The Mike Church Show-America Needs Her Saints To Go Marching In

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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20mWho Is Running The Country?

  • Kamala is traveling all over the country campaigning, Joe Biden can’t put two sentences together and Jill is being her pedo self in her panda costume.
  • How in the hell outside of hell do you get elected on what Kamala is running on?
  • Trump is up 78 – 15 in Alabama. 
  • Early voting is in, most has ended or will end today.
  • The Republican party as a whole has clobbered the Democratic party.
  • Normally, historically the Democrats clobber the Republicans on early voting and mailing ballots.
  • If you go to Google and search for the Search terms Trump and then for Kamala you will get some amazing results. 
  • The result will show you Trump searches lead in every single state in this Union.
  • He has launched a $10 billion lawsuit.




HEADLINE: Trump sues CBS News over 60 Minutes interview with Harris; network says suit is “completely without merit” via CBS News 

  • The lawsuit, which comes just days before the two candidates face off in the 2024 presidential election, centers on two clips of an October interview 60 Minutes conducted with Harris. One of the clips was edited to include a longer section of her response to a question about the conflict in the Middle East. Trump’s lawsuit contends this editing decision was meant to intentionally assist his opponent and mislead the public, something CBS News has disputed.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris on CBS 60 MinutesActual answer vs edited/aired answer.

  • She got a do over.
  • This isn’t fair, you presented it as though this was her star spangled awesome answer.
  • The first go around she didn’t answer the question. 
  • Why is this even an issue here?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


Who won the mock election Maine School Mock Election?

HEADLINE: Trump wins student mock election in Maine by Randy Billings

  • Trump won 52% of the vote.
  • Kamala won 41% of the vote.
  • Where are these kids getting their opinions and views from?
  • Most kids will hear their parents talking politics at some point right?
  • Most kids however all own a smartphone.
  • They are getting their information from social media and friends.
  • Trump is winning the marketing campaign is my point.
  • Name the day Kamala ruled the news cycle?
49mAUDIO/VIDEO: College Women Debating Women’s Mental Health 

  • My daughter was on SSRI’s and she had to DETOX from the medication.
  • She couldn’t leave the bed for 2 solid days.
  • How is something like that good for you?
  • Young kids are waking up. 
  • They are realizing they have been lied to by us!
  • It isn’t fun to get out into the workforce and work 12 hours a day and have zero family.
  • There is a political realignment. 
  • If I’m wrong this will be the biggest political blunder I have ever had in my radio career.
  • It began in 2016, it was thwarted in 2020…let’s clarify…
  • We oppose almost everything Trump allowed Pence to convince him to do.
  • We opposed masks, Operation Warp Drive, 6ft apart, we opposed all of that.
  • He shouldn’t have signed the $2 trillion slush fund b/c Congress didn’t even have a recorded vote.
  • Remember Thomas Massie said they weren’t even doing a roll call? 
  • I think he has learned a lot of lessons and there will be other errors.
  • No one is perfect.

AUDIO: Rep Thomas Massie – COVID $2 trillion payout PPE

  • This was a grift, the greatest grift in world history.
  • Thomas Massie was the only one to speak out against it.
  • This began the stimulus checks.
  • It was an awful thing that happened and Trump signed off on it.
  • He should have just said no, lets just open the economy back up.
  • Some of this was Trumps doing and he should be asked about it.
  • That was all DEBT and that started and began the inflation.
  • That started all of this and we have to be honest about that.
 Mark Cuban Blunder

  • Let’s say it is against Mark Cuban vs Elon Musk.
  • Who wins that battle?
  • Who is still employing thousands of people? 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders – Mark Cuban – Mark just said there are no strong intelligent women around President Trump. It is a disgusting lie and pretty funny coming from Democrats who can’t even tell you what a woman is. I worked w/ President Trump for 2 1/2 years and Democrats tried to tear me down. President Trump empowered me and other American women. 

  • They were so cruel and terrible to her when she was Press Secretary. 
  • The Democrats are acting as if the only issue that women care about is abortion.
  • There is so much more women care about like safety.
  • They want to walk around the town and not fear about being murdered or raped by an illegal.
  • They care about the economy.
  • They are typically the ones that buy the groceries so they know.
  • You don’t plan for what you are going to do to make something happen.
  • The key part of recursive business planning is you set a goal of lets say we are going to Mars.
  • So you put down how would or what could cause you to fail.
  • Things that would END your project. 
  • Identify what they are and make a business plan on avoiding those things.
  • I bet Elon was counseling them on recursive planning.
  • Joe Biden and Mark Cuban both came w/ an October surprise but it hurt Kamala their own candidate.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Nicole Shanahan at Trump & Tucker EventCasts her ballot in real time for Donald J Trump.

7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at











Latest Jobs Report

  • 4.1% supposedly the Biden economy is just humming along.
  • What do you guys see with your own eyes?
  • Recessions of the past – 
  • 15.4 million jobs were created in Regans legacy.

HEADLINE: Volcker and the Reagan Legacy by Brian Domitrovic

  • When Reagan became president in 1981, Volcker kept plugging away at all his tightening maneuvers. Reagan was content to let him go, even as it became apparent that Volcker might get too tight. For Reagan was introducing a transformational policy reform on the fiscal side: marginal tax cuts.
  • Beginning in October 1981, and coming about every six months after that for the next two years, each rate of the income tax got cut. In October, rates went down by 1%, in January another 9%, in July another 5%, with more cuts the next year. Inflation had been continuing at its double-digit level through the first two-thirds of 1981, but then it suddenly fell by more than half as the year came to a close – exactly when the sequence of tax cuts started. In 1982, inflation was half the average level of the previous three years, and in 1983 it collapsed all the way to 3%, where it would roughly stay for a generation. The “Great Inflation” of 1973-1981 was a thing of the past.
  • The difference was not Fed policy – that had remained unchanged throughout the transition. The difference was fiscal policy. Marginal tax cuts raised the after-tax return on economic activity, getting people more interested in conducting that activity. This required more money. Real demand for money spiked enormously given the Reagan tax cuts. This enabled the Fed to supply money that actually was doing something economically outside of feeding the price level. 
  • I lived through this guys.
1h51mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at Trump & Tucker EventDick Cheney’s daughter is a very dumb individual. She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her w/ a rifle standing there w/ 9 barely shooting at her, let’s see how she feels about it when the guns trained on her face. They’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying Oh gee lets send 10,000 troops into the mouths of the enemies.

  • She is now making the MSM rounds saying this was a thinly veiled threat on her life.
  • That somehow Trump saying she doesn’t mind sending young men and women into war a threat on her life?!


AUDIO/VIDEO: Tim Walz in PhiladelphiaLet’s reset this thing, 4 years ago we lost 2.7 million jobs. Unemployment was way up and Donald Trump had so badly botched the COVID pandemic we were out there fighting w/ our neighbors to get toilet paper. That’s the Trump economy. So look if you are a billionaire like his good buddy Elon Musk things were really good the rest of us got screwed.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tim Walz in PhiladelphiaJD Vance and Donald Trump know nothing about working class people other than how to take advantage of them. About manufacturing they know nothing, the only thing these guys manufacture is bullshit on a daily basis. The reason their closing arguments, they never talk about you he only talks about himself b/c that is the only thing he is concerned about. 

  • I am so tired of this slander.
  • How many military families have you visited Tim?
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 Jobs Numbers 

Dismal jobs report released showing the U.S. added just 12,000 jobs in October, falling well short of economist estimates of 110,000. 46,000 manufacturing jobs were reportedly lost. October was the worst month of job growth in nearly four years. “The government revised August and September nonfarm payroll estimates down by 112,000, indicating weaker labor market expansion at the end of summer than previously reported,” Forbes reports.



Jim Jones 

HEADLINE: What’s Behind Kamala Harris’ Connection To A Mass Murdering Cult Leader? by Paul Siewers

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr at Trump & Tucker Event I pray every single morning for about 30 minutes each morning. My prayer is this, I asked God for 19 years to put me in a position to help end the chronic disease issues and help children and in August God sent me Donald Trump. 



Don from the Bronx

Cultural Affairs Correspondent 


Mahgdalen Rose 

Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • We have been saying this for weeks there is an opportunity for Catholics to have a voice in this administration.
  • We have to turnout on these state amendments. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Six Female Athletes from University of Nebraska appear in pro-life, pro-child, pro-woman ad supporting Initiative 434 in Nebraska.

  • This has become a permanent political issue for Riley Gaines.
  • She didn’t just come out and say well its bad and leave the forefront.
  • She is campaigning on this on all fronts.
  • This is what you expect to see in a political shift year election.
  • This is a complete shift and a lot has changed in 8 years and heck even 4 years ago.
  • Living through COVID, going through HS and College and especially young men.
  • They are waking up to how the left see them and treat them and they’ve had enough.
  • I keep hearing from the youth I’d rather be on Trump’s team than Kamala’s team.
  • Kamala Harris simply isn’t putting in the work and Donald Trump is.
  • She says she has digital directors but they were not ready for Prime Time.
  • She didn’t realize her own team wasn’t ready and Biden’s team is NOT assisting them.
  • So she is running this all on her own and the lack of experience is coming through.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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HEADLINE: What’s Behind Kamala Harris’ Connection To A Mass Murdering Cult Leader? by Paul Siewers 

Amid all the self-willed identity power, where is loving our neighbor more than oneself in Christ? In The Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn summed up three basic principles of Bolshevik atheism that oddly mesh with the self-assertion of today’s globalizing ethos: 

  1. Survive at any price. The ends justify the means, even the death of others.
  2. Only material results matter. Two wrongs can make a right.
  3. Adherence to the “permanent lie.” Don’t disturb the virtual reality in which we all supposedly must swim, lest you disturb your career and loved ones.
  • Scarily, these rules guide today’s civil religion under the banners of social justice and careerism. In them, “love is love” flatlines as self-love, as the revolution has become live-streamed.













Cultural Affairs Correspondent 

  • States moving more Republican or less Democratic.
  • It is better to go after your base of unreliable voters.
  • Go after them and get them to vote.
  • In Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania – the mail in ballot voting is down in all of these places.
  • Most of the fraud was done w/ mail in ballots in 2020.
  • Men wait til the last minute to do anything.
  • So right now, everything looks good in the breakdown of who is voting.
  • But a gap 10-12 of men to women in all swing states.
  • But…men do wait until the last minute so we are hitting the pavement to make sure they get out and vote.
  • We have been saying this election will be won or lost on the back of men.
  • What are you waiting for men?

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on w/ Joe Rogan – Religion v Wokism – I wouldn’t be surprised if me and Trump won just the normal gay guy vote, b/c again they just wanted to be left the hell alone, and now you have all this crazy stuff on top of it that they didn’t want to see like transgenderism and pharmaceutical drugs to teenagers.

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: Justin Redman