The Breakdown: #FreakyFriday Edition – Kayleigh McEnany Scorches Reporters, and Your Kids Dolls Are Grooming Them

today10/02/2020 13

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#FreakyFriday Edition – Kayleigh McEnany Scorches Reporters, and Your Kids Dolls Are Grooming Them

President Trump and Melania Test Positive for COVID-19 – So?

Many are up in arms about President and First Lady Trump having tested positive for COVID-19.  But all they need to do is get on the Zelenko Protocol:

“My name is Dr. Zev Zelenko and I practice medicine in Monroe, NY. For the last 16 years, I have cared for approximately 75 percent of the adult population of Kiryas Joel, which is a very close-knit community of approximately 35,000 people in which the infection spreads rapidly and unchecked prior to the imposition of social distancing.

“As of today my team has tested approximately 200 people from this community for COVID-19, and 65 percent of the results have been positive. If extrapolated to the entire community, that means more than 20,000 people are infected at the present time. Of this group, I estimate that there are 1,500 patients who are in the high-risk category (i.e. >60, immunocompromised, comorbidities, etc).

“Given the urgency of the situation, I developed the following treatment protocol in the pre-hospital setting and have seen only positive results:

1. Any patient with shortness of breath regardless of age is treated.

2. Any patient in the high-risk category even with just mild symptoms is treated.

3. Young, healthy and low-risk patients even with symptoms are not treated (unless their circumstances change and they fall into category 1 or 2).

“My out-patient treatment regimen is as follows:

1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for five days.

2. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for five days.

3. Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for five days.

“The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with a recent study published from France (cites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well-tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.

Read more…

Kayleigh McEnany Is The Scourge Of Lying Mainstream Media Lackeys

Kayleigh McEnany scorched John Roberts – the Faux News reporter – at the press conference yesterday.  

She then followed up on Twitter by shoving his own wife’s reporting in his face!

But we’ve seen this all before!  Trump has denounced racism and has for years:

They media must keep this in your face.  Whenever they demand that he denounces it, they want him to do so.  It’s like a sick parlor trick with a pony.  A “one trick pony president.”

Here is why they need him to be branded as a racist.  This election is so close, it is so tight, that the black vote is going to make this decision.

‘Jesus Is Lord’ Was Trending On Twitter – The Same Day Gov. Andy Beshear Made A Blasphemous Statement

Savannah Maddox calls out Andy Beshear for his intolerant and blasphemous statement:

It was interesting that the very scripture from which the “Jesus is Lord” statement came, is the very text that also supports (secondarily) the fact that Jesus was a man.

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.  Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” Philippians 2:5-11

The key word on which to focus would be “equal.”  The Greek word brings with it the meaning that a subject is “equal in quality, quantity and to claim for one’s self the nature, rank, authority, which belong to God” (Source:  Blue Letter Bible).  Not to mention that Jesus is repeatedly referred to as “Son” and “He” throughout the entirety of scripture.  But we should trust Andy Beshear’s incredibly lacking liberal theology.

Finally – A Little #FreakyFriday Action

We know through observation that pedo rings are being busted around the world on the daily.  With some many children being trafficked, we have to ask ourselves where they come from and how they are obtained.  For years The Breakdown has been covering the grooming of our children for occultic Satan worship via television, movies, books, and toys.  The new L.O.L. Dolls are no exception.

Something is Terribly Wrong With L.O.L Dolls may be the most disturbing story you read today…and for some time.


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Written by: Aaron B

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