The Mike Church Show-The Inflation Act Was Always The Green New Scam

today09/06/2024 123

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Georgia Shooting

  • His father apparently did purchase a weapon for him at Christmas.
  • He bought this weapon for him AFTER the FBI visited their home and questioned them both.
  • Gray’s dad Colin, 54, was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of cruelty to children.

HEADLINE: DAD MURDER CHARGE Apalachee ‘shooter’ Colt Gray’s dad Colin charged with murder over ‘son’s rampage that killed four & left nine injured’ by Sophie Gable and Emma Crabtree 



HEADLINE: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire by 

  • There’s a reason there’s no justice in the legal system: it runs on its own internal logic. I don’t think there’s cause to believe Cruz-Mendoza received such a light sentence because he was an illegal immigrant. Instead, it seems, in accordance with legal precedent, he couldn’t receive a greater sentence for the charges received, especially since he pleaded guilty to them.
  • Which means the problem lies with the charges themselves. When looking at the totality of circumstances, you have to wonder how on Earth Cruz-Mendoza wasn’t charged with felonies.
  • So we have a judicial system problem it seems.
  • Jefferson County Courthouse on Friday, the state focused on just that, as well as Cruz-Mendoza’s criminal history of reckless driving. He’s also been ordered to return to Mexico 16 times and has a criminal history with drugs, stating to police shortly after the crash that he drinks frequently and uses meth occasionally. 
 Joe Biden Inflation Reduction Act

  • He publicly admitted that this was a Climate Change act and nothing more.
  • We told you when this thing was up for a vote that is what this was.
  • There was nothing in there to reduce inflation and they knew it.
28mJobs Report Comes Out Today

  • Will they lie about the report again and just revise the numbers later when no one is paying attention?
  • Does the average American know about the last massive jobs number revision?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2

















HEADLINE: The Great Martyr Made Freakout by Rod Dreher 

  • Sixteen years ago by my count is the 1st time I was challenged on my American Exceptionalism idea.
  • There were great men in WWII.
  • Great valor and acts of courage but those men where pawns.
  • The image of Empire had to be created. 

Eric Sammons on X: Some might wonder why it matters what we think of Churchill and the Allies. No one debates so fiercely the Spanish–American War, after all. Why does it matter?

Because World War II is the founding myth of the American Empire, and Winston Churchill is its prophet.

  • Every conflict, every intervention, every expansion of American dominance around the globe since the 1940’s has been defended by the belief that “we can’t be Chamberlain, we must be Churchill.” Every immoral action to defend and expand the Empire is justified in light of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Dresden.
  • This is why people, especially neocons, emotionally freak out whenever someone dares question the actions of Churchill and the Allies. If Churchill and the Allies weren’t perfect in all their decisions, then the myth begins to crumble. Remember: relentless propaganda is necessary to support any Empire.
  • Any criticism therefore is an attack on the religion of American Exceptionalism. So its disciples just revert to name-calling (“Nazi Apologist”) because they fear any objective look at the historical record might weaken that religion and the American Empire.
  • To be clear, this doesn’t mean every criticism of Churchill and the allies is automatically right, or that some actual Hitler sympathizers don’t use these criticisms to advance their vile views. But that doesn’t negate the fact that our history books are mostly propaganda organs for supporting the continued dominance of the American Empire, so they ignore any problematic decisions made by Churchill and the Allies.
  • I highly recommend Pat Buchanan’s book “Churchill, Hitler, and ‘The Unnecessary War’: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World” for a deeper dive into bursting the Empire’s founding myth and its prophet.
  • Where do we get the myth of American Exceptionalism? 
  • Don’t confuse that with not having exceptional Americans.
  • There are Italian exceptionalism, German and English too.
  • How do you prove American Exceptionalism? 
  • How do you disprove it?
  • You can read almost anything by Thomas Lorenzo too.
  • Lewrockwell’s website has some great things too on this topic.
  • They also needed to steal the thunder from actual history teachers from Universities.
  • They had to have historians to go along w/ this.
  • So how did they do that?
  • They enlisted a guy named Leo Strauss, he then passed that baton to Harry Jaffa. 
  • If you look into Leo Strauss, dig a little deeper, Strausses paths crossed with Saul Alinsky. 
  • The greatest fake community organizer.
  • He was Obama’s great hero if you remember.
  • To have a hero you must have a villain. 
  • You go down this path it might alter some of your views.
 Kamala Harris and Censorship

  • She left a paper trial of all the Communist things she wanted to implement when she was running for the office of Presidency.
  • Did they even vet this Tim Walz guy?
  • The House Oversight Committee, Virginia Fox sent a subpoena letter b/c they found fraud of the stimulus checks in Minnesota. 
  • They have been asking Tim Walz to respond for 3 years now about this and they have gotten crickets.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK March 26, 2019  Kamala Harris NAACP Detroit Branch – We will put the Department of Justice back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division, and direct law enforcement to counter this extremism. We will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms b/c they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy. And if you profit off of hate, if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber warfare, we will hold you accountable as a community. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK 2019 Kamala Harris w/ CNN Jake Tapper – Social Media – President Trump has lost his privileges and his Twitter account should be taken down. Social media sites are directly speaking to million and millions of people w/o any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop.



AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at the Economic Club of New YorkI will create a Government efficient Commission tasked w/ conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms. Elon…has agreed to head that task force.

  • This happened during Bill Clinton’s administration.
  • The 1993 Base Realignment and Closure Commission, it went on to recommend that 33 major United States military bases be closed.
  • The SNAP programs, they all need to go. 

  • The one and only KV Turley will be doing a daily LIVE show.
  • This will fill in the time slot that Mike Parrott had to surrender.
  • Right after the LIVE Mike Church Show!
  • That will then segway into Fiorella and boom!
  • 6am all the way to noon with LIVE radio!
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h40mLIVE Fox News Stream – 

Winder Georgia (pronounced wine-der)

  • 14 year old Colt Gray makes first court appearance.
  • Informing defendant of all his charges. 
  • 4 counts of felony murder the maximum penalty for each count is death, life in prison with or without parole. 
  • They will be prosecuting him as an adult. 
  • He has bleached blonde long hair.
  • The father has also been arrested.
  • Colt idolized Nikolas Cruz the Parkland High School shooter.
  • He was a super fan of him.


Jobs Report Is Out

  • No incumbent wants a slowing economy with an upcoming election.

HEADLINE: June Payrolls Miss But Unemployment Rate Declines, Pulling Back From “Sahm Rule Recession” Trigger via ZeroHedge 

  • You can bet these numbers will be adjusted soon.
  • Under the dead of night and on a Friday news dump.

HEADLINE: Employers added 142,000 jobs in August, as labor market cools by Lauren Kaori Gurley 

  • Then again, as has become the norm, both previous months were revised sharply lower, so once again expect the August print to suffer the same fate. Specifically, the BLS said that the payroll print for June was revised down by 61,000, from +179,000 to +118,000, and the change for July was revised down by 25,000, from +114,000 to +89,000. With these revisions, employment in June and July combined is 86,000 lower than previously reported It also means that 4 consecutive job prints have been revised lower, and 6 of the past 7.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Peter St Onge – Jobs Report – Jobs collapse as job openings crash by half a million and layoffs soar to 1.8 million. This is worst than the most pessimistic prediction. It argues for some very creative accounting at the Department of Labor. The collapse was particularly large in construction. That is driven by part as a collapse in housing. 
1h55mAUDIO: Thomas Massie – Recorded Voting – They don’t want to be on record making the biggest mistake in history. 
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COVID and National Debt

  • The final bailout was $2 trillion but there were many more before that.
  • You can’t pour $8 trillion into an economy and not increase inflation.
  • Congress appropriated and additional $2 trillion.
  • Now we are at $12 trillion.
  • No one even knows what a trillion is!
  • This is what is driving the current economy, which is not being driven at all.
  • I have been at this for a little while now and have a firmer grasp on these things.
  • You can say economist, weather men and labor statistics….none of them get the actual target only close?!





  • We have 2 major amendments here in Florida.
  • Amendment 3 – unlimited weed smoking
  • Amendment 4 – abortion
  • Someone or group of people got in President Trumps ear.
  • This is a step in the right direction I think.
  • They have some truly pro-life people in his campaign and we haven’t heard anything about IVF recently from him.
  • This is a Catholic problem.
  • What we have here is a failure to communicate in the Catholic church and laity.
  • You cannot have sheep w/o a shepherd. 
  • We have no leadership in Catholic circles.
  • There is this idea that we aren’t ideological purist. 
  • What about abortion? 
  • We should be on that issue as it is a life and death matter.
  • We should strive for purity.
  • When was the last time you heard about IVF from the pulpit?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Ronald Reagan Farewell Address 

  • If you live in a red state you are witnessing some great policy.
  • Here is the problem, the populous movement.
  • They appeal to the masses.
  • We are about 30+ years removed from that.

HEADLINE: JD Vance’s plan to lower childcare costs: have grandma and grandpa ‘help a little bit more’ by Eliza Relman

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • The word is the Trump campaign doesn’t want to get any more religious then they have to.
  • They have too many Libertarians in his campaign.
  • They are maxed out at this point.
  • Young Catholics and religious are feeling cast aside in the Trump campaign.
  • There is a push back against religious influence now and that didn’t start to happen until Tulsi and Shanahan joined the campaign. 
  • He seems to not want to acknowledge this group.
  • His obsession w/ UNITY is pushing off the youth.
  • Kamala Harris is out there talking to all the youth voters and those surrogates that she has are great at talking to the youth.
  • She has a lot of people on the ground working for her campaign.
  • You won’t like the world the social media king and queen give you.
  • Maybe we should let it happen.
  • This living by 30 second sound bites has to end.
  • Will we ever have another chance to win an election?
  • If we don’t win this election, is there another stand for the Republican party?
  • Has the abortion and IVF question gone to the wayside?
  • We see a lot of pro-life galas and events but not much more.
  • You can’t become unpro-life and some people think Trump has kinda abandoned the movement.
  • JD Vance needs to come out more and talk about it. 
  • Trump needs to follow his son Barron’s advice.
  • When he listens to Barron his numbers go up.
  • 8 weeks to go who do you focus on?
  • White Men – I would focus on the men of voting age. 
  • Kamala Harris is not talking to them.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden Investing in Rural America Westby, WisconsinI am proud to announce that through my investments, the most significant climate change law ever and by the way it is a $369 billion dollar bill, we should have named it what it was..anyway $7.3 billion dollars in grants to help rural communities transition to clean, affordable, reliable energy.

  • There is no such thing as clean, affordable and reliable energy.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch