The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Did The FBI Interrogate Your Priest And Spy On You Without A Warrant!?

today12/06/2023 156

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Have Yourself a Manly and Mary Little Christmas – Caller #8

Daily Programing Newsletter – where you will find the password

 Quetzalcoatl – Among the Aztecs, he was related to wind, Venus, Sun, merchants, arts, crafts, knowledge, and learning. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood. He was one of several important gods in the Aztec pantheon, along with the gods TlalocTezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. The two other gods represented by the planet Venus are Tlaloc (ally and the god of rain) and Xolotl (psychopomp and its twin).


FBI Targets Catholics

  • It is 100% proven and now out in the open that the FBI did in-fact target Catholic Priests, choir directors and laity.
  • They interrogated them and asked for information on people in the parish.
  • Did they target your church?
  • Did they target your Priest?
  • What happened to those that targeted Catholics w/o cause?
1h01mWhat happened in the House of Representing Yesterday?

  • They were being good little servants of the Israeli committee.
  • It pains me to see Mike Johnson become a straw puppet for the Zionist.
  • He has become this little pimp for Zionism.
  • What did the stupid party do?
  • They brought in some college punk that was called a ‘dirty Jew’ in his dorm room.
  • Who’s idea was this?
  • The video is on Twitter House GOP so they obviously thought it was important. 
 HEADLINE: We need more little Uns! North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un CRIES in front of thousands of women as he calls on them to have more children to halt country’s falling birth rate by Chris Jewers 

  • The authoritarian leader was seen dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief while addressing thousands of women gathered at a National Mothers’ Meeting in Pyongyang on Sunday.
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: FBI Director Christopher Wray w/ Senator Mike Lee – How Many Warrants

Mike Lee – You have done nothing to that is trustworthy. I’d like to ask you for yes or no answers here. 131 queries evidence of crime only? What does this tell me? Abuse under section 702, the FBI is required to obtain some sort of warrant right? The FBI has ignored the limited responsibility each and every time!

So what did you get from this audio from FBI Director Wray?

They are investigating us average Americans.






















Sarah Cain aka The Crusader Gal

Website –

Substack –

  • You can’t be Conservative and actively practicing homosexuality.
  • Guy Benson – he has a faux marriage, a faux husband and he now has purchased a child through surrogacy. 
  • You are purchasing a human being.
  • At some point the child will grow up and ask where is my mother?
  • Which one, the carrying mother or the egg mother?
  • Did they do the surrogate route as in purchase a baby that was already created and the mother didn’t want it or did they fully purchase and select the baby?
  • Dave Rubin was another one.
  • This movement, conservatism, is moving further and further toward hell.
  • There are many of these conservatives that say ‘leave it to the parents’ are like a modern day Rome.
  • It is a constant slide.
  • No one is willing to say Christ or that Christ is King.

HEADLINE: No Allies Who Buy Babies by Declan Leary 

  • If we cannot draw a line in the sand between ourselves and those who would sanction the industrial slaughter of unborn innocents, then American conservatism is not just pointless but actively destructive. I don’t care how big the tent is; if it has baby killers in it, I’m leaving.
  • Dave Rubin – The podcaster goes on to explain that a number of eggs—18 the first time around—were taken from this woman and split into two groups, each of which would be fertilized with one of the two men’s semen.
  • So they essentially killed 18 babies the FIRST go around. 
  • But no one wants to talk about that aspect of surrogacy. 
  • This is evil, plain and simple. Dave and Dave paid for the creation of roughly 18 unique, individual human beings, just so that two of them could be successfully implanted in rented wombs and delivered to their purchasers after a nine-month interval. The fate of the other 16 need not be spelled out.

HEADLINE: Michael Voris and the Perils of Celebrity by Sarah Cain

  • I can’t help but find Voris’s recent resignation and his own public scandal to be somewhat painful. This is despite the fact that his resignation seems appropriate and probably should have happened much earlier, for he was not in a position to lead.
  • I came across Church Militant right before I converted.
  • He was railing against the Catholic church yet he was Catholic himself.
  • Protestants who were scandalized by their denominations simply left and sought different churches. Voris stayed Catholic, even in his outrage. That demonstrated to me that the Catholic Faith was different. I came to understand that faithful Catholics are not Catholics because they like being Catholic, or because it’s the easiest choice, or because they like the Vatican. They are Catholic because they believe that to be so is to serve Christ in the best way possible because it is to join the Church that He founded and that the Holy Spirit guides. It is to practice the Christian Faith as it was supposed to be practiced and has been since the Apostolic Age.
  • This made me more receptive to the Church.
  • It has the fullness of the truth and even when it is difficult this is the ONE True Church.
  • What makes an entity trustworthy? 
  • Your duty is to the TRUTH not the VIEWS!
  • April 2022 – Easter Vigil is when I converted. – Sarah Cain
  • Institute for Catholic Culture 
  • Being Catholic isn’t something that ends w/ a ‘graduation’ of Confirmation. 
  • You must continue to learn your faith, read about the Saints etc.
  • We have a duty to learn more of the truth.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Town Hall 

  1. Biden claiming he wouldn’t be running if Trump wasn’t runningWe have never seen the likes of this. I think it is 150 million people, who doesn’t want to see a strong border, a strong military and low taxes and low interest rates? 
  • Why do we keep going back to this?
  • Are you one of those waiting and wishing for this whole system to crash?
  • Do we really want to see those thing?





























Brother Andre Marie

Host of the ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel.

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

HEADLINE: Saint Nicholas of Bari (350) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • The great Saint Nicholas, whom everybody knows and speaks of, was an Archbishop at Myra in Asia Minor.  He has come to be honored as the patron saint of children.  His relics were taken by the Italians to Italy in 1087, and are now honored there, at Bari.  Saint Nicholas raised three children from the dead.  His name has been corrupted from Saint Nicholas into “Santa Claus.”  The true Saint Nicholas is the one who honors those who love and venerate him as a saint, not as an advertisement.  Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of Russia.

HEADLINE: Why I Love St. Nicholas by Charles A Coulombe 

  • But one day, the very man who had made Santa live in our home took it upon himself to end my faith in him. Dad explained to me that although he himself was responsible for the actual delivery of gifts, and the North Pole was empty of everything but Polar Bears, Santa made up in symbolic value what he and his cohorts lacked in objective reality. Moreover, he was a sort of image of a very real person, St. Nicholas. Dad then proceeded to pull out from his bookshelf the December 1960 American Heritage and opened it to an article — “A Certain Nicholas of Patara.” Thanks to my father, I shed my belief in Santa and gained instead a love of St. Nicholas. 
  • On a happier note, however, St. Nicholas will always be Christ’s second in the matter of Christmas celebration. Alongside his Divine Master, he reminds us that the gifts, the lights, the ornaments, the tree, the holly and the mistletoe, and the Christmas dinner are pointers, not ends in themselves, as we moderns tend to make them. But if we use them rightly, in the true spirit of St. Nicholas, they will bring us not merely to the sentimental joys of this Christmas, and the next, and the next — but to the Eternal Happiness of that Christmas which never ends, but always is.
  • St Nicholas and Father Christmas are not the same person.

HEADLINE: The Politics of Christmas by Charles Coulombe  

  • The oldest Cathedral – Saint Nicholas – Calvinist cathedral dedicated.
  • In this country it was illegal to have Christmas!
  • The personification of these became known as “Father Christmas,” who was seen as a political ally in the struggle — and who in time became the major gift giver for children. In sharp contrast to the New England Puritans, their Dutch brethren in what became New York retained Christmas, and most especially the figure of St. Nicholas, who then and now was the gift distributer of Yule in the Netherlands and the rest of Central Europe. He, of course, in turn became our Santa Claus, who has since turned Father Christmas into a sort of clone, despite their wildly different origins.
  • All of that nonsense that Christmas came from Pagan origins – all of that has been debunked.

HEADLINE: In Defense of Christmas by Brother Andre Marie

  • The Ox and the Ass know their Maker but Israel knows not its God.
  • If Israel is unworthy he will come in on an Ass or Donkey.
  • He was a Gentile not a Jew.
  • “The ox knows its owner,  and the ass its master’s crib;  but Israel does not know,  my people does not understand.”  Isaiah 1:3

ReConquest Episode 400: Don’t Call It ‘the Tridentine Mass’! 



AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Town Hall 

  1. Biden claiming he wouldn’t be running if Trump wasn’t runningWe have never seen the likes of this. I think it is 150 million people, who doesn’t want to see a strong border, a strong military and low taxes and low interest rates?
  • Speaker Mike Johnson brought in a Jewish student that was called a “Dirty Jew” in his college dorm.
  • The average American could give zero ‘f’s about it.
  • The average American can’t buy groceries, can’t buy milk or eggs, can’t put gas in the car, can’t sell the house and they keep sending money to Ukraine and Israel!
  • THAT is what the average American is worried about.
  • There are no usurers that sneak their noses under the tent.
  • The point is this is NOT why you went to Mordor for Mr. Johnson.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Ronald Reagan Addresses the Nation on the Economy 10/13/82 Is there anyone in politics today that can are will say anything like this?

  • We have runaway spending.
  • We have out of control inflation.
  • Is there anyone willing to stop it or hell even slow it down?

b. Global WarmingWe have to fire up our factories, wind is not going to do that. The only global warming we should be thinking about and worrying about b/c it could happen tomorrow is nuclear global warming.

Run Time: 0:43

c. Using Power for RetributionHe says you’re going to be a dictator are you? No no no, other than Day 1. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.

Run Time: 0:47

d. Biden Making it as THE Dem CandidateI personally don’t think he makes it. I haven’t said that until now. I think he’s in bad shape physically. Remember when he said he’d like to take me behind the barn? Could you imagine if I said that?

Run Time: 1:47

 President Vladimir Putin
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Meta-tags for showVladimir Putin, Joe Biden, global warming, climate change, Hunter Biden, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Ukraine, Israel, Sean Hannity, Brother Andre Marie, ReConquest, Speaker Mike Johnson, GOP, inflation, illegal immigration, FBI, Christopher Wray, Zionism, Saint Nicholas, Charles Coulombe, Sarah Cain, The Crusader Girl, Declan Leary, Mike Lee, Chris Jewers, Quetzalcoatl, Aztec, Catholicism, Wisdom Wednesday

Written by: candacechurch