Covid Chronicles

THE COVID CHRONICLES-Soaring Gas Prices Are Part Of The Biden Cabal’s Plan To Freeze Roast & Starve Us Into Compliance

today05/12/2021 111

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    THE COVID CHRONICLES-Soaring Gas Prices Are Part Of The Biden Cabal’s Plan To Freeze Roast & Starve Us Into Compliance LoneRhody

THE COVID CHRONICLES – Soaring Gas Prices Are Part Of The Biden Cabal’s Plan To Freeze Roast & Starve Us Into Compliance

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 HEADLINE: Terry Crews details how porn addiction almost ended his marriage with wife Rebecca: ‘Fame just made it worse’ by Kevin Kayhart
28mHEADLINE: Gas Prices Spike To Highest National Average Since 2014 by Jordan Davidson 

  • Do you remember when Orange Man Bad was still in the WH?
  • What were the gas prices back then?
  • That was only a few months ago.
  • The annual kick-off to summer, the Memorial Day Weekend!
  • Gas futures are purchased 90 days out so in March you are buying June in May you are buying August and September.
  • You are buying ‘into the future’ but they stopped doing that too!
  • QUESTION: When something like Colonial happens what do they do?
  • In 2007-2008 it got up to about $5.00/gallon.
  • Remember Joe Biden said he would make America 100% green.

HEADLINE: Feds Warn Colonial Pipeline Is At Risk; Company Says Leak Is Deeper Than Reported by David Boraks

 War Brewing in the Middle East – 


HEADLINE: ‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party by Tim Reid 

  • These ‘former’ Republicans are the neo-cons and they should move on.
  • You are no longer part of what the party has evolved to.
  • They wanted to make ‘Murica great again.
  • Keeping your small piece of land great.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rand Paul to Dr. Fauci 

Dr. Rand Paul – “Do you still support funding of the NIH to the Wuhan Institute” 

Dr. Fauci – “If gain of function is being done, it is being done in NC”

  • Liars tend not to use contractions, they think it makes them look MORE reliable.
  • Remember “I did not have sexual relations w/ that woman”? 


 CALLER CINDY from Florida – 

  • We must start working on the LOCAL level b/c we have a Communist/Fascist in the White House.
  • They aren’t shy about what is coming down the pipeline.
  • I am getting sick and tired of what is happening here in South Florida, they don’t stick to their principles.
  • We are fighting a Costco project here and other section 8 housing and our commissioners used to curtail all of this etc.
  • Does anyone ever bring up or voice the concern at what point do say to the New Yorkers and other Northerners to stop coming into Florida?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dept of Energy Jennifer Granholm‘these gas shortages will help the administration push people toward accepting renewable energy’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki on the pipelinewe look at each pipeline project differently, basically we won’t be changing our stance on eliminating pipelines.

  HEADLINE: Inflation surges in April as consumer prices leap 4.2%, fastest since 2008 by Jeff Cox 
 The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager [email protected] and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Proposed Constitutional Amendment 2 – Pennsylvania 

YES OR NO:  Shall the Pennsylvania Constitution be amended to change existing law so that: a disaster emergency declaration will expire automatically after 21 days, regardless of the severity of the emergency, unless the General Assembly takes action to extend the disaster emergency: the Governor may not declare a new disaster emergency to reason to the dangers facing the Commonwealth unless the General Assembly passes a concurrent resolution; the General Assembly enacts new laws for disaster management? 

2h18mHEADLINE: How ‘Woke’ May Be Leading Us To Civil War by Roger Simon via the Epoch Times 

  • Maybe your state doesn’t survive it has to break up into 30 districts…so be it.
  • It is officially real, we have been driven apart as never before.
  • Those of us that have never thought of secession are now noodling the possibility. 



Rogation Days – Litany of Saints

In league w/ liberal Catholics – Dom Prosper Guéranger

Ouija Board – Businessman Elijah Bond had the idea to patent a planchette sold with a board on which the alphabet was printed, much like the previously existing talking boards. Bond filed on May 28, 1890 for patent protection and thus is credited with the invention of the Ouija board. Issue date on the patent was February 10, 1891.


HEADLINE: SAINT MAMERTUS by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

HEADLINE: Rogation Days by Fish Eaters

  • Free Farm Friday – you have great creatures and some not so great.
  • Beat the Bounds of Our Property – Gave hand delivered invitations to all our neighbors that surround our land. I learned that some of our trees, Ash trees, are endangered trees do to an insect. 
  • We will have an observance like back when we celebrated Rogation Days.
  • This needs to happen in California – they could institute penitential practices. 
 BREAKING NEWS: Liz Cheney has officially been ousted from her GOP leadership post by the House Republicans.

Donald Trump: Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being. I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country. She is a talking point for Democrats, whether that means the Border, the gas lines, inflation, or destroying our economy. She is a warmonger whose family stupidly pushed us into the never-ending Middle East Disaster, draining our wealth and depleting our Great Military, the worst decision in our Country’s history. I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!

 Back to Brother Andre Marie

HEADLINE: An Ascension Quartet by Brother Andre Marie

  • Mother Mary was none the less ‘mothering’ the Church.
  • She gave a stability to it in its immediate infancy. 

The Book of Revelations – 

  • Speaks of the 12 often – this is in reference to the 12 Apostles
  • The number 12 like 40 like 3 has a mystical connotation. 
  • We don’t refer to others as the ‘successors’ of the Apostles, no one gets that title except the Successor of Saint Peter. 
  • Saint Peter had the office of Bishop and Pope and they are both lines of succession. 
  • A mystery is something we cannot know EVERYTHING about but we can know some things about it.
  • Mother Mary can understand it better than anyone else, but she does not comprehend the Holy Trinity. 

HEADLINE: The Ecclesiology of Liberalism by Peter J. Leithart

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rand Paul to Dr. Fauci – 

Dr. Fauci – “We have not funded gain of function research on this virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. No matter how many times you say it, it didn’t happen.”

Dr. Rand Paul – “You are parsing words the enhanced the SARS virus w/ a spike protein that is gain of function.”

  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Dr. Rand Paul, Dr. Fauci, Peter J. Leithart, Brother Andre Marie, book of Revelations, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, Liz Cheney, GOP, CNN, Rogation Days, SARS, Saint Mamertus, Ouija board, Dom Prosper Guéranger, Terry Crews, porn addiction, Jordan Davidson, Kevin Kayhart, David Boraks, Tim Reid, third party, Memorial Day, liberalism, Litany of Saints, Colonial Pipeline, Mother Mary, Apostles, Elijah Bond, Wuhan Institute, Jeff Cox, Roger Simon

Written by: LoneRhody

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