The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Conservatism Inc. Loses The House Of Representing’ As Mordor Rages

today10/04/2023 224 3

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Speaker McCarthy Is Ousted

  • Rep Matt Gaetz successfully ousted the speaker.
  • The interim speaker is Rep McHenry. 
  • What are some of the names being thrown out there for replacement?
  • Donald Trump was one.
  • Did you know the speaker doesn’t have to be a member of Congress?
  • It only says they will ‘choose’ a speaker.
  • They do not have to choose from among themselves. 
  • The other interesting part is….should Trump be elected, what if the HOR selects him, he accepts?
  • He is 2 bullets away from being President again. 
  • So why did the Democrats go along w/ Matt Gaetz?
  • He said ‘we won’t be doing business as usual’.
  • They LOVE business as usual so why would they back Gaetz?
 HEADLINE: Nationwide Alert Will Reach Cellphones, TVs and Radios on Wednesday by Rebecca Carballo 

  • Every television, radio and cellphone in the United States is going to broadcast a message on Wednesday along the lines of: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
  • The test alert will be sent out around 2:20 p.m. Eastern time. The test will be conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, working in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission. 
  • This will be the seventh time that a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System is beamed to radios and televisions.
  • This will be only the second test transmitted to all cellular devices.
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 HEADLINE: Nancy Pelosi is evicted from her private Capitol Hill office by interim House Speaker Patrick McHenry by Keith Griffith 

  • One of interim US House Speaker Patrick McHenry’s first official acts in the temporary role was to oust Nancy Pelosi from her honorary office at the Capitol, while she was away in California to pay tribute to late Senator Dianne Feinstein. 
  • Although McHenry will only lead the House until a replacement is voted in, he acted swiftly to exercise his new powers by giving Pelosi less than 24 hours to vacate her honorary office.
  • Pelosi blasted the move as ‘a sharp departure from tradition’ in a statement to Politico, adding that she had given former Speaker Dennis Hastert, a Republican, ‘a significantly larger suite of offices for as long as he wished’ during her tenure.
  • FUN FACT: McCarthy holds the ignominious title as the shortest-serving speaker since 1875, and the only one in US history to be voted out of leadership by fellow members.
1h33m5G Nano Transmission

HEADLINE: What You Should Know About Health Impact of Cell Towers by Kate Smith

  • Concerns about radio frequency exposure cannot be addressed locally, with the Federal Communications Commission charged with deciding what levels of exposure are safe and which wireless facilities can be licensed.
  • You are going to start seeing small cellphone repeaters on lampposts. 
  • They won’t be on the tall buildings only.
  • Those nano 5G will be on street signs, etc.
  • Primarily in big cities b/c they don’t have distance but they are very powerful.
  • What are RF waves?
  • Cell towers receive and transmit cell phone signals in the form of RF waves. This type of electromagnetic wave is used for a variety of telecommunication services, including TV and radio. RF waves are also used in microwave ovens and for medical imaging with MRIs.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Emergency Broadcast System (or as they were referred to here, “Emergency Broadcasting System”) that aired on WLS Channel 7. The text was modified somewhat from this 1981 EBS test on WMAQ Channel 

1h44mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz on the floor before the McCarthy voteI don’t think voting agains Speaker McCarthy is chaos, I think $33 trillion in debt is chaos. I think no passing single-subject spending bills is chaos. I thin being governed by continuation resolutions and omnibus bills is chaos. We have been out of compliance w/ budget laws my entire time here.

  • They will continue to run up this debt.
  • There is no indication whatsoever that they will stop spending.
  • They have a printing press and they seem to just not care.
2h02mAUDIO/VIDEO: John Kirby on UkraineSupporting Ukraine strengthens our national security. It’s the right thing to do, not just for the Ukrainian people but foe the American people as well. It sends a strong signal to other would be aggressors. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: John Kirby on UkraineThere is no indication that there has been any kind of widespread corruption or inappropriate use of the US capabilities in Ukraine.

  • If this is true and you really want peace,

QUESTION: What is the objective of a just war?

ANSWER: The restoration of peace.

  • What is the final cause of war?


  • How come we never hear about peace from any of these clowns?
 HEADLINE: All Hail the Uniparty’s Demise by David Stockman 

  • Even more importantly, the collapse of the Ukrainian project triggered by this weekend’s events will baldly expose and blatantly discredit the Big Lie on which the unspeakable destruction and death occasioned by Washington’s proxy war against Russia was predicated. To wit, this ghastly war never, ever had anything remotely to do with America’s homeland safety and security. It was not a 60/40 mistake of policy judgement, but a 100% wrong call—a needless abomination fostered by the Uniparty’s camarilla of warmongers, which infests the highest reaches of power within the entire length and breadth of the beltway.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Newt Gingrich on ousting McCarthyThe 8 Republicans who voted to oust Kevin McCarthy are traitors and they should all be primaries. They should all be driven out of public life, they went to the other team to cause chaos.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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Brother Andre Marie

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Dubia – 

  • Do you think they didn’t release it b/c they didn’t want the big public spectacle? 
  • They didn’t want the media circus.
  • They brought their concerns to the Pope directly, they sought to have things clarified before this synod.
  • Their Dubia was dated back in July.
  • It was dated July 11th and then delivered to them on the 13th.
  • It was worded as Dubia.
  • Dubia is singular and Dubium if plural.
  • It is a standard practice that has gone on for 100’s of years.
  • Bishops can submit questions to the Holy See posed in a certain way to gain clarification on the questions. 
  • Sometimes they will just say in the affirmative or negative.
  • This is a standard forum for doing this.
  • The Pope had a Cardinal reply and it was very verbose and ducked and dodged the actual questions.
  • By the end of it you had no clear answer.
  • So the Bishops resubmitted their Dubia w/ more clear yes or no questions.
  • They sent them on August 21st so a little less than a month after they received the original response. 
  • It is deliberately designed to keep the door open, and this has been the methodology since he began.
  • Here is the doctrine, here is the moral principle…..
  • In the pastoral approach we have to meet people where they are etc….that is what this Pope states often and this is not the way to lead anyone much less the entire Catholic Church.
  • We have 5 Cardinals – 

HEADLINE: Full Text of New Dubia Sent to Francis by Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Sandoval, Sarah, and Zen  

Rephrased – Is it possible that in some circumstances a pastor could bless unions between homosexual persons, thus suggesting that homosexual behavior as such would not be contrary to God’s law and the person’s journey toward God? Linked to this dubium is the need to raise another: does the teaching upheld by the universal ordinary magisterium, that every sexual act outside of marriage, and in particular homosexual acts, constitutes an objectively grave sin against God’s law, regardless of the circumstances in which it takes place and the intention with which it is carried out, continue to be valid? 

  • Yes it is not a customs house but what does that mean?
  • Repentance – 
  • One could read that the idea that the person went to confession, he didn’t say he wouldn’t do it again, but b/c he made the ‘symbolic’ act of confession, I as the confessor would have to give him absolution.
  • That is NOT HOW confession works!
  • In the Act of Contrition the penitent explicitly states he/she hates the sin they committed and to never do it again or to at least try not to do it again.
  • The Priest isn’t infallible when he gives absolution.
  • He may not know if the pennant goes in making a good show of it, you say how sorry you are and you have every intention of doing it again…if the Priest doesn’t know this he can’t be held accountable for it.
  • That would require a very high degree of malice.
 LAURA LOGAN TWEET – To everyone lamenting the messiness of today’s proceedings

  • Do you understand that $33 Tn in debt is a nation ender? That endlessly funding Ukraine in a proxy war against a nuclear power is existential? That the former president is facing 700+ years in prison? That the FBI is hunting you? That they rigged the elections in 2020? That you are being spied on 24/7? That the entire Epstein client list walks free while J6’ers do decades in prison? That your children will never know even a fraction of the freedom you did when you were born? 
  • If you thought today was messy
  • That it was a “set back” 
  • You still don’t understand what time it is. You don’t understand how messy this needs to get if we are to prevail.
3h35mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz on McHenry’s call to not do any business for a weekI was very disappointed that Mr. McHenry said that we won’t be engaging in the people’s work until next Tuesday. We should stay, we should work, we should have the Speaker election this week.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Crime in DC

Peter Doocy – If President Biden’s policies are helping bring crime down, would he be comfortable w/ somebody borrowing this Corvette and parking it on the street overnight in Southeast DC?

Karine Jean-Pierre – I’m not going to get into hypotheticals but I will tell you what this president has done.

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Crime in DC and elsewhere

Peter Doocy – If a member of Congress is not safe on the streets of the nation’s capital, who is?

Karine Jean-Pierre – We understand what communities are going through across the country. 

 TKD Reads from – Action by Jean Ousset 
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Meta-tags for showJean Ousset, Rep Matt Gaetz, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre, crime, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Rep Jim Jordan, FBI, DOJ, House of Representatives, Congress, border, immigration, Rep Nancy Pelosi, Rep McHenry, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Zen, Cardinal Burke, Brother Andre Marie, Wisdom Wednesday, Dubia, Catholic, Newt Gingrich, David Stockman, Emergency Broadcast System, 5G Nano, Rebecca Carballo, Keith Griffith, Kate Smith, John Kirby, Ukraine, Russia 

Written by: candacechurch