The #DontBanEquality Abortion Ad Is Proof That Demons Inspire Infanticidal Maniacs – The Mike Church Show

today06/12/2019 15

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
11:02pm cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Twitter And Social Media

  • I must reiterate gain, Twitter is NOT reality!
  • You can lose your job over a Tweet, but it isn’t reality. It isn’t real life.
  • There is nothing ‘gay’ about sodomites engaging in sodomy.
  • Anyone that is capable of committing an act of sodomy, that is a serious mental sexual dysphoria. 
  • I didn’t say all homosexuals are pedophiles, I said they all have the ‘tendency’ to do that.

HEADLINE: Botswana just legalized homosexuality & the country is celebrating by Alex Bollinger






 HEADLINE: CEOs for Abortion by Rich Lowry

  • #DontBanEquality
  • There is no logical business base explanation for this!
  • These CEO’s are wicked people. They are trying to sell, soon to be born customers, are better off dead.
  • Explain this to me? How is it beneficial to kill your future customers?
  • QUESTION: Who is the enemy of God?
  • AUDIO: A Form of Killing We Need to be Able to Defend


HEADLINE: Bills to Decriminalize Prostitution Are Introduced. Is New York Ready? by Jesse McKinley 

  • If I can kill my baby b/c it is my body, if I want to charge a man for sex, I should be able to do so.
  • What makes you think war isn’t at the end of this.
  • Look at WWI millions of men killed above the trenches. Not one of the Generals decided to configure another method of war. They just continued to send men up and over knowing they were going to be mowed down.


BACK TO HEADLINE: CEO’s for Abortion

“The CEO ad is another sign that the debate over abortion has entered a new phase. It isn’t enough to say that abortion should be safe, legal and rare, the old Bill Clinton formulation, because that implies a moral disapproval. Now, abortion is a positive good. A stance that used to be limited to the fringes is mainstream enough that CEOs are willing to sign up for it.” – Rich Lowry

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12:04pm cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
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Conversation in White House – 

  • Trump meets with Polish President Duda.
  • We all know and have heard now what is going on in Poland. There is a Catholic revival of sorts.
  • No I don’t believe that President Trump is a Catholic but there is a Fatima statue in the White House and we know that Melania Trump is praying the rosary so I am hopeful there are graces and good things going on in the White House.
 Mike Reads From The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger














 Special Guest Brother Andre Marie host of ReConquest

Follow Brother Andre here: @Brother_Andre

Contact Brother Andre here: [email protected]

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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
1:20pm cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at

















Special Guest Wade Razzi professor at American College of Building Arts in SC

  • Rebuilding of Notre Dame Cathedral – my students could assist in the rebuilding. There aren’t many people that can do so. We have a graduate that is actually working on the project now. 
  • That 5 year timeline that the Mayor was talking about is simply unrealistic. You cannot even get the beams cut within 5 years much less have the whole thing replaced.
  • We have 3 students coming in this summer to do plaster.
  • Here is the website –
  • We had 3 students Bachelor degrees and 3 Masters so there is hope for humanity.
  • REAL Summer Jobs – Summer externships 
  • We have students in England doing some work, at Lincoln Cathedral, and one working on a major restoration of Mt. Vernon.
  • We have more request for students to be interns than we have students.
  • We have requests for: Plaster is the MAIN need currently most of the people that do this are retirement age. Timber carpenters and framers is the next biggest.
  • Timber Framing – goes back to the medieval period. It consists of joining wood together without nails. Advantage to this, it is much more durable, stable way of doing things. 7 story timber frame building approval in Seattle. It has the same fire rating as iron! It has more give and flexibility for earthquakes and things of that nature.
  • The most difficult part is the pitch in the roof. The roof is always the hardest part when doing timber framing. 
  • Here is where we cross the line of convenience and desire for modern way of things.
  • Drawing and Drafting class – drawing a series of squares w/ lines at measured intervals. Each box must have a different tip/thickness etc.
  • We ask our kids to determine what they want to do w/ the rest of their lives w/o having done any of those jobs prior to declaring their major. How do they know they want to do that ONE thing, if they have never been given the chance to do it?
  • VIDEO: Thomas Massie from Kentucky 4th district – he is a timber framer

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Meta-tags for show

 St. Benedict Center, Brother Andre Marie, Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles, Holy Ghost, Dr. Taylor Marshall, Infiltration, Alex Bollinger, Rich Lowry, LGBTQ, homosexuality, Jesse McKinley, abortion, President Trump, Poland President, Dom Prosper Guéranger, Wade Razzi, American College of Building Arts, Thomas Massie, timber framer

Written by: candacechurch

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