The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-RFK Jr Smacks Down Congressional Vaccine Mandate Nazis

today07/21/2023 228 6

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  • Robert F Kennedy Jr Committee Hearing
  • COVID censorship
  • The Sound of Freedom
  • Kamala Harris claims Florida is teaching kids slavery was wonderful
  • NYC Mayor Eric Adams says NYC is officially at maximum capacity for illegal immigrants
  • Sen Tommy Tuberville put a hold on the DOD abortion access bill
 HEADLINE: Ron DeSantis defends Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blockade on military promotions by Zoe Richards  

  • On the Senate floor Wednesday, Tuberville blocked a seventh attempt by Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., to approve a backlog of military promotions that has persisted for months. 
  • While Tuberville has suggested that the Pentagon’s policies have hurt recruitment and retention, White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby argued Monday that ending the abortion policy would have an “extremely, extremely significant impact” on military recruiting and retention and that it be likely to lead to the armed forces’ losing “talent, important talent.”

HEADLINE: It’s not just military leaders: Tuberville hold scrambles Pentagon’s policy shop by Lara Seligman 

  • All four roles are currently being filled on a temporary basis. But unlike the military positions, the civilian seats cannot be filled by acting officials indefinitely. Under the Vacancies Act, they are limited to 210 days. 
  • By contrast, only seven of the now 66 senior Pentagon positions requiring Senate confirmation are open, according to Arnold Punaro, a retired Marine Corps major general and former Senate Armed Services staff director.
  • The longer the blockade lasts, the more positions could be affected. Many officials leave at the halfway point in an administration to take a new position or return to private life. And if the officials in acting roles reach the legal time limit, the administration will have to tap someone new to fill the position.
1h03mHEADLINE: Say No to Julie Su as Labor Secretary by Ted Budd and Tyler Voight
 HEADLINE: Nearly 2,400 stores are closing across the US in 2023. Here’s the full list. by Dominick Reuter 

  • An Insider tally of announcements by major retailers in 2023 finds as many as 2,373 stores set to close across the US.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Neil Armstrong – First Moon Landing 1969 
1h42mUPS, Yellow Truck Co 

HEADLINE: How a Yellow bankruptcy could uproot supply chains in real time by Craig Fuller 

  • Teamsters union has threatened to strike by Monday if this is not resolved and the pension contributions remain in default. The company owes $50 million, a large sum for a company in financial distress. Yellow currently has in excess of $100 million in cash reserves, according to an 8-K filed on July 7. 
  • Once a strike takes place, Yellow’s revenue would drop to almost zero, as almost all of its revenue is dependent upon union labor. And it is unlikely that it could recover, short of an improbable government bailout. The cash burn would be insurmountable and the company would be forced into bankruptcy within days or weeks. 
1h50mAUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Rep Debbie Wasserman SchultzPoint of order, Mr Kennedy has violated house rules b/c he has made despicable anti-semantic comments. Mr Kennedy said COVID was ethnically target. 

  • There are a few words that can never be spoken or you will be cancelled forever.
  • One word starts w/ a c and ends w/ a t.
  • One world is antisemite. 
  • What makes one an antisemite? 
  • If you question Israel or why we send millions there, why they are in the thoughts of all our government officials before making laws here…you are done.
  • This of course has come after WWII and the Holocaust. 
  • Robert F Kennedy Jr is not a Jew hater.

AUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Robert F Kennedy Jr.I wanna’ say this while I’m under oath, In my entire life I have never uttered a phrase that is either racist or anti-semantic. I have a better record on Israel than anyone in this chamber today.

AUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Robert F Kennedy Jr. responds to Rep PlaskettVirtually every statement that you just made about me is inaccurate. I am fully compliant w/ all vaccines except the COVID vaccine. All my children are vaccinated. They put me in the “Disinformation Dozen”.

AUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Rep Jim Jordan & Rep Plaskett argument over witness timeIf you want to cut him off and censor him some more, you’re welcome to do it.

8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 AUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Robert F Kennedy Jr. – They had to invent a new word called Malinformation to censor people like me. There was nothing on my Instagram page, it was all sited and sourced. Malinforation is information that is true but is inconvenient to the government.

AUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Robert F Kennedy Jr.Trusting the experts is not a function of science. It is not a function of democracy. It is a function of religion and totalitarianism, and it doesn’t make for a healthier population.

2h34mCALLER Gadsden from Illinois – 

  • My nephew had a graduation ceremony.
  • There was a medal that has been given out to men only and at this ceremony they gave it to a woman for the first time.
  • She was pregnant upon receiving the award.
  • She is pregnant for her husbands best friend.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: House Judiciary Weaponization of the Federal Gov Subcommittee

Robert F Kennedy Jr. – Respectful debate is the sunlight for our Democracy. The 1st amendment wasn’t put in place for easy speech, it was for someone willing to say the things that are hard. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on blocking DOD policy ensuring abortion access to active service membersI’m not holding up readiness or recruiting – it’s their woke military that is hurting recruiting and readiness. It is an unlawful law and if they want to get it done, put the policy back the way it was. The pentagon does not make law.

 HEADLINE: Russian Minister of Health Asks Women to Pursue Motherhood Before Career by Father Joe 

  • The Russian government should reverse the trend in which many women put off having children for the sake of a career, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said on Tuesday. He also listed lowering the number of abortions in the country as a priority.


CALLER Jeffory Korson from Georgia – 

  • Just like the banking system they want to file down to just a few delivery services.
  • They want another wretched around everyones necks.
  • What happens to the consumer when there are fewer options to choose from?
  • This is an unforced error.
  • But if this is all over $50 million owed to the teamsters, that seems ridiculous to me.
  • Here is the big one for me – UPS current contract w/ it’s union ends on July 31st.
  • Here is the stat – how many UPS trucks are out there?
  • 30,230 trucks 
  • How many times a week do you see a UPS truck in your neighborhood.
  • We see one in our hood each day.
  • What if the UPS drivers go on strike?
  • Where will all these packages go?
 HEADLINE: YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews by Steve Watson

  • “I did not realize saving children and bringing awareness to the sex trafficking of kids was against the community guidelines”.
 HEADLINE: Republicans Move to Defund John Kerry’s Climate Envoy Office by Eric Lendrum
 HEADLINE: Google Tests A.I. Tool That Is Able to Write News Articles by

  • Anything that is called Genesis, run.
  • The tool, known internally by the working title Genesis, can take in information — details of current events, for example — and generate news copy, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the product.
3h22mAUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris on Florida and CRTIn the state of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us and we will not stand for it.



Farmer Brian K from Texas

Farmer Dan Mundy from New Jersey

GMO = Genetically Modified Organism

Chanterelle Mushrooms – One of the most highly prized mushrooms in our woodlands, whilst it is widespread it can be locally abundant. Often easy to miss on the woodland floor as the caps can look just like fallen leaves. One of the most iconic mushrooms that grows in the wild in UK, the Chanterlle is a stunning species, both to look at and to taste. Its distinctive trumpet like shape and bright yellow colour make this mushroom stand out from the other, but not from leaves, in an area of birch woodland near to my house you would be surprised how well camouflaged these mushrooms are in amongst the fallen birch leaves. Across the country it is a common species, in Scotland and the south of England woodlands can be covered with these, in certain areas they can be a little more picky in where they grow and in some areas they can be difficult to find, in others they are locally abundant. Some authors say when you pick and smell them they have an apricot aroma (I have never convinced myself with this and neither have any of my friends). The taste of this mushroom is fantastic and is one of the best wild eating mushrooms (I prefer the texture of these to any other) and if you dry them and use them then I think that flavour comes out even more. They can be found in a variety of woodland but take care not to confuse them with the False Chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca), this is a more orange coloured mushroom with ‘real’ gills (the Chanterelle has unfolds in the surface making them look more like veins than gills) the stem on the False Chanterelle is usually thinner and False Chanterelle occurs in coniferous woodlands and heathlands.

HEADLINE: Top 10 Most Common GMO Foods by Chris Keenan 

  1. Soy
  2. Corn
  3. Canola Oil
  4. Cotton
  5. Milk
  6. Sugar
  7. Aspartame
  8. Zucchini
  9. Yellow Squash
  10. Papaya 
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Meta-tags for showFree Farm Friday, Brian Koch, Dan Mundy, GMO, Chanterelle mushrooms, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Kamala Harris, Zoe Richards, Sen Tommy Tuberville, DOD, military abortions, NYC, Eric Adams, illegal immigrations, Chris Keenan, Lara Seligman, Ted Budd, Tyler Voight, Pentagon, Julie Su, Dominick Reuter, Neil Armstrong, Moon landing, Yellow Trucking co, Craig Fuller, UPS, FedEx supply chain, CRT, slavery, Eric Lendrum, Jeffory Korson, Father Joe, John Kerry, climate change, Steve Watson, Sound of Freedom, Genesis, Rep Plaskett, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jim Jordan

Written by: candacechurch