The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-If The Cluster Bombs Don’t Work, Will Biden Send Nukes Next?

today07/12/2023 272

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 TKD and Maggie 

  • We are back from vacation.
  • Dahlonega Georgia
  • Cavendar’s Creek Vineyard, Montaluce Vineyard, Three Sisters Vineyard, Frogtown and many more were visited.
  • Downtown Dahlonega was spectacular. 
44mThe Sound of Freedom

  • Americans are for the first time hearing and seeing this battle that’s going on between good and evil.
  • The evil side is filled w/ perverted and sexualized movement.
  • This movie gives you a peek into what is actually happening all around us.
  • It is easy to turn a blind eye to it when it isn’t in your face or in movie form.
  • When they have been busted and it is all out in the open they have to go conspiracy theory path.
  • They call us crazy and Alex Jones type and tell us to get our tin foil hats.

HEADLINE: Box Office Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Controversy—Including QAnon Ties And False Claims Theaters Are Sabotaging Screenings—Explained by Conor Murray 

  • This film was started 8 years ago.
  • That is how long it took to get it to the box office.
  • The Sound of Freedom,  a film based on a former government agent’s pursuit to rescue child sex trafficking victims, is a hit at the box office and a darling among right-wing audiences, but it’s also come under scrutiny for its numerous ties to the QAnon conspiracy.
59mHEADLINE: Number of Brown University Students Identifying as LGBTQ Doubles to Nearly 40 Percent by Eric Lendrum 

  • So what is happening at Brown University to have this number rise like this?
  • Well here we are in 2023 and the long march through the institutions is complete.
  • Which side won?
  • Not our side obviously. 
  • The Communist party has won, they made their march through the institutions.
  • They own them.
  • A poll from the school’s student newspaper, The Brown Daily Herald, showed that 38 percent of Brown students defined themselves as either homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, or otherwise questioning their sexuality. This amount is significantly higher than the previous total recorded in 2010, at just 14 percent, and is more than five times the national total.
  • The school’s undergraduate population was at 7,222 in the Fall of 2022, with 3,515 in its graduate programs and medical school. Thus, out of a total student population of 10,737, there are allegedly 4,080 students who believe themselves to be something other than straight.
  • When the universities started offering interpretive dance and other useless majors, they became the institution of indoctrination. 
  • Course study at Stanford University – on Taylor Swift lyrics.
  • We aren’t kidding here folks.
  • They also offer Star Wars classes.

HEADLINE: Stanford to offer course that will exclusively study one Taylor Swift song by Chris Morris 

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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h24mCluster Bombs 

  • An idea who’s time has NOT come.
  • It is a desperate move by desperately evil people. 

HEADLINE: Rep. Gaetz Says He Will Co-Sponsor Amendment to Block Cluster Bombs to Ukraine by Dave DeCamp

HEADLINE: America Is Running Out of Ammo via Wall Street Journal 

  • In a war game for control of the island that the House Select Committee on China played this year, the U.S. ran out of long-range antiship weapons in three days. Retired Navy Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery says in most games the U.S. needs roughly 1,200 long-range antiship missiles, known as LRASMs. But U.S. inventories are in the low hundreds after years of small orders.
  • We don’t even have enough ammunitions to play war games now.

HEADLINE: What is a cluster bomb, the controversial weapon the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? by Haley Ott 

  • A cluster bomb is a type of weapon that is designed to disperse smaller bombs over a large area. They are also known as cluster munitions, with the smaller bombs referred to as submunitions or bomblets.
  • Any people in that area at the time a cluster bomb is detonated could be killed or seriously hurt. Beyond that, many of the bomblets fail to explode immediately, meaning they can injure or kill people years later.
  • Who makes a weapon like this?
  • Evil people that’s who.

HEADLINE: Rep. Gaetz Says He Will Co-Sponsor Amendment to Block Cluster Bombs to Ukraine by Dave DeCamp

The Amendment Reads: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no military assistance shall be furnished for cluster munitions, no defense export license for cluster munitions may be issued, and no cluster munitions or cluster munitions technology shall be sold or transferred.”

HEADLINE: Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States 

  • How about we stop making enemies?
  • How about we stop sending what ammunitions we have to other countries?
  • Why do we insist on creating enemies all over the Earth?
1h40mUkraine Entering NATO

  • They voted to keep Ukraine out of NATO.
  • Zelensky came out saying it was horrible and villainous. 

If the UK, the Germans and the French – 

  • Ukraine is not going to be victorious over Russia.
  • This proves NATO knows that Ukraine can’t win this war w/ Russia.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Ron Paul on Fox News discussing Ukraine/Russia WarI think ultimately the war ends w/ a negotiated settlement and as long as we continue to supply unlimited arms to Zelensky, I think he sees no reason to have any negotiations.

  • So what would a Ukrainian victory actually look like?
  • These are the people that invaded Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Vietnam and we could keep going.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Ron Paul on Fox News discussing Zelensky’s reaction to ‘lack of a timeline for Ukraine’s entry into NATO being absurd’We’ve given him $100 billion and he has the audacity to be so brazen to tell us we’d better speed it up? That’s not very grateful for the money we have sent him so far. 

1h59mHEADLINE: How Porn Explains Everything by Michael Warren Davis 

  • The girls are telling the boys we want to be surrounded by young effeminate men.
  • Then the girls toss them aside when it comes to sex.
  • Andrew Tate makes the point, you become what they want for a friend then soon find out they want a manly man to have sex with.
  • So the young effeminate man goes home and watches porn.
  • Andrew Tate then says…still you aren’t having sex w/ the woman you are watching the woman have sex w/ a manly man.
  • Porn is the #1 vehicle for social change in the United States. Social media, public education… those are all time-bombs. They won’t bear fruit for a decade or so. But porn is transforming the country right now, before our very eyes. And yet we can’t have a meaningful discussion about the influence of smut. Why? Because most Americans are hooked on the stuff. In fact, it’s only a tiny minority of us who aren’t.
  • The men are choosing the porn over their family.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Interviews Andrew Tate

  1. Why is my message hated so much?Because I believe we need to be in control of our lives. We need them to say no. What kind of man never says no? Once you are a uniq you are no longer a threat. There is no generalized virtue w/ these people. 
  • This isn’t new stuff here.
  • Why is this message of finding a virtuous woman so alarming to people?
  • Why isn’t this still common place for men?
  • The demonic must invert everything because the natural is by God’s doing.
  • Shouldn’t we all be looking for Mr Right and Mrs Right?























Wisdom Wednesday

Special Guest 

Brother Andre Marie – 

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @ Brother_Andre

  • You compromise, you empower theologies, you rob the role of the Church etc

ReConquest Episode 381: The Order of Charity according to Saint Thomas by Brother Andre Marie

HEADLINE: What Happens When You Deny the Doctrine of Creation? by Brother Andre Marie 

  • The Catholic position on Biblical inerrancy, as beautifully articulated by Pope Leo XIII in Providentissimus Deus, is one of absolute inerrancy: “For all the books which the Church receives as sacred and canonical are written wholly and entirely, with all their parts, at the dictation of the Holy Spirit; and so far is it from being possible that any error can coexist with inspiration, that inspiration not only is essentially incompatible with error, but excludes and rejects it as absolutely and necessarily as it is impossible that God Himself, the supreme Truth, can utter that which is not true. This is the ancient and unchanging faith of the Church, solemnly defined in the Councils of Florence and Trent, and finally and more expressly formulated by the [First] Council of the Vatican.” 
  • The doctrine of Creation as we have articulated it was believed not only by all Catholic divines at the time of Charles Darwin, and not only by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church long before that (see, e.g., Genesis According to the Saints by by Daniel M. Clough), but also by all of the theological schools from the early middle ages to the nineteenth century. Some of the Fathers who wrote on Creation were defending the literal historical truth of Genesis contrary to the teachings of pagan philosophers and heretical sects (see, e.g., The Creation of Adam’s Body in the Apostolic Fathers). In other words, although the doctrine of Creation has not been solemly defined by a pope or council, it is infallible by virtue of the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, that which what was believed “always, everywhere, and by everyone.” The fact that this universal Catholic testimony seems to break down when Modernism metastasized throughout Catholic institutions does not alter the fact that the doctrine is infallible.
  • So God just created Adam and Eve – Adam named the animals that God created but none were super special to him. So God put him to rest for awhile and from his side He creates a woman…Eve.
  • All of this has just happened and we know that Adam is a day or less old and Eve is only seconds old but how old are they?
  • We go by appearance right?
  • Both Adam and Eve were created as an adult not as infants.
  • He, meaning God, created a perfect world.
  • Everything was fully functioning. 
  • We are seeing the effects of things that have been fully functioning, as in He didn’t create something that was chaos. 
  • The Red Shift – 
  • God did NOT create a fallen world that happens when Adam chooses to take his wife’s council over God.
  • The fallen nature happened after Adam did that.
  • When the first Chapters of Genesis are treated as a sort of inspired myth from which we can draw nice lessons, too much is lost — too much of the history of the human race, and too much of the sacred Deposit of the Faith.
  • When the toxic fog currently choking the life of the Church is lifted, that glorious day will arrive in part because we have returned to the perennial doctrine of Creation.
  • Scripture Studies – to get back on a solid footing would take centuries b/c most of them today have lost their minds.
  • Biblical Modernism – 
  • Saint Peter clearly believed in the literal sense when it came to the flood.
  • Whereby we are saved by the water.
  • The Church is the arc of salvation.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Actor Jim Caviezel on Charlie Kirk Show discussing adrenochrome  C9H9NO3, It is being harvested from the blood of tortured children. Look it up it has been in medical books since the 1930’s. 

  • Well we have a few stories from people that have complained and reported that they went to see The Sound of Freedom, the a/c units had been turned off.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tim Ballad on why the leftist media is attacking Sound of FreedomPedophiles are watching this and they are salivating. They are happy that Rolling Stone & the Guardian are ripping on a movie that exposes them. 

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Meta-tags for showsalvation, Jim Caviezel, Charlie Kirk, Tim Ballad, The Sound of Freedom, Rolling Stone, MAP, Saint Peter, Wisdom Wednesday, evolution, Genesis, Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, Brother Andre Marie, ReConquest, Charles Darwin, Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson, Conor Murray, Eric Lendrum, Brown University, LGBTQ, Chris Morris, cluster bombs, NATO, Ukraine, Russia, Zelensky, Vladimir Putin, Rep Matt Gaetz, Rep Ilhan Omar, Michael Warren Davis, Sen Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Dave DeCamp, Haley Ott

Written by: Justin Redman