The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Invading Army Crossing Our Border Is An Act Of Treason

today09/22/2023 218 4

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Illegal Immigration

  • We used to have these things called borders.
  • I am old enough to remember what that was like.
  • When you had to go through a channel to become a citizen or to even step foot in this great country of ours.
  • Reverse Colonization – 
  • Set the lower 48 states on a crash course w/ 3rd world nations – 
  • Is it possible to destroy the entire continents success and wealth by allowing millions of non-natural born citizens into the country?
  • What do you call this?
  • In all honesty, does this regime need the GOP to close up the border?
  • Do they need the GOP to send money to Ukraine?
  • Don’t they do things unilaterally all the time?
  • Your average American neo-con has to have someone to make war on at all times.
  • Congress could pass a law today – they will be designated alien combatants and they would have to be deported immediately. 
  • Biden Regime says we just don’t have enough CBP agents for the paperwork of all the illegals.
  • That isn’t what we need and they know it.
  • It is a ‘process of processing’ that is what this regime wants you to believe. 
  • They are undoing the limited immigration that Trump and Title 42 did.
  • This doesn’t meet the classical definition of treason but it is damn close.
  • Giving Aid and Comfort – okay the Biden regime is doing what?
  • Isn’t the whole point of a border, to protect the citizens that are already here?
  • I think we need to stop saying “we are for LEGAL immigration”.
  • We should just say “nope we are done, we are full, we’ve had enough”. 
  • The great melting pot is overflowing and about to roll off the fire and kill us all.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek G Ramaswamy at Free State Project in New Hampshire on SecessionI am dead set against a National Divorce of any kind. Once there is a national divorce we lose the single most guaranteer of freedom the Constitution. 

  • You won’t lose your freedoms!
  • This is a scare tactic, a state has every right to secede from the union. 
  • So what he just said basically is “we are FREE until we want to leave the union”. 
  • The first answer is wrong!
  • He is just wrong, 100% wrong. 
  • I am 100% opposed to a National Divorce was his response.
  • This sets up the treason question well I think.
  • Let’s pretend for a moment that New Hampshire says, look we don’t want these illegals and we are going to protect our OWN borders and not let ANY of them into our state.
  • So what would President Vivek do at that point?
  • How would he handle New Hampshire?
  • I think he’d go all Lincoln on them!
  • I think the Biden Regime right now is fiddling w/ being a traitor.
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AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing on Immigration

Peter Doocy – What do you call it when 10,000 people illegally cross the border in one single day?

Karine Jean-Pierre – What do you call it when the GOP……then refuses to answer the question. 

  • You should never answer a question w/ a question. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing on Immigration

Journalist – This administration took credit for the lull after Title 42, so will they take credit for this most recent influx?

Karine – The US sees ebbs and flows of migrants arriving, fueled by seasonal trends. The President has taken action upon action to try and deal w/ what is happening at the border.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Lt Chris Olivarez TX Department of Public Safety SpokesmanJust yesterday alone we recovered a 3 yr old boy from the river who drowned. The week before that a 10 yr old that drowned in the same area in Eagle Pass. How can they say that’s humane?

  • Who is them?
  • Is the them the Founding Fathers?
  • Is the them the various armies or militias in the states at the time?
  • Against leveeing war against them….
  • The United States – it doesn’t say the United STATE. 
  • It is not singular it is plural. 
  • Was there more than one America?
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 JD Vance Twitter: Yesterday at a classified briefing over Ukraine, it became clear that America is being asked to fund an indefinite conflict with unlimited resources. 

Enough is enough. To these and future requests, my colleagues and I say: NO


Farmer Dan Mundy from New Jersey

HEADLINE: Salt water intrusion threatens New Orleans drinking water by Axios

  • Low water levels in the Mississippi River caused by the ongoing drought mean salt water intrusion from the Gulf of Mexico could threaten water supplies as far upriver as the French Quarter.

QUESTION: Why does this matter?

ANSWER: Salt water intrusion threatening local water supplies used to be a once-in-a-decade concern, but this is the second year in a row low water levels have been an issue.

  • Local water supplies are pulled from the river, and this wedge of salt water gets in the way.
  • Underwater damn that you can’t see from the surface.

HEADLINE: A saltwater wedge climbing the Mississippi River threatens drinking water by Brady Dennis  

  • In particular, the ongoing drought along the Mississippi means that without substantial rain further north, the river’s flow could soon reach as low as 130,000 cubic feet per second — close to its lowest recorded flow ever of 120,000 cubic feet per second in 1988.
  • It has undertaken similar work in 1988, 1999, 2012 and again in 2022, when a prolonged drought drove water levels on the Mississippi to historic lows.
  • Since June, the residents living in lower Plaquemines Parish were forced to go w/o fresh drinking water and have been relying on water distributed by the parish.
  • If things continue on this course, the salt water would begin affecting drinking water in Belle Chasse by early October.
  • Currently, Plaquemines Parish President W. Keith Hinkley said about 2,000 residents can’t drink their water due to salt contamination, and the parish has distributed more than 1.5 million gallons of water with little signs of reprieve. If the salt water reaches Belle Chasse, at least 20,000 more residents would be affected. 
  • Army Corps Col. Cullen Jones said forecasts suggest the river’s flow could drop to 130,000 cubic feet per second by mid-October, less than half of the amount of freshwater needed to push the salt water back down to the Gulf of Mexico.

HEADLINE: Saltwater in Mississippi River will cause Corps to build a higher underwater levee by Mark Schleifstein 

3h10mAUDIO/VIDEO: National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on further funding to UkraineThere’s not a single dollar, dollar amount that is necessary for all time. We need funding to keep going. We will want to see additional funds to send to Ukraine, we don’t want to see a disruption in that flow to Ukraine. 

  • Where are the leaders that actually care about the American people?
  • Why isn’t there anyone saying NO ABSOLUTLEY NOT, NOT ONE MORE PENNY?

AUDIO/VIDEO: National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on How much has actually been sent to UkraineHow much assistance we have provided to Ukraine –  $47 billion in military assistance, roughly $1.15 million per month in direct budget support to the World Bank so we can make sure they are appropriately spent, and in the range of $10 billion for humanitarian needs are being taken care of. 

3h24mHEADLINE: Amid Abortion Backlash, Trump Has Advice for Iowans by Catherine Yang 

  • During the NBC interview he directly answered “no” when asked whether he would sign a 15 week federal ban—something other GOP candidates have pushed for—saying that he would not commit to any policy before bringing more people into the room for a discussion.
3h41mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden at Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute on BudgetI love our friends on the right talk about, the MAGA guys, about reducing the deficit. Give me a break. I’ve reduced the deficit by over $1 trillion dollars.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden at Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute on ImmigrationMAGA Republicans spent 4 years gutting the immigration system under my predecessor. They continue to undermine our border security today.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden at Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute on Legal Immigration pathwaysWe’re significantly expanding legal pathways to entry so businesses can get workers they need. I’ve also directed my team to make historic increases in the number of refugees from Latin America.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden at Congressional Hispanic Caucus InstituteStarts w/ bless me Father for I have not sinned yet tonight…then accidentally calls it the BLACK caucus. 

 HEADLINE: New Report Nearly Triples Estimated Amount Covid Fraudsters Stole In Unemployment Benefits by Christopher Jacobs 

  • Last October,  I reported in these pages on a federal inspector general study that estimated nearly $46 billion in potentially fraudulent unemployment benefits paid out amid the Covid-19 lockdowns. The study itself, and my summary of it, noted that the $46 billion figure likely underestimated the total extent of the fraud — and boy, did it ever. 
  • Over the past three years, unemployment payments totaled approximately $900 billion. The new pandemic programs Congress authorized totaled $670 billion out of that $900 billion — a staggering sum in a short period, since those programs weren’t created until March 2020 then expired 18 months later in September 2021. 
3h57mHEADLINE: Schumer’s Cave On Military Nominations Shows His Attacks On Tuberville Were Always Political by Shawn Fleetwood 

  • “Instead of voting, Democrats have spent months complaining about having to vote,” Tuberville said during a speech on the Senate floor. “Sen. Schumer could have confirmed these nominees a long, long time ago. … I didn’t come [to Congress] just to outsource my job to the Pentagon or the White House. Yet, that’s exactly what Democrats want to do.”
 HEADLINE: Project Veritas Suspends All Operations Amid Devastating Layoffs and Fundraising Struggles by Diana Falzone and Aidan McLaghlin

  • “In the interest of preserving the possible future existence of Project Veritas we need to put operations on pause and, as communicated since the Spring, another Reduction in Force (“RIF”) is necessary.” – Jennifer Kiyak 
 3h52mHEADLINE: What It Says About Us That Abortions Increased After Roe Was Reversed by Nathan Stone 
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Meta-tags for showNathan Stone, Diana Falzone, Aidan McLaghlin, Church Schumer, Rep Tuberville, Joe Biden, Project Veritas, Shawn Fleetwood, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, COVID, Christopher Jacobs, immigration, unemployment benefits, Jennifer Kiyak, MAGA, Donald Trump, abortion, national debt, Catherine Yang, GOP, Ukraine, Russia, Vlodomir Zelnskyy, foreign aid, Jake Sullivan, Vivek Ramaswamy, secession, New Hampshire, Title 42, Mark Schleifstein, CBP, border crisis, Army Corps, Brady Dennis, Dan Mundy, Free Farm Friday, JD Vance, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre

Written by: candacechurch