31 Results / Page 4 of 4



The UnHappy Death of Steven Hawking or When Stevie Met Helly – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - All the good this man could have done with his gift of intelligence. He fought all the way to the end of his life against God. He didn’t pass, he didn’t go to the other side, he DIED. He denied the existence of God his entire life. Special guest Greg, Junkbond Carpenter. Brother André Marie: "I certainly don’t wish his soul any harm but he did some horrible things while […]

today03/16/2018 13

Reverse Deception

Reverse Deception-The 9-11’s that ‘Murciah created after WWII Part II

Mandeville, LA - Reverse Deception Episode 111 Gregory Carpenter continues his Reverse Deception exposé on "The 9-11's, before 9-11" and this episode covers the South American missions the CIA ran with the U.S. Army's manpower. Don't miss this epic Deception! [purchase_link id="49252" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" direct="true"]  

today01/30/2018 15

The Mike Church Show

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Gubbmint Shutdown-Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - The Mike Church Show, new daily rundown minute by minute! 8:13 - Hillary Clinton and the “lost” messages [purchase_link id="49157" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member DOWNLOAD" direct="true"] SEGMENT 1 6:17 - David Harsanyi - What The Shutdown Tells Us About Modern Democrats 6:21 -Doug Bandow - America is Bankrupt and Republicans Couldn’t Care Less 6:26 -Mike’s Civics Lesson “The income any government has comes from what they steal from […]

today01/22/2018 34