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The Mike Church Show-Trump’s New Team America

micMike Church today11/18/2024 7

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    The Mike Church Show-Trump's New Team America Mike Church

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
18mMike Tyson and Jake Paul Fight

  • All three judges scored the fight for Paul, 80-72, 79-73 and 79-73.

Madison Square Garden – Jon Jones UFC Fight

  • The TRUMP Rat Pack took over the arena. 
  • Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F Kennedy Jr all watched ringside. 
  • Remember the Dream Team in USA Olympics?
  • Then they all enjoyed McDonald’s on Trumps plane after.
28mThe Left Still Losing Their Minds

  • They are out there defending the defenseless.
  • We are in so much debt and no one seems to care.
  • Taxing, spending, regulating and doing all it can do to suppress and depress the American people.
  • Acting like the government exists to make THEM happy not you.
  • The first thing you will see if Vivek and Elon are serious, you will see mass fire sales on the counties nearest Mordor, homes.
  • That will be the first indication the party is over that we have been paying for.
  • These homes will go on sale one after another.
  • When they realize their entire department will be terminated they can’t pay their McMansion Mortgage. 
  • When that begins to happen, you know they were serious about cutting costs.
  • The only boom in real estate is in DC.
  • My brother sells $1.3 million dollar homes each week, when he tells me the fun is over Vivek and Elon were serious.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2













Not Qualified Appointments

  • Remember Sam Brinton?
  • Former Department of Energy?
  • He was a man that dressed as a woman that stole luggage from airports.
  • What about Richard Levine? 
  • Bidens HHS…was he qualified?
  • Another man running around in a dress pretending to be a woman.
  • We will only get this one shot to fix some of these problems.
  • Legacy Media – are all the journalist qualified?
  • Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes doing an opening monologue on Trump’s Nominees calling them unqualified.
  • They have done this to themselves honestly.
  • Remember Janet Reno?
  • People died under ‘her’ watch, innocent woman and children.
  • The list can go on and on.
  • If you check the Democrat boxes it doesn’t matter what you’ve done you are just automatically qualified. 
  • Here is the point I wish to make for all of you…the MAGA effort is basically a program that is going to undo the idea behind and the implementation of this thing called the NEW DEAL.
  • The Green New Deal was the final attempt to make this American version of the Soviet Union. 
  • The MAGA effort will bring about an end to the New Deal and it can’t happen soon enough. 
  • September 12, 1962 – John F Kennedy Speech at Rice University.
  • That is a presidential speech, it had leadership behind it and a big dream.
  • An Elon Musk sized idea. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: President John F Kennedy – Speech at Rice University

  • It would take 7 years and 500,000+ Americans are involved in this Apollo Project.
  • You’ve all heard the velcro strips, Tang and things that were designed and developed.
  • Fixing the American government is a worthwhile endeavor. 
  • What if Trump said we are going to ‘Balance the Budget’?
52mAdministrative State

  • You hardly had any ABC agencies until Roosevelt came along.
  • There were Supreme Court Cases that came after that.
  • Most American people opposed the Green New Deal but Roosevelt outsmarted all of them by getting to the Supreme Court.
  • The FICA law would have broken the back of the whole damn thing.
  • FICA = Federal Insurance Contributions Act
  • That was supposed to go down in flames.
  • The Chevron ruling – 

HEADLINE: A Different Kind of Presidential Cabinet by Tim Phares 

  • Cabinet members tend to be obscure. Quick—who is the Secretary of Health and Human Services? Who is the Secretary of Defense? People may know the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, from the Republicans’ attempts to impeach him, or the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, from his use of the legal system against President-elect Trump and others in the Biden regime’s crosshairs. But most Cabinet members are pretty anonymous.
  • Donald Trump seems to have created a new kind of reality show. This looks like a cross between Cabinet Apprentice and Survivor: Cabinet Edition. Observers are left wondering which person will be the first to have President Trump say ‘You’re fired.” 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
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BACK to Tim Phares Article at Imaginative Conservative

  • What does Trump have going for himself?
  • He can’t run for re-election.
  • He doesn’t care about upsetting anyone b/c he isn’t going to run again.
  • Let me just drop this in.
  • President Trump’s pledge to eliminate the Department of Education should, of course, be welcomed. But do Donald, Elon, and Vivek really know what needs to be cut, and can they actually eliminate departments? 
 Father Rippeger at Mar-a-Lago

  • He said a Traditional Latin Mass this weekend.
  • I just thought I would mention that.
  • He has been around w/ JD Vance and a few other Republicans like Jack Pososbiec. 
1h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy w/ Maria Bartiromo – Cutting Agencies – We expect mass reductions in force. We expect massive cuts for federal contractors and those over billing the government. We expect certain agencies to be deleted outright. I think people will be surprised how fast we are going to do this. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy w/ Maria Bartiromo – Deep State – If we don’t downsize the federal government now, it’s need going to happen in the future as well, so this is a historic opportunity. We won’t squander this. I think mass deregulation gives us the opportunity to make these cuts.

  • Did Congress create OSHA?
  • I don’t think Congress did.
  • What about the EEOC?
  • Or did a Secretary of HHS create those agencies? 
  • This requires un-Tea Party like actions.
  • The Tea Party had a chance to change things but they didn’t do it.
  • The big things Obama got done he did in the first 280 days.
  • Terms Limits – 
  • The American people have the right to ratify the Constitution for term limits.
  • We demand you do this, we aren’t asking you.
  • You don’t get a say so!
  • Even Democrats want term limits.
  • If the people out here want term limits they have the right to do so.
  • They have to have the political will to do it.
  • It needs to be done.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 T-Shirt Tuesday – Tomorrow 




















HEADLINE: The Rural Areas Pushing for Divorce From Democratic Cities by Joe Barrett 

  • Across Illinois and California, more red counties that feel steamrolled by blue-led governments are trying to split off. 
  • Why should rural areas be ruled by the big city liberals in any state?
  • Watseka Illinois – Phil Gioja loves this small city 90 miles south of Chicago with its rebounding downtown, historic homes and welcoming churches. Yet he has been tempted to join the steady exodus of friends and fellow business owners leaving for lower-tax, Republican-controlled states like Indiana and Tennessee.
  • What about upstate New York?
  • More residents are pushing to break off and form new states. Or as a group called New Illinois State—which has declared itself independent from actual Illinois and last weekend passed the first draft of a new constitution—puts it: “Leave Illinois Without Moving.” 
  • Now I of course want to conserve the Union but not like this.
  • Not what we currently have, not the way this one is run.
  • Secession w/ the eye on preserving the Union by dispersing power of the rot gut cities could preserve the Union.
  • None of your districts will be attached to Chicago in this instance.
  • QUESTION: West Virginia was carved out of what state?
  • ANSWER: Virginia
  • WHY? Because it wanted to remain in the Union w/ Lincoln. 
  • QUESTION: Maine was carved out of what state?
  • ANSWER: Massachusetts 
  • QUESTION: What state did Kentucky and Tennessee come from?
  • ANSWER: Virginia 
  • The idea secession is illegal is ridiculous.
  • Article 4 and 5 of the Constitution have the rules under which this could happen so why is that?
  • You know why this hasn’t happened.
  • Because the inner cities are failing.
  • If they had to survive on their own they would have to elect officials that uphold the rule of law.
  • Look at the sea change that has happened in South Florida and Miami. 
  • You couldn’t have paid me 30 yeas ago to go to Miami-Dade County.
  • It is still bad but it is on the upswing again.
  • Now MSM is going to come in w/ bombs to stop all of this by saying it is dangerous.
  • All of those other shows out there, none of them will talk about small state independence. 
  • I don’t want to make Mordor great again, I want it to be insignificant. 
  • Imagine if RFK Jr has a successful tenure at the HHS.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy JrI’m going to NIH the 1st week and call all the heads, we will give drug development and infectious disease a little bit of a break for about 8 years.

  • This is exactly what I voted for.
  • Let’s figure out why we have super high obesity before we create a drug to help fat people.
  • Let’s help them eat better first.
  • Then the medication won’t be necessary.
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Matt Gaetz Investigation 

  • Last Wednesday or so, citizen Donald Trump announced that he was pursuing a lawsuit, and I am so glad that he did, for $10 billion…a libel lawsuit and fraud.
  • Named in the suit: NBC, CNN, MSNBC.
  • I told you the things that Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow saying on LIVE air were libel.
  • None of it was true and they should be made to pay for spreading these lies and insinuations. 
  • This is what the left does, this is how they operate.
  • I believe there are intelligence agencies of the world.

Term Limits 

  • I was an opponent of it back in the day at the old station in the old country.
  • Nancy Pelosi is a candidate for this.
  • Nancy has been in Congress since 1987.
  • What about Dianne Feinstein?
  • No Framer of the Constitution imagined life long political service.

AUDIO/VIDEO: 60 Minutes Scott Pelley  Opened w/ Pointing Out Trumps Cabinet Has No Experience – Lists them all w/ allegations.

  • The American people voted for Trump.
  • He has the authority to put in these positions whomever he so chooses.
  • They are to advise and consent. 
  • That is it, they serve at the leisure of the President.
  • I’m pretty sure I elected Trump and I will defer to him and his judgement.
  • At the end of the day I trust Trump.
  • I hope that Trump is strong enough to overcome and keep any neo-Con inclinations at bay.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Kathy Hochul – Manhattan Tolls – We’re saving you 40% by starting to charge $9 to enter Manhattan instead of $15 as we originally planned. This lower toll will save daily commuters nearly $1,500 annually. 

  • What you have here is government creates the problem, then rides in on their white horse to fix the problem they created by telling you they are just reducing the cost a little for you.
  • It was THEIR idea in the first place!
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson w/ Jake Tapper State of the Union on CNN – Matt Gaetz Allegations – These agencies need reform, and I think the vast majority of American people understand that. You can’t have status quo appointments in a moment like this. 

QUESTION: Are ED drugs illegal?


  • What does it have to do w/ what Matt Gaetz has done since he has held that seat?
  • No one else is allowed to change unless you are a Democrat.
  • If any of this happened when did it happen?
  • The Attorney General of the US has a very specific role.
  • The idea the AG is running around the country looking for someone to prosecute is the problem!






Political Affairs Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • What happens on Twitter matters.
  • The rest of America thinks Twitter matters.
  • In any other world Pete Hegseth would be getting the brunt of this scrutiny.
  • Trump has helped Pete’s nomination along by nominating Matt Gaetz.
  • Robert F Kennedy Jr – the food processing companies, he is going to take a butcher knife to them.
  • Donald Trump didn’t know who to go to in his first term.
  • Now he has RFK Jr.
  • We have seen the full on media blitz against Elon Musk right now.
  • This is the first effort to destroy him and the relationship b/w Elon and Trump.
  • There is a lack of fear coming out about Mitch McConnell.
  • The Republicans just don’t care about what he says anymore.
  • Morning Joe – they even went to Mar-a-Lago this past weekend to speak to Trump about ‘restarting communications’.
  • Remember I told you all Trump gets to pick the head of the FCC.
  • I told you to watch the rats run!
  • Now look what’s happening. 
  • It is those smaller appointments that will matter in this Trump cabinet.
  • I want to tell you people one more thing, I said something about buying a radio station. 
  • I told Maggie she could buy one but me as a white man couldn’t.
  • This is what you get when you have Republicans in power.
  • Elections matter.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show