The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Hungary’s Orban “If You Want To Fix America, Put Tump Back In!”

today08/30/2023 351 4

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  • Donald Trump Updates
  • Tucker Carlson interviews Viktor Orban
  • Joe the Plumber
  • John McCain and Barrack Obama
  • LGBTQ and transgender children


















Barrack Obama and Joe Biden

Joe the Plumber 

  • Why couldn’t Joe the plumber just figure it out?
  • We don’t need this socialism in here.
  • It stopped Obama dead in his tracks.
  • Joe the Plumber and Barrack Obama got into a little conversation. 
  • They changed how Obama got in and out of these events after that if you remember.
  • Then John McCain got wind of Joe the Plumber.

HEADLINE: ‘Joe The Plumber’ Was Right About Barack Obama by David Harsanyi

  • Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, better known as “Joe the Plumber,” passed away from pancreatic cancer this week. For those too old to remember him, Wurzelbacher, 49, became a minor political celebrity during the 2008 presidential race when he confronted Barack Obama, surely the most coddled candidate until that time, about his far-left economics.
  • Obama was interested in transforming America into something distinct and new. Democrats viewed Obama as a counterrevolutionary against Reaganism. And, whereas Reagan promised Americans the power to build their own shiny cities on hills, Obama promised endless dependency and handouts. So they were right.
  • Oil and gas exploration was finally set free when Donald Trump came in.
  • For 2 days in early spring of 2019 oil traded at negative for a barrel. 
  • Why do you have to bride them if the policies are so good?
  • The contemporary left turn from liberalism was solidified by Obama, who had little use for constitutional limits on state power. So having Obama lecture anyone about “democracy” is just galling. The Obama administration spied on the “free press,” spied on ordinary American citizens, spied on and targeted political enemies, spied on the Senate, blew up American citizens without a trial, and helped concoct the most successful political hoax in American history. You could write a book about the corrosive illiberalism normalized under his rule. Obama was no moderate, as so many of his supporters like to portray him. He merely did as much as he could get away with — which was a ton.
  • He knew everything that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden were doing.
  • Did McCain come out swinging? 
  • He was a terrible candidate and his responses were terrible b/c all his response to it was to give Americans money too.
  • Joe the Plumber was one of the few and the first really that questioned Obama.
  • If you confronted Obama you were a racist. 
  • We are still stuck with them today.
 There are 2 Christian Leaders in the Old Country

Viktor Orban

Vladimir Putin 

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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 GOP Presidential Candidates

Donald Trump is currently sitting at 52%

Ron DeSantis is currently sitting at 13%

  • The entire field is really far behind Trump.
  • The MSM is claiming Trump doesn’t have a majority.
  • Well these numbers say other wise.
  • Has the Great American Awakening occurred? 
  • Are people seeing the government as a true threat now?
1h50mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Viktor Orban – Russia and Ukraine 

(run time: 1:58-4:28)

Tucker – In the United States the media and administration is saying that Ukraine is winning is that not true?

Viktor Orban – That’s a lie, not a misunderstanding but a lie. The Russians, there just simply so many more of them. Their first concern isn’t freedom, it is keeping their country together. They will not kill their leader, it just won’t happen.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Viktor Orban – WWIII Concerns

(run time: 6:40-8:13)

Tucker Carlson – Are the people of Budapest worried about the possibility of WWIII?

Viktor Orban – We have a strong minority in the territory of Ukraine that was a part of Hungary. They are now conscripted to the Ukraine army and they are dead. We are losing lives daily also. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Viktor Orban – If you were in charge of NATO what would you do?

(run time:10:07-11:33)

Viktor Orban – I’d call back Trump. He did not initiate any new war. He treated the Chinese, the North Koreans, he had a very good foreign policy. He is treated as if he didn’t know anything. His foreign policy was the best for the world. Trump is the man who can save the Western World. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump on Joe BidenCrooked Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent but I believe he has gone mad. 

  • What did Viktor say earlier?
  • He said if you keep sending money to Ukraine, more people will die and they will still lose this war.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on BidenomicsThe way I look at it, Bidenomics is just another way of saying ‘restoring the American dream’. 

  • Wait Joe, I thought Obamacare took care of all healthcare for all Americans?
  • What happened to that?
  • We are all just a bunch of tax payers that fund the parties for the ruling elites.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 HEADLINE: Bishop Strickland Warns His Faithful Against the Synod by Bishop Joseph Edward Strickland 

HEADLINE: Bishop Strickland’s August 22 Pastoral Letter, a Gift to the Church in Advance of the Synod on Synodality by Brother Andre Marie

  • In this time of great turmoil in the Church and in the world, I must speak to you from a father’s heart in order to warn you of the evils that threaten us, and to assure you of the joy and hope that we have always in our Lord Jesus Christ.  The evil and false message that has invaded the Church, Christ’s Bride, is that Jesus is only one among many, and that it is not necessary for His message to be shared with all humanity.  This idea must be shunned and refuted at every turn.  We must share the joyful good news that Jesus is our only Lord, and that He desires that all humanity for all time may embrace eternal life in Him. 
  • Once we understand that Jesus Christ, God’s Divine Son, is the fullness of revelation and the fulfillment of the Father’s plan of salvation for all humanity for all time, and we embrace this with all our hearts, then we can address the other errors that plague our Church and our world which have been brought about by a departure from Truth.
























Host of ReConquest aired on Wednesday’s only on The Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

  • He wrote a letter like this stands out.
  • That isn’t something you see everyday.
  • A shepherd warning his flock.
  • So often we hear, they are an instrument used, when we hear them talk about the Gospel it is in the most vague of senses. 
  • I had a Bishop telling his flock even though you don’t personally think masks work you should go ahead and wear them anyway for the ‘common good’.
  • The entire narrative was a way of symbolizing you bought the party line in COVID. 
  • So many times we have Bishops making public appeals for causes that aren’t necessarily Catholic in nature. 
  • Take immigration as another example.
  • It is a common thing 40 years ago was this joke – the USCCB used to be the Democratic party at prayer.
  • Bishop Strickland is native to that area, he was a Priest in the Diocese of Tyler TX.
  • He was recognized for his talent, skill and dedication as a Pastor and rose in the ranks quickly.
  • It is building new parishes in a time when most Catholic Dioceses across the country are dying and selling off churches. 
  • They combine the parishes etc. but his area, the faith is flourishing. 

From Strickland’s Letter: 

  1. Christ established One Church—the Catholic Church—and, therefore, only the Catholic Church provides the fullness of Christ’s truth and the authentic path to His salvation for all of us.
  2. The Eucharist and all the sacraments are divinely instituted, not developed by man.  The Eucharist is truly Christ’s Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, and to receive Him in Communion unworthily (i.e. in a state of grave, unrepentant sin) is a devastating sacrilege for the individual and for the Church. (1 Cor 11:27-29) 
  3. The Sacrament of Matrimony is instituted by God.  Through Natural Law, God has established marriage as between one man and one woman faithful to each other for life and open to children.  Humanity has no right or true ability to redefine marriage. 
  4. Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God, male or female, and all people should be helped to discover their true identities as children of God, and not supported in a disordered attempt to reject their undeniable biological and God-given identity. 
  5. Sexual activity outside marriage is always gravely sinful and cannot be condoned, blessed, or deemed permissible by any authority inside the Church. 
  6. The belief that all men and women will be saved regardless of how they live their lives (a concept commonly referred to as universalism) is false and is dangerous, as it contradicts what Jesus tells us repeatedly in the Gospel.  Jesus says we must “deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.” (Matt 16:24)  He has given us the way, through His grace, to victory over sin and death through repentance and sacramental confession.  It is essential that we embrace the joy and hope, as well as the freedom, that come from repentance and humbly confessing our sins.  Through repentance and sacramental confession, every battle with temptation and sin can be a small victory that leads us to embrace the great victory that Christ has won for us. 
  7. In order to follow Jesus Christ, we must willingly choose to take up our cross instead of attempting to avoid the cross and suffering that Our Lord offers to each of us individually in our daily lives.  The mystery of redemptive suffering—i.e. suffering that Our Lord allows us to experience and accept in this world and then offer back to Him in union with His suffering—humbles us, purifies us, and draws us deeper into the joy of a life lived in Christ.  That is not to say that we must enjoy or seek out suffering, but if we are united to Christ, as we experience our daily sufferings we can find the hope and joy that exist amidst the suffering and persevere to the end in all our suffering. (cf. 2 Tim 4:6-8)
  • “I urge you, my sons and daughters in Christ, that now is the time to make sure you stand firmly upon the Catholic faith of the ages.  We were all created to seek the Way, the Truth and the Life, and in this modern age of confusion, the true path is the one that is illuminated by the light of Jesus Christ, for Truth has a face and indeed it is His face.  Be assured that He will not abandon His Bride.” – Bishop Strickland of Tyler TX
  • El Salvador – The Catholic Church officially beatified Blessed Father Rutilio Grande, a Jesuit priest; Blessed Father Cosme Spessotto, a Franciscan priest; and laymen Blessed Nelson Rutilio Lemus and Blessed Manuel Solórzano Jan.

HEADLINE: Lima, Peru, City of Saints by Brian Kelly 

  • Saint Rose is the patroness of South American and the Philippines. She was born in 1586 and baptized Isabel. However, because of a miraculous rose seen over her head and the beautiful and flower-like charm of her face, she was called Rose. At her confirmation, the bishop, Saint Turibius, gave her the name she was affectionately called. Rose was a Third Order Dominican and her full religious name, given to her by Our Lady in a vision, was Rose of Saint Mary. Saint Rose had the privilege of seeing and conversing with her guardian angel regularly. She also had heavenly visitations from another Third Order Dominican, the great Saint Catherine of Siena, who died in 1380. Our Lord and Our Lady also appeared at times and conversed with holy Rose. One time, through her prayers, a dead person was raised to life. She was thirty-one years-old when she died.

HEADLINE: French Cab named after Irish Monk via

  • The French word for cab, fiacre , has its origins in the name of an Irish Saint, St. Fiacre or Fiaker. Born in Erin during its Golden Age, St. Fiacre embodied the great learning and sanctity which marked “the Land of Saints and Scholars” in that era. After being formed in the rigors of seventh-century Irish monasticism, he was ordained a priest. From his hermitage in County Kilkenny, St. Fiacre fled to France in order to escape the throngs of followers who threatened his monastic solitide. The crowds were drawn not only by the saint’s knowledge of healing herbs, but also by his tremendous sanctity. After St. Fiacre arrived in Meaux, the bishop, St. Faro, gave him a plot of land for his hermitage and a farm to grow food and medicinal herbs. Near the hermitage, St. Fiacre also built a hospice to receive strangers. Soon disciples flocked to him and a monastery was erected, with St. Fiacre as Abbot.


AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing on Transgender Kids in Sports

Karine Jean-Pierre – It is a complicated issue. We need to prevent discrimination and that is important to the president as well. Title 9 that the Department of Education has laid out, we will let that process move forward.

  • There are no such thing as transgender children.
  • There are however horn dog boys that want free access to the girls locker room where they can see naked girls.
  • All you listeners over the age of 50, do you remember having homosexual kids in school?
  • You have entire entities now saying this happens all the time.
  • Where were they 40 years ago?

AUDIO/VIDEO:WH Briefing on Another Ukraine Package $250 million

Karine Jean-Pierre – We will be sending a package of security assistance. Includes mine clearing equipment 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition etc. 

3h27mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Viktor Orban – How do you get a country that all citizens love their homeland?

(run time: 15:26-18:26)

Viktor Orban – No one speaks our language around us. To maintain our own language is to be celebrated. To be Hungarian we are very proud of it. It isn’t mainstream thinking in Western culture, we are patriotic and Christian. Family, nation and God.

  • Some of the things he said in that clip, especially the me and the ego strike a cord here in America.
  • We have self-centered people and thus we don’t put God and country and family first.
  • We tend to put ourselves first.
  • Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
3h33mHEADLINE: From Household to Nation by Samuel Francis

  • Those forces consist, of course, of the broad social and cultural spectrum of Middle America. Middle American groups are more and more coming to perceive their exploitation at the hands of the dominant elites. The exploitation works on several fronts—economically, by hypertaxation and the design of a globalized economy dependent on exports and services in place of manufacturing; culturally, by the managed destruction of Middle American norms and institutions; and politically, by the regimentation of Middle Americans under the federal leviathan. 
  • Thus, there emerged a chronic Middle American political dilemma: while the left could win Middle Americans through its economic measures, it lost them through its social and cultural radicalism, and while the right could attract Middle Americans through appeals to law and order and defense of sexual normality, conventional morals and religion, traditional social institutions, and invocations of nationalism and patriotism, it lost Middle Americans when it rehearsed its old bourgeois economic formulas. Middle American votes could be won by whichever side of the political spectrum was better at feeding anxieties over cultural rot or economic catastrophe, but neither an increasingly antinational and countercultural left nor an increasingly pro-business right could expect to stabilize Middle American political loyalties sufficiently to sustain a national coalition.
  • The persistence of the division of the political spectrum into “right” and “left” has therefore served to prevent the formation of a distinct Middle American political consciousness and the emergence of a new identity synthesizing both the economic interests and cultural-national loyalties of the proletarianized middle class in a separate and unified political movement. But today and in the future this division will no longer obtain. Middle American political loyalties are ceasing to be torn between a left and a right that are increasingly convergent and indistinguishable. Aside from the ideological castration of the spokesmen of both sides in recent years, the main cause of the evanescence of right and left lies in the triumph of economic globalization.
  • Yet, while Buchanan’s nationalism may tweak the noses of right-wing individualists, it also breaks significantly with the large-state nationalist tradition of Europe and American Hamiltonians, for whom the centralized state defines and even creates the nation.
  • The central state is defining what a nation is today.
  • It is a UNION of states.
 HEADLINE: Burger King hit with class action for overstating size of Whopper by 35% by Joe Hutchinson 

  • They say that these make it appear that the burgers are 35% larger and contain more than double the meat as the chain serves.  
3h54m HEADLINE: School reinstates 12-year-old Colorado student who was kicked out of class over Gadsden flag patch on backpack via The Post Millennial 
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Meta-tags for showDonald Trump, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Tucker Carlson, Viktor Orban, Joe Hutchinson, Samuel Francis, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Karine Jean-Pierre, Bishop Strickland, USCCB, Brother Andre Marie, Brian Kelly, Saint Rose, Wisdom Wednesday, LGBTQ, transgender, Ron DeSantis, GOP, Joe the Plumber, John McCain, Barrack Obama, Vladimir Putin, WWIII, David Harsanyi

Written by: candacechurch