
21 Results / Page 3 of 3


“Believe In Traditional Marriage? You’re OUT of Our Farmer’s Market!”

Winchester, VA - Toddstarnes.com has highlighted the cause of Steve and Bridget Tennes, Catholic owners of Country Mill Farm in Michigan, and regular vendor of blueberries at the city-owned farmer's market. When they replied to a query on their Facebook page last year and stated that they do not host gay weddings on their farm that would violate their consciences, the city of East Lansing saw their post and contacted the Tenneses, asking […]

today06/01/2017 6


Social Guidance Filmmaking, The Way It Should Be by Sid Davis

Mandeville, LA - Today's youth are told to change their gender, use bathrooms with adults of the opposite gender and leap at the chance to experience homosexual sex. It wasn't always that way and up until the 1990's "social guidance films" were shown in schools to counsel kids to stay clear from "taking candy from strangers" and "hitching rides with strangers". John Wayne stand-in Sid Davis was the originator of […]

today04/15/2016 251