The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-God Bless The Great State Of Louisiana For This

today08/04/2023 232 2

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  • Robert Kennedy Jr and Farming Forum 
  • Donald Trump pleaded not guilty yesterday in DC
  • Electoral College Voting Act
  • Hunga Tonga eruption
29mRobert Kennedy Jr Farming Forum

  • There were NO Big Ag people on this panel.
  • Whoever set this all up is into regenerative farming and it was wonderful to see.
  • Speakers: Judith McGeary, Bob Quinn, Wayne Swanson, Will Harris, Gail Fuller, Ben Dobson, John Kempf and Reginald Haslett-Marroquin. 
  • This whole event basically crashed the Rumble server!
  • See, we aren’t the only one that this sort of thing happens to.
  • Will Harris the Georgia cattle rancher – that man has himself a strong country accent.
  • The MSM did not and has not even covered this event. 
  • Not one single story about it.
  • We broadcasted it LIVE on the Crusade Channel and we recorded for later re-broadcasting.
  • It will also be on Crusade Max.
46mDonald Trump Pleads Not Guilty

  • Trump now faces 3 Indictments
  • Trump now faces 78 charges
  • Trump now faces 641 years in prison.

HEADLINE: Of Reptile Brains And Liberal Tears by Rod Dreher 

  • If you want to anger a Liberal, vote for Trump.
  • You want to REALLY piss them off, put a Trump flag on your car.
  • There is nothing that you, Joe Sixpack, can actually do to piss off the people who run this country, and who lie constantly, and who hate you, that would be more effective than voting for Donald Trump.
  • Like Marc Morano said yesterday – DeSantis simply can’t win, not against Trump.
  • This just keeps happening.
  • It’s almost like the TV show Super Dave – 
  • All they are doing is when Trump says they aren’t after me, they are really after you…they are making this more true.
  • If they can do it to me, they can do it to you.
  • He doesn’t need to run on anything else.
  • The longer this carries on, the higher in polls Trump goes.
  • I want the strong 2016 Trump – the strong man that demanded things.
  • The headlines today are insane w/ this most recent indictment. 
  • He could have called the National Guard out and said…Come on Joe come kick me out.
  • THAT would  have been trying to remain in office.
  • The more we listen to Mike Pence the more we realize that he is a true snake.
  • He admitted he could have done it, he refused to do it though.
  • He claims Trump DEMANDED that he not certify results.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Pence on Fox News discussing Donald Trump if you were on the jury do you think he committed a crimeOh you know Martha I don’t know. Honestly I don’t the full case and I’ve said many times I don’t know if taking bad advice from lawyers is a crime. I think it’s important the American people know what happened in the days before January 6th. He demanded I use my authority to overturn the election. I know I did the right thing that day and I will always stand by it.

  • Why did Jefferson do what he did then?
  • Why did they need the Electoral College Voting Act then?
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 We are LIVE on YouTube this segment – on Restoring the Faith Media 
1h21mAUDIO/VIDEO: Al Sharpton on MSNBC Donald Trump on January 6thCan you imagine our children reading that James Madison and Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?

  • Breaking the news about Thomas Jefferson – 
  • You ever heard of this thing called the Declaration of Independence? 
  • I’m pretty sure that this document overthrew a current in power government that claims universal right when any other government becomes tyrannical. 
  • We OVERTHREW the King!
  • Madison was in the Virginia assembly. 
  • This is just down right ignorance. 
  • Your aren’t even making a political point.
  • Why didn’t he throw George Washington in there Al?
  • He ultimately overthrew the King, hell he lead the army!
1h28mLouisiana HB 8

In God We Trust 

  • Must be in each school building must be in each classroom.

HEADLINE: Louisiana law requiring ‘In God We Trust’ displayed at all public schools goes into effect by Timothy H.J. Nerozzi 

  • You know what goes into effect January 1, 2024 here in Louisiana?
  • It says if your child is viewing porn, you can SUE whatever company that provided it to your child for civil damages!

AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN panel on Joe BidenWe know he’s not a solid candidate, he is struggling, it’s hard to watch.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump after his DC arraignmentThis is a very sad day for America. It was sad to drive through Washington DC w/ all the filth and decay and graffiti and stuff, this isn’t the place that I left. This is a persecution. This was never supposed to happen in America. We can’t let this happen.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Jr on recent indictmentThis is happening so frequently now it’s like Taco Tuesday. We are living in crazy times. Honestly my father is doing great, we were laughing , not that it’s not serious but we have fallen so far as a government. This doesn’t end well for our country or our civilization.

  • The interesting part here is where Don Jr says, “If this was happening in any other country, the US would be there to correct it.”
  • This is what happens in a country that for 47 years sacrificed babies to a demon.
  • The chastisement is still coming.
 John Senior – The Death of Christian Culture and the Restoration of Christian Culture

AUDIO/VIDEO: A Eucharistic Procession on the Bayou 



HEADLINE: Easthampton, Mass., Rejects Anti-Crisis Pregnancy Ordinance, Catholic Action League Hails Decision by C.J. Doyle 

  • “Many of the lies peddled by this disinformation campaign are extravagant in their recklessness, cynicism and malevolence, such as Senator Elizabeth Warren’s calumny that pro-life citizens mean women harm, or Governor Maura Healey’s claim that crisis pregnancy centers ‘prevent people from accessing abortion and contraception.” – CJ Doyle
  • “What does it say about elected officials who defend abortion, that they are so ready to believe that pro-life Christians are frauds and charlatans who deceive and prey upon women? It tells us that the secular left is populated with intolerant bigots who have a deep seated animus against religious believers, particularly Catholics.” – CJ Doyle
  • This is a huge win!
  • If this can happen in Massachusetts it can happen anywhere!
 HEADLINE: Massive Water and Cloud Boost From Tonga Eruption Could Explain Recent Unusual Weather Patterns by Chris Morrison 

  • Scientists have been shocked by the dramatic increase in water vapour spread around the globe by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai submarine volcano. Water vapour is the most powerful of all the greenhouses gases since, unlike the others, it traps heat across a wide part of the infra-red spectrum. It accounts for about 4% of all atmospheric gases, compared to 0.04% for carbon dioxide, but its effect is relatively short-lived since it re-enters the natural hydrological cycle. Nevertheless, Tonga water vapour and its associated clouds could last in the atmosphere for a few years, and scientists suggest both temperature increases and disturbed weather patterns will continue.
  • A group of NASA scientists have published a paper noting Tonga’s “high impact” consequences. Unlike most volcanic eruptions, Tonga released few aerosols such as dust and ash into the atmosphere which cause temporary falls in temperature. In 1815, Mount Tambora exploded on the island of Sumbawa causing widespread cooling and a subsequent “year without a summer”. In Tonga’s case, specific geological conditions threw vast amounts of super-heated water up to 50 kilometres into the air. Such is the “unprecedented” amounts of water involved, the NASA scientists believe it could remain in the atmosphere for serval years. The scientists say they will continue to monitor volcanic gases from this eruption, along with future ones, “to better quantify their varying roles in climate”.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 HEADLINE: Tafari Campbell’s drowning death is deemed an accident but Massachusetts police are STILL withholding basic information about Barack Obama’s personal chef under the guise of an ‘ongoing investigation’ by Shawn Cohen 

  • Could you imagine if this happened at Mar-a-Largo?
  • The left would be losing their minds demanding answers to what happened, who was there, how long they were there and why they were there.


HEADLINE: Vivek Ramaswamy believes TN Gov. Lee, FBI ‘hiding’ Nashville shooter manifesto: ‘Stonewalled silence’ by Stephanie Pagones 

  • What could possibly be in this manifesto? 
  • Why are they not releasing it, they have released all other manifestos from shooters.

HEADLINE: The Moral Cowardice of Ignoring Trans Adults by Sarah Cain 

  • You aren’t going to come anywhere near a restoration of Faith until God comes close to the final cause of everything. 
  • He has to be at the head of everything in this country.
2h36mHEADLINE: Bud Light distributors no longer expect sales to recover from Dylan Mulvaney disaster by Lisa Fickenscher 

  • One silver lining for beleaguered Anheuser-Busch distributors is the rise of Modelo Especial — the No. 2 beer brand, which Anheuser-Busch owns outside of the US.
  • Rival Constellation Brands distributes Modelo in the US, where it has been outselling Bud Light on a weekly basis since May.
  • You made the rednecks say “Queer Beer” and that was all that needed to seal the fate of the company.
 HEADLINE: Study Reveals Drunkest Cities In America Are Run By Democrats via Zero Hedge 

  • Insider Monkey said Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ranked number on the list because of its “lowest alcohol tax rates in the country, resulting in lower retail and wholesale prices.” Milwaukee is a Democratic stronghold with an excessive drinking rate of 24.6%. 
  • Number two is Minneapolis, Minnesota, yet another Democratic stronghold. It has an excessive drinking rate of 23.5%. 
  • Third is Boston, Massachusetts, another Democratic stronghold with an excessive drinking rate of 23.1%. 
  • Fourth is Buffalo, New York — you might have already guessed it — another Democratic stronghold — has an excessive drinking rate of 22.8%. 
  • Fifth on the list is crime-ridden Chicago, with an excessive drinking rate of 22.7%.  
  • Sixth is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with an excessive drinking rate of 22.5%. 
  • Seventh is New Orleans, with an excessive drinking rate of 21.9%. 
  • Eight is Sacramento, California, with a 21.6% excessive drinking rate. 
  • Nine is Portland, Oregon, and last but not least is Austin, Texas. 


HEADLINE: Dianne Feinstein, 90, cedes power of attorney to daughter — but still serves in Congress by Patrick Reilly 

  • Is this how we want our country viewed?
  • We have some of the oldest people in Congress and the Senate, they can barely walk, they are told by staffers how to vote and so on.
 HEADLINE: It Is Not About Trump, It’s About Us by Austin Ruse 
2h51mHEADLINE: Labor Productivity Jumps 3.7 Percent in 2023 Q2 as Hours Worked Declines by Mish Shedlock 
 HEADLINE: The Patron Saint of Homemakers by Bradley Devlin 
 HEADLINE: Vast Majority of Cars Cost More to Charge Than Fill Up With Gas by Tom Ozimek 















Farmer Brian K from Texas

Farmer Dan M from New Jersey

  • Average highs are 93 or 94 here in Wharton Texas – it is very difficult to keep a garden through the year. 
  • When your okra starts to wilt, you know it’s hot.
  • Okra and pole beans after the broccoli – 
  • Mostly the heat and the sun at that point are the factors for okra. 
  • Crop insurance leads to bad farming practices.
  • It also creates bad farmers.
  • Why should the USDA bail out of this?
  • We bail out all the losers in this world.
  • If you follow it and do your conservation plan I have seen them work.
  • If you continue to do the bad practices that you were doing BEFORE you go the conservation plan, it will fail. 


HEADLINE: Dramatic Changes at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai by NASA Observatory 

  • By early January, our data showed the island had expanded by about 60 percent compared to before the December activity started,” said Garvin. “The whole island had been completely covered by a tenth of cubic kilometer of new ash. All of this was pretty normal, expected behavior, and very exciting to our team.
  • But on January 13-14, an unusually powerful set of blasts sent ash surging into the stratosphere. Then explosions on January 15 launched material as high as 40 kilometers (25 miles) in altitude and possibly as high as 50 kilometers, blanketing nearby islands with ash and triggering destructive tsunami waves. An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photo of ash over the South Pacific. 
  • The temperature or magma usually exceeds 1000 degrees Celsius; seawater is closer to 20°C. The mixing of the two can be incredibly explosive, particularly in the confined space of a magma chamber. “This was not your standard Surtseyan eruption because of the large amount of water that had to be involved,” said Garvin. “In fact, some of my colleagues in volcanology think this type of event deserves its own designation. For now, we’re unofficially calling it an ‘ultra Surtseyan’ eruption.”
  • Back to Robert Kennedy Jr Farming Round Table – 
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Meta-tags for showFree Farm Friday, NASA, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Dan Mundy, Brian Koch, USDA, Big Ag, Tom Ozimek, Bradley Devin, Saint Zita, Patrick Reilly, Donald Trump, impeachment, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Austin Ruse, Sarah Cain, power of attorney, volcanic eruption, Hunga Tonga, climate change, Judith McGeary, Bob Quinn, Wayne Swanson, Will Harris, Gail Fuller, Ben Dobson, John Kempf, Reginald Haslett-Marroquin, C.J. Doyle, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Rod Dreher, Mike Pence, Vivek Ramaswamy, South Pacific, Ron DeSantis, Joe Biden, Lisa Fickenscher, Dylan Mulvaney, Gavin Newsom, Bud Light, LGBTQ, Anheuser-Busch, Stephanie Pagones, Shawn Cohen, Chris Morrison, Tafari Campbell, Barrack Obama, weather patterns, Timothy H.J. Nerozzi

Written by: candacechurch