The Mike Church Show-The Cheating By ABC and Kamala Is A Criminal Act

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
17mFOX News – Governor of Ohio is sending in troops to Springfield to combat the influx of Haitian migrants.
23mPresidential Debate

Harris vs Trump

  • The word on the street is all about the Kamala Harris pearl earpiece.
  • The urban legends rise!
  • Who won the debate?
  • According to the polls of undecideds – 60% now voting Trump, 30% are voting for Kamala and 10% remain undecided.
  • Now you all know we don’t really believe polls but we do give you the information so you have it.
  • There was collusion in that debate.
  • ABC News presented the ‘fair and balanced’ debate but they had moderators that were incapable of being fair and balanced.
  • ABC News participated in Election Interference by what they did in that Presidential debate.
  • That is a Federal crime by the way in the State of America.
  • What do most Americans think about that debate?
 9/11 Commemoration Yesterday

  • JD Vance and Donald Trump were twinning yesterday. 
  • What about the woman that read the story of her son and then called out Joe Biden to his face?!
 HEADLINE: Kamala Harris debate earrings twist as mystery company behind stealth bluetooth jewelry responds and vows to even the playing field for Trump by Stephen M Lepore 

  • “We do not know whether Mrs. Harris wore one of our products. The resemblance is striking and while our product was not specifically developed for the use at presidential debates, it is nonetheless suited for it,’ Iversen said in a statement. 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2









ABC News Criminally Liable 

  • If Trump is elected use the Justice department properly.
  • Go after ABC News for fraud.
  • I want to know every person involved in giving Kamala the questions in advance.
  • She has NEVER been that eloquent in any event or debate before this one.
  • All of the sudden she can remember bill names, Executive Order numbers and everything else?
  • I’ve seen Harris perform previously including the one w/ Pence.
  • That was not the same person.
  • Daniel Day-Lewis – in Gangs of New York, he said it took him a full year to build his character.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Body Cam Footage Ohio – Police officer arresting a Haitian woman in a driveway for eating a cat.

  • Apparently Trump was right in that debate.
  • The Harris campaign is wanting another debate.
  • Trump said it’s like a prize fight, when you lose the first thing you say is you want a rematch right?
  • So Trump and the polls are showing Trump did win that debate.
  • If you want another go at the Don that means you lost.
 Trump Attempted Assassination 

  • How did the little trained or untrained, wallflower loser Crooks beat our highly trained Secret Service that day?
  • He got 8 rounds off that day.
  • It is so bad the quiet Melania Trump had to come out w/ a video on it.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.













William F Buckley

  • Let’s isolate him and put him over there in this block and let him host his little show in that block only.
  • They knew he was a problem.
  • It was to give people like us a ‘hey we have the Firing Line’ so there.
  • Like another, George Will and Meet The Press.
  • He wasn’t one of us really.
  • There never has been in the media age, the only one that stood out was Rush Limbaugh, once commercial success came who bought him?
  • The Rush Limbaugh got bought from Premier then the biggest radio traders in the world Clear Channel and then they basically owned the contract and Limbaugh.
  • Intellectually speaking he did just enough to give people hope.
  • I’m not nocking him I loved the guy.
  • There hasn’t ever been an intellectual threat to these people but there is NOW!
  • When this was announced I told you fair audience, the signal event that could change the course of history had just occurred.
  • Mike Parrott and I discussed this.
  • When Trump selected JD Vance he set in motion a chain of events in Christendom that could work out and play in our favor.
  • Vance as I said that day, he is the real deal.
  • He can think, he has intellect, he can think logically, he can think in real time and correct error…he is the real deal.

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Fox News – Taylor Swift – We admire her music but voters won’t be influenced by a billionaire celebrity that is fundamentally disconnected from most Americans. When grocery prices go up by 20%, it hurts most Americans. It doesn’t hurt Taylor Swift. When housing prices become unaffordable it doesn’t effect her. 

  • That is the example, right there!
  • He answered that question in a way that the average American can and will understand.
  • He put it into perspective for US the middle class.
  • How Taylor Swift is not one of us.
  • She doesn’t have the same problems we have.
  • We need contemplatives out there praying.
  • We don’t want our daughters following the path of Taylor Swift.
  • We want them to be good wives, good mothers and follow Christ.
  • At the end of the day great philosophy is needed.
  • This isn’t supposed to be complicated and hard, it is common sense. 
  • Natural Order – 
  • JD Vance has that gift.
  • We’ve never had a Catholic intellectual on the precipices of having the power he is in the position to have.
  • Philosophy is the summit of natural reason (despite 500 years of trying to destroy it).
  • I think the Democratic party is willing to set all this ablaze if they lose power.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Melania Trump on Trump Assassination Attempt“The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience. Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder – why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech? There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the truth.”
























Investigative Journalist

Follow George Webb on X – 

Read all about his investigations at

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt 

  • Crooks had overseas bank accounts and phone storage so who was he talking to?
  • Who was using that bank account?
  • How much money was in that account?
  • Melania Trump – 
  • When her fingernails are out she is a fierce person.

HEADLINE: American Slaughter Pen – Part Two by George Webb

  • We have these folks out there saying they are trying to kill the president.
  • They put their agents in and call it an insurrection, then bring in the snipers to shoot you in a fishbowl situation.
  • The guys that started the fight slip away but you are still there and you will be slaughtered. 
  • Melania Trump is now striking back at the press for their laggard approach to getting to the bottom of the Trump Assassination attempt.
  • The Former First Lady went so far as changing the focus of her upcoming book, due out on October 1st, to be substantially dedicated to the Trump Assassination attempt in Butler, PA, on July 13th, 2024.
  • We do not know how much Melania’s new book will pivot to the recent Trump Assassination attempt at the time of this writing, but the Former First Lady’s claws are definitely out on this topic. We have yet to see a strong response in the US Congress to her criticisms of slow-footedness in terms of the Congressional Task Force looking into the Trump Assassination.
  • I  toured, in 2022 – Melania’s hometown and school in Slovenia and even sat in with a Slovenian band that had recorded a tribute song to Melania. Melania’s command of five languages and her uncanny ability to move through the top celebrity circles in Europe before coming to the US suggest she is no shrinking violet when the chips are down.
  • With Melania’s forceful upbraiding of the press and the investigative agencies, is that our international group of researchers’ tireless efforts are paying off. We will have a massive amount of information ready for an inquiry if the Former First Lady decides to lead an independent investigation. If the House Trump Assassination Task Force continues to drag its feet, this is a likely possibility.
  • My conclusion is that the Sheriff is still responsible for their SWAT Team, not a Federal Agency. My conclusion is Sheriff Tony Guy abdicated responsibility if his SWAT Team for the Trump Assassination Roof.
  • Alexander Vindman – I knew exactly who leaked that call and I believe history will ultimately show it was he that called Adam Schiff.
  • We followed his brother, there is a very deep string of corruption w/ Vindman.
  • He is making the movie where he is the hero of January 6th.
  • This is part of the American Slaughter Pin.
  • The news came out that Julian Assange would be released, Joe Biden agreement to get the rest of the Seth Rich email dump of 2016.
  • The Russian prisoner exchange with the journalist Evan Gershovich.
  • There is a calmness and soothes of Melania’s voice, she is Arnold w/ beauty and class.
  • Harris said she hasn’t been to Europe and here is Melania that has been to all the capitals. 
  • She is one w/ teeth and claws and I love to report on her.
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld on The Five – Presidential Debate – You can’t subjectively decide a winner in a sham debate. This is truly the first DEI debate where one candidate was subjected to a high standard and the other was held to no standards at all. They removed the essence of fairness. You can’t score that. The liberals should be ashamed that your candidate had to be handled this way. Anyone that attributes this to Kamala’s skill is an idiot. That is stolen valor. The moderators did the heavy lifting.

No one was served by this debate.

  • We act as if these people are above the law but they aren’t.
  • There are election laws are on the books.
  • ABC News violated those laws.
  • My understanding is Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were both given the rules and were asked by ABC News to read the rules and sign that you have read them and understand them and agree not to violate them.
  • Kamala Harris signed that pledge, that is a legal document at that point.
  • By an extension a contract b/w the moderators, the campaigns and ABC News themselves. 
  • I’d score one round for Kamala and the rest for Donald.
  • We talk all the time about when Trump is the under dog he shines right?
  • I think what happened during that debate is the ABC News anchors made him the underdog w/o meaning to.
  • I think that is why we are seeing the uptick in his numbers now after that debate. 
  • The average American doesn’t like a bully.
  • They thought they slam dunked him that night.
  • Richard Barrett even said that night Trump didn’t lose that night.

HEADLINE: The Debate Was So Biased It Was Divorced From Reality. Trump Should Refuse To Do Another by John Daniel Davidson 

  • The consumption of large amounts of information.
  • Americans don’t seem to be able to ingest large amounts of information.
  • We like bullet points.
  • We consume small amounts in soundbites.
  • What if the one soundbite you ingested wasn’t the complete thought?
  • Without the ability to contemplate – what will we become?
  • Contemplation and the Saints
  • There has never been a better time to be a Saint b/c believe me you will stand out!
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Independent Voter on Dr Phil Post-DebateI was hoping Kamala would actually give me some answers, but I have more doubts. What is an opportunity economy? What does that mean? Who’s paying for the tax cuts? Who’s paying for all these tax credits? That’s just the taxpayers coming out of pocket and hurting the middle class again. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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    Hurricane Francine

  • It made landfall last night.
  • We got some rain and some high winds, we also had some power surges last night but all is well.
  • We have no damage to any structures.
2h40mAUDIO/VIDEO: NC Rep Greg Murphy w/ Jocelyn Benson Committee Hearing on American Confidence In Elections – Election Security – Should deceased persons be on your voters roll? Why don’t you want voter ID? It comes from lack of transparency and smugness. This administration is doing everything it can to push one particular narrative into a one party state.







Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • He wanted to say something but was advised not to say it so we got this sort of robotic Trump and we just weren’t used to it.
  • I think he definitely did better than some are saying but it almost looked like he was uncomfortable.
  • Kamala Harris was prepared.
  • She has been hiding from the media b/c they have been rebooting her totally.
  • She was always the Queen of the Word Salad.
  • But last night she was clear and had no word salad.
  • Democrats are capable of doing this, they can strip someone down and rebuild someone.
  • I think she was given the questions in advance. – The King Dude
  • It wasn’t her, I’ve watched all her previous debates this person was a completely different person.
  • She had full faith and confidence she could regurgitate the debunked topics and not get pushback from them.
  • This is what happens when you have the JV squad going against the Varsity.
  • He has to go back to Trump 2016.
  • Why doesn’t he do any Town Halls?
  • A Town Hall when you have many people of both parties there asking questions.
  • He seems a little bit like he is outside of what is happening around him.
  • Kamala Harris cannot do that and Trump can!
  • I thought he was very wise to shut up about the abortion issue.
  • He said I was for exceptions and then shut up.
  • That might have saved his campaign right there.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch