The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-Medicine Gets It Wrong Again, Food And Water Are Basic Care

today07/23/2024 10

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Once again Doctors are wrong.  In their attempt to persuade families to pull the plug, they refer to food and hydration as medical care.  Fiorella says this definition of medical care is rubbish. Food and water are necessary for us to live, and by deeming them as medical care so the hospital can free up a bed is nonsense.  Fiorella cites the story of a Texas family that wants to pull the plug on their daughter. If this family allows this hospital to pull the plug, they will be murdering a poor young girl. They would also subject this poor young girl to one of the most grotesque ways to die.  Tune into this episode of the Mid-Day Show to see why medicine gets it wrong…again. 


Written by: jadechampagne