The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-A New Confederacy Begins To Take Shape From Texas

today01/26/2024 229 1

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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24mUnion of States

  • When one state in the Union is invaded, suffering or under duress, this is what a Union would actually look like.
  • The Biden Regime is actually uniting the states in the union.
  • He is effectively uniting ‘We the People’ against the government.
  • Most Americans have had it w/ the illegal immigration. 
  • What is it that is uniting all 25 of those states?
  • People are finding common ground in the unlikeliest of places.

HEADLINE: Republican Governors Band Together, Issue Joint Statement Supporting Texas’ Constitutional Right to Self-Defense by Republican Governors Association 

 HEADLINE: Biden Administration to ‘Forgive’ Another $4.9 Billion in Student Loan Debt by Mike LaChance 




HEADLINE: The Meaning of Invasion Under The Compact Clause Of The U.S. Constitution by Joshua Trevino 

  • This should have happened two years ago w/ Governor Abbott but better late than never I suppose.

The History of the term Invasion – The word “invade” as used in the Constitution has never been defined by the Supreme Court (or any other federal court), but there is a wealth of material by which we can come to grips with its original public meaning.

  • What is an act of piracy?
  • Trespass and Enmity 
  • So an act of piracy is considered an invasion.
  • If they intend to sell things that can kill people, that is enmity. 
  • If you intend to go to work and deprive a Texas citizen his opportunity to that same work, and the illegal takes that b/c he will do it against the law for cash and no taxes…that is enmity. 
  • The intent to work against a law of the United States is enmity.
  • If you can define trespass and enmity then a. The Federal government MUST react and move to defend the invasion or b. Article 1 Section 10 comes into play.
  • Border Patrol has been told to remove the razor wire.
  • People assume that standing up to the Federal Government means Civil War. But that’s just because Lincoln and our public schools have indoctrinated us to think that. The Feds can back down, and they will if they have little support from the other States and the people.
 Subject: The United States is Facing a New and Imminent Danger

Former Senior Executives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation – pen a letter to Homeland Security.

YESTERDAY’S interview w/ Dr Kevin Gutzman – 

  • There is nothing in the Constitution on this because the Founders never considered a time when a President wouldn’t care about the border of the country.
  • You’d have to take Biden and Harris out at the same time, impeachment wise…not violent wise.
  • So they know there are violent people that have crosse our border.
  • How did Hamas get in Israel? 
  • They were let in!
  • See anything familiar with the two situations?
  • We are at an elevated threat level.
  • So what does our Federal Government think they are going to get out of this?
  • This is perilous, this isn’t a joking matter.
  • What are we going to do about the criminals all over our country? 
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

















AUDIO/VIDEO: The Hard Country w/ Joshua Trevino, Texas Public Policy Foundation – The Crisis is Here  

The War of Northern Aggression – the North was brainwashed into thinking that all Southerners were slave owners and that wasn’t the case.

Vietnam War – they convinced the young American men that they were simply shooting at apes.

  • This is important because the LibTard left has been succesful in convincing numerical numbers that you and I aren’t humans.
  • They are humanitarian but they don’t mind killing babies b/c they feel the young woman is more important.
  • They believe it is inhumane to be pro-life.
  • Have we always been in a sort of Civil War and we just didn’t know it until Texas?
  • Some in the Democratic states think that Texas needs to just stand down and allow this to happen to them. 
  • Anyone that thinks like this, what makes them different from the invader? 
  • What if the Biden Regime is ultimately undone by something they thought would benefit them? 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dan Patrick TX Lieutenant GovernorAll of America already knows that the Biden administration will attack a state that is just trying to protect itself and protect the lives of Texans. We aren’t looking for a confrontation, we are looking for them to do their damn job.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Greg Abbott on Securing the Border Because the Biden administration has abdicated his duty to secure the border, Texas is simply…securing the border. Texas has a right as a state, to stop entry of criminals into our states. We will continue to hold the line. Joe Biden’s option is to enforce the laws of the United States and stop this illegal entry.

Crusader Stadium Chatroom Question: Did the average Roman citizen try to stop the illegal invasion from the Vandals that was orchestrated by the Roman government?  That would be interesting to know.

  • I believe most of the Roman Legion was in England at that time, they were dispersed all throughout the empire.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Black Citizens of Chicago on Border CrisisHow you gonna’ let these newcomers come up in this country and get better treatment than us who pay taxes? You think you gonna’ have a peaceful Dem Convention here while our people are starving….stay tuned!















HEADLINE: Mitch McConnell Tried To Bait-And-Switch Americans On Behalf of Ukraine And Biden. It’s Not Trump’s Fault He Failed. by Eddie Scarry

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Josh Hawley on Border PolicyThe law hasn’t changed since Donald Trump was president. The only thing that’s changed is Joe Biden, the border is open because he wants the border open.

  • So if NO LAW has changed, then what precisely changed at the border?
  • Well there is a new Sheriff in town that doesn’t want to enforce those border laws.
  • This happens in our country all the time.
  • You will get Executives that will chose not to enforce something.
  • Notice the Governors in Arizona and California just don’t care about this border issue.
  • So why are the cartels being told to cross in Texas and NOT Arizona?
  • QUESTION: What are most wars fought over?
  • ANSWER: Land
  • Does the invading force want the land or does the governing party want the land?
  • If we just stick w/ the facts, it seems to me this is a war-like action. 
  • So now the US Military, that is completely depleted of good manly men, does Biden now have the force he has always wanted?
  • A force that is willing to turn its weapons on other American citizens?
  • Nothing good is going to become of this.
  • The WWII generation was screwed up in the head after.
  • Anyone that sees war is effected greatly.
  • Let’s talk American History for a minute – 
  • Did the British King at the time have enough people in the American Colonies to put down the ‘Rebel in Arms’?
  • QUESTION: Did they have the military manpower to fight and win the Revolutionary War?
  • ANSWER: No
  • King George III sent an Emissary to the King of Prussia to obtain his army for hire.
  • In 1776 that was a massive for hire army.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Gavin Newsom on the BorderThe GOP are pathetically weak and are nothing but complete frauds. They only care about winning for winning sake and that is shameful. They don’t want to touch this border.
 Donald Trump on Truth Social – When I was President, we had the most secure border in history. Joe Biden has surrounded our Border, and is aiding and abetting a massive invasion of millions of illegal migrants into the United States. Instead of fighting to protect our country from this onslaught, Biden is, unbelievably fighting to tie the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, so that the invasion continues unchecked. 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 


Sexual Predators

  • They are habitual predators, they cannot be cured, they cannot be rehabilitated. 
  • Same goes with people that accuse others of rape that didn’t happen.
  • This is completely unacceptable in our Judicial System.
  • In the United States we have a conviction system.
  • Speaking of Donald Trump the rape accusation by that weirdo woman.

Richard Barrett

Follow Richard on Twitter – @ElArmedCAtholic

  • Former Vets and from what they tell me, that wouldn’t go over well if the Feds decided to attempt to Federalize their State Guard.
  • They are shocked that Governor Abbott is actually doing this, the right thing.
  • We have an understanding of how important this is.
  • This could be considered a ‘watershed’ moment.
  • 25 states banning together to push back on the Federal Government to have a duty to protect us the citizens of this United States of America.
  • There isn’t one Executive in our lifetime that has used the word COMPACT to describe the Constitution. 
  • TEXIT – will it hit the ballot now?
  • I think they have all the momentum to do it now.
  • NOW is the time. 
  • Texas will be in session in 2025 they are NOT in session at this moment.
  • San Antonio is an absolute disaster.
















Mahgdalen Rose

Political Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on Twitter – 

  • There are a lot of donors breaking away from Nikki Haley now.
  • She didn’t have an ideological string in w/ her donors.
  • It was an odd coalition of donors unlike Trump.
  • Trump said if you aren’t in the MAGA camp, I don’t want your money.
  • His last run he went with any and all money.
  • This go around the LOYALTY is more important to him.
  • So then the logical choice is NOT Ron DeSantis b/c he wasn’t loyal to Trump at all.
  • Dr Ben Carson – he isn’t a Governor, he is a private sector individual so why would he get involved in the primaries?
  • He is saying you are out of ALL of it, if you are in w/ Nikki Haley – if you are in her camp, Trump is going to blackball all of you!
  • He has such a diehard base, he will have many people to fill the positions he needs.
  • 25 Governors – take those states and remove them from the Biden side, Trump is going to win them hands down.
  • The problem Biden has is this is a REAL issue.
  • When people walk around and see these homeless encampments everywhere, it is in Americans face.
  • The young liberals are proud of what Biden is doing.
  • His one accomplishment in the eyes of the young, everyone else in the country hates it so he won’t be able to campaign on it.
  • If he did, he will sink his campaign and never be re-elected.
  • Boys were blamed for everything in school and young girls were praised for everything they did.
  • Young men were getting angrier and young women became even more imprisoned in their ideology they are always right.
  • The TEACHERS did this, the American education system did this.
  • Young men were always the problem and they needed to be ‘cured’ of their toxic masculinity and young women just needed to be ‘freed’. 
  • This is why you see the explosion of dog babies for women and young men accumulating wealth via Bitcoin or whatever b/c they won’t marry a woman that hates everything they are!
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Meta-tags for showMahgdalen Rose, Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Joe Biden, Nikki Haley, San Antonio, Texas, Southern border, border crisis, illegal immigration, Border Patrol, Federal Government, invasion, Richard Barrett, Mike LaChance, MAGA, Governor Gavin Newsom, Governor Jeff Landry, Governor Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Dr Kevin Gutzman, Rep Josh Hawley, Joshua Trevino, student loan debt, Governor Ron DeSantis, GOP, Chicago, Democratic convention

Written by: candacechurch