
115 Results / Page 8 of 13



Episode 101: Discovering America’s Catholic Heritage, Part II. Guest: Adam Miller

Mandeville, LA – Show 101 debuts on November 8, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Discovering America's Catholic Heritage, Part II and my guest is Adam Miller. Listen now! (link will go live Wednesday night) Discovering a Lost Heritage: The Catholic Origins of America — book by Adam Miller Book Review: Discovering a Lost Heritage: […]

today11/08/2017 43


Happy 100 Episode Birthday To ReConquest Radio & Brother André Marie!

Mandeville, LA - Tonight at 07:00 P.M. CST, we will be broadcasting the 100th episode of Brother André Maire's ReConquest Radio! The show debuted on Wednesday, December 09, 2015 immediately following a LIVE discussion of Philosophia Perennis with True Money Show host David Simpson and I. That first episode featured the ReConquest mission statement and special guest Charles Coulombe. Tonight, we honor Brother André's signal achievement of presenting 100 episodes […]

today11/01/2017 12

Holy Family


Reconquest Episode 98: A Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail. Guest: Charles Coulombe

  Get the SBC CONFERENCE recordings on downloadable MP3’s or in the hard media of CD’s or DVD’s. Mandeville, LA – Our ninety-eighth show debuts on October 18, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is A Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, and my guest is Charles Coulombe. Precious Blood, Holy Grail — by Charles Coulombe at  Holy Chalice — […]

today10/18/2017 34


Reconquest Episode 97: As It Is in Heaven. Guest: Gary Potter

Get the SBC CONFERENCE recordings on downloadable MP3’s or in the hard media of CD’s or DVD’s. Mandeville, LA – Our ninety-seventh show debuts on October 11, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is As It Is in Heaven, and my guest is Gary Potter. As It Is In Heaven: Christian Living and Social Order — book by Gary […]

today10/11/2017 21

The Mike Church Show

Reconquest Episode 96: Amazing Grace

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-fourth show debuts on October 4, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Amazing Grace. Grace and the “Problem” of Man’s Desire for God — by Brother André Marie at  We Need Grace! — by Brother André Marie at  Catholics, […]

today10/04/2017 19


Reconquest Episode 94: Concerning Vows and Oaths

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-fourth show debuts on September 20, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Is Happiness Selfish? The Vows and Oaths of Christendom — by Brother André Marie at  St. Louis Marie and Baptism — by Brother André Marie at  Westminster Abbey […]

today09/20/2017 64


Reconquest Episode 93: Is Happiness Selfish?

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-third show debuts on September 13, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Is Happiness Selfish? Ayn Rand, Conservatism’s Favorite Philosopher — by Gary Potter at  The Discovery of Ethics: Aristotle  — chapter three of Moral Philosophy, by Jacques Maritain, […]

today09/13/2017 12


Reconquest Episode 92: Hispanidad and Sacral Societies. Guest: Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-second show debuts on September 6, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Hispanidad and Sacral Societies. My guest is Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen. Spain and Carlism — excerpt from a doctoral dissertation by Mark Popowski with references to "Hispanidad." Search […]

today09/06/2017 181


Reconquest Episode 90: Triumphalism, Virtue, and Peace

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninetieth show debuts on August 23, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Triumphalism, Virtue, and Peace. In Praise of Triumphalism — by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., at  Meekness Is Strength — by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., at  The Psychological and Spiritual Effects […]

today08/23/2017 39