gun control

52 Results / Page 1 of 6

Wind & Solar

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Thankful For Wind & Solar? You Shouldn’t Be!

The Barrett Brief - Thankful For Wind & Solar? You Shouldn't Be!  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. - First, Thankful For Wind & Solar? You Shouldn't Be!  Second Daniel Savickas stops by  Third Merissa Hamilton stops by as well  Fourth Violent crime comes to previously peaceful and safe Martha’s Vineyard. And guess why? As Well As Gun Talk Wednesday Tackling Dreaded Anti-Gun Discussions This Thanksgiving & Gallup Finds Support […]

today11/23/2022 39

gun bill

Senate passes most sweeping gun bill in decades, setting up House vote

Senate passes most sweeping gun bill in decades, setting up House vote Via The Senate on Thursday night passed the most sweeping gun bill in decades designed to prevent gun violence, a major victory for advocates and a rare defeat for the National Rifle Association. The vote was 65 to 33, with all 50 Democratic members and 15 Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, voting to send the bill to the House. […]

today06/23/2022 17

Gun Control Deal

Senate Unveils Language of Gun Control Deal: Expands Background Checks, Expands Prohibited Purchasers

Senate Unveils Language of Gun Control Deal: Expands Background Checks, Expands Prohibited Purchasers Via Breitbart: The Senate unveiled Tuesday the language of the bipartisan gun control deal Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) struck with Democrats at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) behest. NPR reports that the gun control expands background checks for gun buyers ages 18-20. The legislation also expands the prohibited buyers list by adding dating relationships under the […]

today06/21/2022 20

Texas GOP

The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Texas GOP Votes To Texit As The Utter Declaration Of Dependence Dawns

Mike Church Show-Texas GOP Votes To Texit As The Utter Declaration Of Dependence Dawns Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel   HEADLINE RUNDOWN […]

today06/21/2022 47

Shooting In The Cold

Gun Talk Friday

Gun Talk Friday-If The Senate Fails To Pass Gun Control, This Is Biden’s Next Move

Gun Talk Friday-If The Senate Fails To Pass Gun Control, This Is Biden's Next Move Welcome to Gun Talk Friday. The latest rumor from the swamp is so called gun control deal is falling apart. So what can Biden do to enact gun control? He can go after your ammo. Learn how on the latest episode of Gun Talk Friday.  Gun Talk Friday is a weekly segment dedicated to educating […]

today06/17/2022 13

Your Church

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Your Need To Get Serious About Defending Your Church

The Barrett Brief - Your Need To Get Serious About Defending Your Church  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. - First, Your Need To Get Serious About Defending Your Church  Second Kilian Laverty stops by  Next Whitlock: Bigoted LeBron James promises DNC –Dead Negroes Confederacy – to remain silent on Emmett Till 2.0 murder Third Scoop: Conservative backlash builds against Cornyn's gun talks Also Gun Talk Friday we […]

today06/17/2022 54


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Let’s Just Say It: We Are In A Recession (Technically)

The Barrett Brief - Let's Just Say It: We Are In A Recession (Technically) Here is what is happening today in the Brief. - First, Let's Just Say It: We Are In A Recession (Technically) Second Christopher Laurence stops by  Next The Citizenry’s Willingness to Surrender their Freedoms Risks a Potential Dissolution or Civil War Third Democrats’ January 6th Show Trial Episode 2 Falls Dramatically in Ratings and Episode 3 is […]

today06/16/2022 49

Summer Of Satan

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Biden’s Controlled Demolition Of Muricah And The Coming Summer Of Satan, Rosary Up

The Mike Church Show-Biden’s Controlled Demolition Of Muricah And The Coming Summer Of Satan, Rosary Up Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel   […]

today06/16/2022 116

Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell a ‘Yes’ Vote on Senate Gun Control Agreement

Mitch McConnell a ‘Yes’ Vote on Senate Gun Control Agreement Via Breitbart: CBS correspondent Scott MacFarlane reports that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is a “yes” vote on the Senate gun control agreement. On May 26 Breitbart News reported that McConnell tapped Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) to work with Democrats to achieve bipartisan gun control. On June 12 a bipartisan Senate gun control agreement was announced. Breitbart News reported that the […]

today06/14/2022 23