
Social Guidance Filmmaking, The Way It Should Be by Sid Davis

today04/15/2016 25 1

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Mandeville, LA – Today’s youth are told to change their gender, use bathrooms with adults of the opposite gender and leap at the chance to experience homosexual sex. It wasn’t always that way and up until the 1990’s “social guidance films” were shown in schools to counsel kids to stay clear from “taking candy from strangers” and “hitching rides with strangers”. John Wayne stand-in Sid Davis was the originator of these films. Oh to have a Sid Davis making movies for kids today. According to the obituary the L.A. Times published on Davis’s death:

“Before John Wayne lent him seed money to start his production company, Davis was best known as Wayne’s stand-in on movie sets. But he was inspired to jump into moviemaking when he saw that his 5-year-old daughter did not fully understand his lecture on the importance of avoiding strangers, she recalled.

“The Dangerous Stranger” (1950) was the first of more than 180 short films that Davis made, his daughter said. He became a prime producer of safety and social-guidance films that school boards across the country screened as a form of social engineering. The hope was that children would watch the films and adopt their toe-the-line message, according to experts.

“He wore his opinion on his sleeve and put it into his films,” Ken Smith, author of “Mental Hygiene: Better Living Through Classroom Films 1945-1970,” told The Times on Tuesday. “He meant well …. He was a straightforward man. There was no waffling with Sid.”

As a public, Christian service to our listeners, The Veritas Radio Network is republishing some of Davis’s films in condensed, 90 second formats beginning with the cautionary “Boys Beware” from 1961. The film warns boys to be on the lookout for the “friendly advances..of homosexuals”. You will hear them in rotation on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be.


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    Social Guidance Filmmaking, The Way It Should Be by Sid Davis MikeChurch


Written by: MikeChurch

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What a choice for the graphic! The mustache is ever so creepy.

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