The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Demoncrats Haunted By Their Own Demonic Acts

today12/18/2023 213 1

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Have Yourself a Manly and Mary Little Christmas – Caller #2

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 The Winter Solstice

  • The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year,  the Summer Solstice marks the longest period of sunlight. Following the Summer Solstice, the days become increasingly shorter, just as the days become longer after the Winter Solstice. 


HEADLINE: Wow!’: Moment Biden gasps in horror as car smashes into his motorcade before Secret Service bundles him into SUV with the First Lady – and agents swoop on driver outside campaign HQ

  • If that would have been an attempt on Biden’s life it would have been an epic fail.
  • Those Secret Service Agents waited 10 whole seconds before they ushered Biden into the vehicle. 

HEADLINE: Donald Trump Oogles Ring Girl at UFC 296 by TMZ

  • Donald Trump showed up to watch one of the most violent knockouts ever in the UFC, but his attention got diverted by a bikini-clad ring girl.
  • Why do they have ring girls to begin with?
  • Because it is a sport that MEN enjoy so they use these half-naked girls for entertainment.
  • Those ring girls aren’t there b/c they have high SAT scores or b/c they make a damn good sandwich.
 GOP Presidential Candidates 

  • It is disheartening to see how partisan all this is.
  • Do we even have 2 parties anymore?
  • Is there a distinct difference b/w the two?
  • Does either side really care about the border crisis?

  • 40AD 
  • 1,980+ Anniversaries of the Birth of Christ, you’d think we would have it down by now.
  • You know what they did on Saturday in Ireland?
  • They successfully preformed Irelands first 2nd trimester abortion. 
  • What do they mean by ‘successful’? 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.












Reacher TV Series on Amazon 

  • Reacher doesn’t work for an agency.
  • He can and does basically whatever he wants to do.
  • It is a throwback show.
  • Season 1 and Season 2 – both have one episode that has sexual content in it. 
  • All seasons and all episodes have violence in it.
  • He is 6’5” and 250 – and he has NO MUSCLE. 
  • This is old school crime fighting w/ corse language. 
  • This is not G-Men agains the bad guys.
  • These guys are former military against the bad guys.

FBI Office of Diversity and Inclusion – 

Kyle Seraphin Twitter: “The FBI has OFFICIALLY adopted the LGBTQIA+ acronym in place of LGBT+. This change was proposed by Bureau Equality, one of our NINE Diversity Advisory Committees, and approved by FBI Executive Management…”

  • There are 9 new agencies in the FBI specifically designated for diversity and inclusion.
  • Why isn’t a core FBI value hunting down the bad guys?
  • I thought the gay community wanted to just love the person they love and be left alone?
  • Look at where we are now.
  • Do I have to acknowledge the queer and say – um you didn’t file that report correctly and we lost $1billion dollars but…hey you are part of the rainbow and have special pronouns so you should be fine, you won’t lose your job.
  • Is this reverse discrimination? 

Laura McLaughlin Twitter: Very proud to announce that history was made in NI when, on 13th December 2023, the first legal 2nd trimester surgical abortion was carried out in the newly established 2nd trimester surgical service in the Ulster Hospital in the SET.

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Los Angeles Resident on New Police Officer Requirements 

HEADLINE: New California law allows non-U.S. Citizens to become police officers

  • Now, anyone who can legally work in the state under federal law, can be a police officer, regardless of citizenship.
  • CBS 8 cleared up some misconceptions about the new law by going directly to the State Senator who wrote the bill, and we talked with the San Diego Police Officers Association about their concerns.
  • Anyone who is legally authorized to work in the state of California, under federal law, with the proper green card or visa, is eligible to become a police officer. 
  • State Senator Nancy Skinner is the author of Senate Bill 960.
  • SB 960 passed, changing things for people like UC Davis graduate and DACA recipient Ernesto Moron, who attended the UC Police Academy and passed the background check, but wasn’t eligible to be hired as an officer, until now.
1h59mTurning Point Action Event

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy  Turning Point Action on Federal AgenciesIf I can’t work for you all for more than 8 years, which I think is a good thing in this country, then neither should any of those federal bureaucrats reporting into me either. When I get in we will dismantle all the ABC agencies.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy Turning Point Action on Getting America BackThe only way we’re going to do it is all of us starting to speak the truth in the open again. We have become scared and that culture of fear has replaced it.

  • This is all great, he is saying all the right things.

AUDIO/VIDEO: New Rule: From the River to the Sea w/ Bill Maher 

HEADLINE: Maher: “It’s Hard To Negotiate When The Other Side’s Position Is – You All Die And Disappear” via ZeroHedge

  • Commander Sharp – his wife was born in Palestine, she was born a Christian.
  • Her family fled Palestine to the United States.
  • There are no Crusades gearing up to mobilize to see to it that the Christian sites in Gaza are preserved.
  • Where we hearing stories last year of Israeli Jews that were persecuting Christians in Tel Aviv? 
  • So what is happening now?
  • There is no Judaism any longer.
  • Maher makes an interesting point right?
  • Who will preserve Palestine and the Holy Places now?
  • Why isn’t anyone else talking about this?
  • It is a tragic thing.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



HEADLINE: Pope says priests can bless same-sex unions, requests should not be subject to moral analysis by AP News 

  • This will guarantee there will have to be another council Vatican III I guess that will emerge from the ashes of the second one.
  • Catholics are receiving the Pope we deserve.
  • Can heterosexuals just randomly ask for the sacrament of marriage saying they won’t be faithful to the partner?
  • Can heterosexuals get their ‘union’ blessed even though they will not abide by anything the Catholic Church teaches?
  • Faith, Hope and Charity – at Baptism yesterday’s Mass – Barrett Alexander is a Saint.
  • What they are trying to say w/ this document is it doesn’t require positive action.


























Frank Wright

Website – Substack – 

  • Pope Francis 
  • They are going to set these Priests up with a homosexual couple and a Priest will refuse and then the games begin.
  • This is setting up Priests to be persecuted.
  • I have expected the worst from the Vatican these days and that is precisely what we are getting.
  • I agree w/ you, the trouble is Rage Farming is very lucrative. 
  • It is a dopamine loop.
  • What are my duties and what should I be doing w/ my life?
  • That is what we should be looking at ‘what in my life can I control’ and do that first.
  • That is rewarding.
  • The Catholic faith doesn’t exist in the Holy See only.
  • The impressions are important, like when I wear these glasses w/ no lenses. 
  • JB Pritzker Governor of Illinois 
  • The transgender phenomenon. 
  • Social Contagion – you get this through watching and listening to others in that group.
  • This whole conceptual world, you can transform not just as running faster if you buy THESE shoes but now it is you can become another sex.
  • It is the penuchle of consumerism. 
  • When I wear a wig I do it in a dignified manner.
  • You are looking to escape your depression by buying a new vagina or penis.
  • Martine Aliana Rothblatt – who had previously been a founder of Sirius satellite radio, headed United Therapeutics and was the highest paid female CEO in the U.S. The subject of her SXSW talk was artificial intelligence and specifically “mind cloning,” which included her discussion of the “mind clone” she had built of her wife Bina, known as BINA48. Among other topics, she projected a future in which robots would have constitutional rights and envisioned ways to help ease robots’ potential anxiety about not being human.
  • What is a midwit?
  • It isn’t about winning the argument but it is about displaying your own vanity.
  • You don’t have to be cleaver to get into University any longer.
  • You listened to those ‘experts’ during COVID and they were all wrong.
  • The fantasy empire is bad for business. 
  • If you haven’t gotten any business, you can’t recruit soldiers and you can’t pay for the ammunition, then where is your power?
  • The power w/ the US is mainly in the Navy right?
  • It is going to be difficult to steal another election this time.
  • People in the United States really don’t belive in the US anymore.
  • That is precisely what happened to the Russian Empire.
  • 100% correct assessment by Frank Wright.
  • If you look back at the COVID thing it penalized the wise and gave praise to the idiots.
  • 30-40% rouge DNA – COVID vaccine
  • Shops were shuttered, community groups and such have forever changed.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Gaetz Turning Point Action on Degrading CountryWith all of these challenges we are facing, America is starting to feel like how John Fetterman dresses. He is a person in decline and I don’t think we should join him.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Gaetz Turning Point Action on Donald TrumpWhen Trump was President, even the dictators were on their best behavior. I miss the America that detoured war, and when war was a last result. I don’t care which dictator in a jump suit runs Crimea.

  • Maybe young people decide they should be running for government positions to clean this up.
  • Maybe we need to start reading the Constitution again?
  • If I were to do this I would primary Steve Scalise.
  • I won’t vote your children future down the river!
  • Leading a charge back to fiscal sanity!
  • All of these clowns need to be taken to task.
  • I’m not calling for women to do this.
  • It is time for men to stand up and women to stand behind them.
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Meta-tags for showMatt Gaetz, Turning Point Action, Donald Trump, Steve Scalise, GOP, COVID, Frank Wright, U.S. Military, Putin, Zelenskyy, Joe Biden, UFC, Martine Aliana Rothblatt, JB Pritzker, transgender, LGBTQ, Pope Francis, marriage, sacraments, homosexual unions, Bill Maher, Crusades, Palestine, Gaza Strip, Israel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Laura McLaughlin, Jill Biden, Secret Service, EPA, FBI, CIA, Department of Education

Written by: candacechurch