Media Bias Fact Check

65 Results / Page 5 of 8

Any Other Weapons

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Hateful Kate Let’s The “Any Other Weapons” Endgame Slip.

The Barrett Brief - Hateful Kate Let's The "Any Other Weapons" Endgame Slip.  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Hateful Kate Let's The "Any Other Weapons" Endgame Slip.  Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Will the Supreme Court put a stake through the heart of gun control? Third Catholic Men Must Defend Their Churches Also Axon halts its plans for a Taser drone as […]

today06/07/2022 29


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – $1,000 Tax On “Assault Weapons”? Coming To A FFL Near You.

The Barrett Brief -$1,000 Tax On "Assault Weapons"? Coming To A FFL Near You.  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First $1,000 Tax On "Assault Weapons"? Coming To A FFL Near You.  Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next No Republican Should Be Surprised That Trump Endorsed Kevin McCarthy Third The Most Terrifying Reality about School Shootings Also KERR, CELTICS, WARRIORS WEAR ‘END GUN VIOLENCE’ SHIRTS […]

today06/06/2022 227

Public Schools

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Think You Can Save Public Schools, The Regime Will Pull Your Lunch

The Barrett Brief - Think You Can Save Public Schools, The Regime Will Pull Your Lunch Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Think You Can Save Public Schools, The Regime Will Pull Your Lunch Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Christopher Laurence stops by  Third Blue cities in red states say they won't help enforce abortion bans Also Gun owners don't want the NRA […]

today06/02/2022 13


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Now The LGBTMAP Mafia Has Claimed Taco Bell

The Barrett Brief - Now The LGBTMAP Mafia Has Claimed Taco Bell  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Now The LGBTMAP Mafia Has Claimed Taco Bell  Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Dan Savickas stops by  Third Where are all the men? Also What to Do With Human Waste When The SHTF Don't forget The Lightning Brief!  Finally don't forget the world famous "you […]

today06/01/2022 56

Tragedy In Texas

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – The Tragedy In Texas Proves America Does Not Value Life

The Barrett Brief - The Tragedy In Texas Proves America Does Not Value Life Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First ELECTION RESULTS Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Dan Savackis stops by  Third Biden’s appalling response to the tragedy in Texas Also State Farm Exec Apologizes to Angry Agents, Says 'We Made a Mistake With Our Involvement' With GenderCool Don't forget The Lightning Brief!  […]

today05/25/2022 23



The Barrett Brief – Instead Of Collecting Mail, The USPS Wants To Collect Your Data

The Barrett Brief - Instead Of Collecting Mail, The USPS Wants To Collect Your Data Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Instead Of Collecting Mail, The USPS Wants To Collect Your Data Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Mahgdalen Rose stops by  Third Why ESPN Is Going Down the Tubes Also Salena Zito’s Big Miss about Pennsylvania’s Midterms Don't forget The Lightning Brief!  […]

today05/24/2022 25

Domestic Terrorism Act

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – That Didn’t Take Long: The Domestic Terrorism Act Is Now A Thing

The Barrett Brief - That Didn't Take Long: The Domestic Terrorism Act Is Now A Thing  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First That Didn't Take Long: The Domestic Terrorism Act Is Now A Thing  Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Alex Deise from FreedomWorks stops by  Third Mastercard introduces controversial biometric payments that require a face scan Also ‘Summer of Rage’ over babies […]

today05/20/2022 20


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – The COVID Case Calls Are Warming Back Up

The Barrett Brief - The COVID Case Calls Are Warming Back Up  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First The COVID Case Calls Are Warming Back Up  Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Christopher Laurence stops by  Third The Washington Post Shocked To Find Most Video Game Companies Want To Stay Out Of Roe v. Wade Abortion Debate Also Price Controls Are Coming, Then […]

today05/19/2022 44

Satanic Temple

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Know Your Enemy: Satanic Temple To Argue For Abortion Post Roe

The Barrett Brief - Know Your Enemy: Satanic Temple To Argue For Abortion Post Roe  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Satanic Temple To Argue For Abortion Post Roe  Second The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check Next Mahgdalen Rose stops by  Third CA Bill Amended to ‘Immediately’ Impose Handgun Excise Tax Also Confirmed: Protesters at SCOTUS Justices' Homes Can Be Imprisoned Under Federal Law Don't forget […]

today05/10/2022 21