You Gotta Be Kiddin Me

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The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- America, The Legion of the Lawless

The Barrett Brief - America, The Legion of the Lawless Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First, America, The Legion of the Lawless  na Second latest headlines form Reuters & Just The News   Third, Ted Harvey of the Committee To Defend the POTUS, joins us.  Also The Moral and Intellectual Collapse of America’s Political Parties As well as Mericans reject impeachment  Third Whitlock: Ignoring the concerns of Trump […]

today01/12/2021 14

Utah Reservoir

Car Rolls Into Utah Reservoir While Owner Snaps Photos

Car rolls into Utah reservoir while owner snaps photos Via UPI: Authorities in Utah shared photos of a car that "decided to go for a swim" when its owner got out of the vehicle to take some photos next to a reservoir. Wasatch County Search and Rescue said the owner of the car had pulled the vehicle onto the ramp at the Deer Creek Reservoir in Deer Creek State Park […]

today10/01/2020 22


General Mills Is Releasing ‘Elf’ Cereal For The Holidays

General Mills Is Releasing 'Elf' Cereal For The Holidays Via Best Product: The moment Thanksgiving is over, it’s Christmas movies, Christmas movies, and more Christmas movies. Elf was released in 2003 and has earned its spot in our regular viewing rotation during the holiday season. The beloved movie is now a cereal, thanks to General Mills, and only cotton-headed ninny muggins won’t be trying it. According to Buddy the Elf, […]

today09/30/2020 13

Meghan Markle


The Barrett Brief – Meghan Markle And The True Face Of Feminism

Meghan Markle And The True Face Of Feminism Here is what is happening today in the Brief. Meghan Markle demonstrates the true face of feminism. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know. Third, we go across the interwebs. Equally important unanswered questions about the deadly plane crash in Iran. Likewise U.S. Army Alert: You Are Not Being Drafted. As well as Cuomo pledges to legalize marijuana in New York […]

today01/09/2020 32



The Barrett Brief – Tehran Strikes Back With More Bark Than Bite

Tehran Strikes Back With More Bark Than Bite Here is what is happening today in the Brief. Tehran has launched their response and it seems to be more bark than bite. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know. Third, we go across the interwebs. Equally important Australian Police Catch Two Dozen Alleged Firestarters as Bushfires Burn. Meanwhile Trump and Bloomberg to face off in dueling multi-million dollar Super Bowl […]

today01/08/2020 23



The Barrett Brief – Iran, Impeachment & Iowa Oh My!

Iran, Impeachment & Iowa Oh My! Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Iran, Impeachment & Iowa..Oh My! Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know. Third, we go across the interwebs. Equally important Facebook to remove deepfake videos in run-up to 2020 U.S. election, U.S. Forces Preparing Rapid Withdrawal Out Of Iraq & Don Jr. Sports ‘Crusader’ Rifle. Additionally 10 Tech Trends To Watch At CES […]

today01/07/2020 14

Ricky Gervasis


The Barrett Brief – Hollywood Really Needs To Take Ricky Gervais Advice

Hollywood Really Needs To Take Ricky Gervais Advice Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First, Hollywood really needs to take Ricky Gervais advice. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know. Third, we go across the interwebs. Equally important Are Targeted Drone Strikes Allowed Under Just-War Theory?  Additionally Cities move to ban dollar stores, blaming them for residents’ poor diets. Plus 10 Tech Trends To Watch At […]

today01/06/2020 48

Greta Thunberg

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Greta Thunberg Continues The Anti-Trump Award Streak

Greta Thunberg Continues The Anti-Trump Award Streak Here is what is happening in the Brief. First, Greta Thunberg continues the medias push to normalize radicalism. Second, What The AP Wants You To Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. Equally Important is that "The Gun Sanctuary Movement Is Exploding" & Slate isn't happy. Additionally, University of Phoenix agrees to eliminate student debt, Krispy Kreme Is Giving Out $1 Dozens & […]

today12/12/2019 18