunter Biden has ZERO claim of insufficiency of service of process. His insubordination will not go unchecked.

  • So the big question is, what will the Republicans do about this?



AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Clay Higgins at Mayorkas Hearing If he was a gentleman of honor, Mayorkas would have resigned. His betrayal of oath has permanently scarred our nation. We are going to impeach him and he should be. He is the executive in charge of the border policy for President Biden.

  • I can tell you one thing that will go a long way to fix a lot of this.
  • Pass the 29th Amendment – Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. The Equal Rights Amendment passed Congress in 1972.
  • Think of the lobby efforts that would have to occur if we were represented like we are supposed to be.
  • Clay Higgins has over 800,000 people he is supposed to represent.
  • That is completely out of scale.
  • 1 Representative for every 50,000 persons that is the maximum that amendment would have allowed.
  • Do you see just how far out of scale that is?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN Republican Presidential Debate – Border Crisis

Ron DeSantis – We will finish that wall. Do not trust Nikki Haley w/ illegal immigration. That’s like having a fox guard the henhouse.

  • I don’t want the US to go bankrupt.
  • I think they should declare a moratorium on all spending.
  • I think they should just say, look we have to renege on some promises we made to people. 
  • Especially those semi-old people.
















Mahgdalen Rose – Political Correspondent on the Crusade Channel

Follow Mahgdalen on Twitter – @MahgdalenRose

CNN Presidential Debate

  • DeSantis just looked like a guy debating but Nikki looked upset and angry.
  • She rolled her eyes a few times, she clinched her jaw several times, she just looked angry and not happy to be there.
  • There are two sides to this.
  • DeSantis is on the side that a lot of Trumps issues are his own fault.
  • If you were watching that debate last night, you aren’t a Trump super fan.
  • Trump did hire bad people and it did get him into hot water in a lot of areas.
  • This is a very small field b/c Trump is still running.
  • Nikki has a great edge going into New Hampshire.
  • Donald Trump has a huge support base in South Carolina.
  • Chris Christie – I don’t think he will back Trump but he had a hot mic moment when he said Nikki was going to get smoked so who knows w/ that one.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy Makes Predictions 

  1. Narrow this to a 2 horse race b/w Trump & a puppet they can control. 
  2. Eliminate Trump
  3. Trot their puppet into the WH

Next up, Ron DeSantis joins Nikki Haley’s ticket as VP. Ron may not know it yet but he won’t have a say in the matter.

  • If anything you are more likely to have Nikki as the VP of Ron DeSantis not the other way around.
  • I’m sorry Vivek is not doing well but that doesn’t mean he is suddenly the Magic 8 Ball of the Republican party.
  • Nikki wasn’t wrong in many ways about how and where DeSantis has been putting money and time into.
  • Alejandro Mayorkas – he isn’t even liked by the Democrats, he is abrasive and they just don’t like him so it is highly likely he will impeached.
  • Biden will NOT go to bat for him in the way he would for Buttigieg or anyone else like that.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Iowa Town Hall – Border Crisis

We are going to have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. We have no choice.

  • All that matters now is what are we going to do about the millions that came here in the last 2 years.
  • If you don’t commit to the deportation idea, what do you do?
  • Practically what will the American people demand?
 HEADLINE: Ohio House upholds ban on child sex changes in override of Mike DeWine’s veto by Libby Emmons

  • The Ohio House on Wednesday voted to uphold the ban on child sex changes in the state, overriding Governor Mike DeWine’s veto. DeWine, a Republican, vetoed the bill on December 29, 2023. The House voted 65 to 28 to keep the ban in place.
  • The Ohio Senate is yet to vote, and will be able to make that decision on January 24. Together, the legislature will need 60 percent of the vote of both chambers to uphold their reversal of DeWine’s veto.
 HEADLINE: Gypsy-Rose Needs Psychological Help, Not A Fawning Spot On ‘The View’ by Evita Duffy-Alfonso
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Meta-tags for showEvita Duffy-Alfonso, Gypsy-Rose, Libby Emmons, Donald Trump, border crisis, Mike DeWine, abortion, pro-life, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, GOP, Rep Clay Higgins, Alejandro Mayorkas, DOH, 29th Amendment, Troy Closson, Liset Cruz, Wesley Parnell, James Madison, Amendment 3, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, COVID, Rep Andy Biggs, Mahgdalen Rose, Residential Campaign 2024, Rep Byron Donalds, Senator JD Vance, Tucker Carlson, Rod Dreher, Kit Knightly, diversity training, Katabella Roberts, Spirit AeroSystems, Boeing, DEI 

The Mike Church Show