The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The NeoCons Strike Back And Bag Their Enemy Donald J. Trump

today06/14/2023 337 1

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Donald Trump Indictment

  • 93% conviction rate in the United States for District Attorney’s 
  • We know why that is, b/c most people don’t fight them they just plead out.
  • It is not an accident very shortly after McDonald is removed from the Governorship and then was subsequently acquitted. 
  • When the Clinton gang comes after you, they take you out.
  • Whether it is by a physical assassination or the court assassination.
  • Do you really believe the people in the Democrat party are really controlled by demons?
  • In 2008 I was challenged on my world view by several people.
  • There was one figure in particular that challenged my actual thought on American politics. 
  • That was Congressman Ron Paul – he was talking about all these unfunded and undeclared wars.
  • He used a term I hadn’t really thought about…BLOWBACK.
  • When the US maims, kills, murders someone in the Muslim world and it is an act of injustice, it causes people in that country to despise us and exact revenge. 
  • What did Trump say in February 2016 that sealed his fate?
  • He was in a tussle w/ Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush and the subject was the war in Iraq.
  • He said THEY LIED, they lied about Iraq, there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction.
  • We are still sending our men and women into undeclared wars to die.
  • For what?
  • What is all of this for?
  • The only person that ever called them out was Ron Paul and Walter Jones.
  • Congressman Paul said what Trump said.
  • Myrtle Beach SC – it was Ron Paul, Romney and another 2 folks – remember Paul quoted the Golden Rule when talking about Iraq and they BOO’D him!!!!
  • It is in that debate when he gets boo’d Brian Williams asks him – about Conservatism and what the definition is.
  • Smaller government and more liberty – 
  • What should the role of government be?
  • Not to run a welfare state and police the world.
  • So what is the point in all of this exactly?
  • That debate when he got in Jeb Bush’s face that the Iraq war should have NEVER have happened and they ALL KNEW it was based on a lie and they did it anyway.
  • He crossed the line right there.
  • He then became the enemies of ALL neo-cons.
  • They are on BOTH left and right.
  • They are doing this to Trump to tell us average Americans thinking about coming in and changing their GIG, there is NO PLACE for you here in our world.
  • You are to be ruled and that is your role.


Copyright Infringement 

  • Why does this matter?
  • This is part of the system that is rigged against the middle class average American.
  • There aren’t very many Erin Brockovich stories.
  • It is the same machine, the same beast, the same set of laws – written for the advantage of the rich and wealthy.
  • Do you think this is supposed to work this way?
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: MSNBC Rachel Maddow on not airing Trumps remarks live There is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast untrue things. We are here to bring you the news not lies and false accusations.

  • This is called bias-information.
  • You run in the circles of likeminded people.
  • She is pandering to the people that watch CNN and MSNBC.
  • None of them like Trump all think he is a criminal. 
1h37mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Bedminster NJ – Threatening me w/ 400 years in prison for possessing my own presidential papers is one of the most outrageous and vicious legal theories ever put forward in an American court of law.

  • The 1st chapter in Tom Woods Who Killed The Constitution – The Sedition act of 1917
  • He ran for president while he was in jail.
  • He could pardon himself if elected.
  • Trump is correct about this. 
  • The National Archives Act – 
  • The Clinton’s squirreled all kinds of documents out of the National Archives – Clinton was acquitted!
  • He literally sent someone in to STEAL documents and was acquitted. 
  • The law is written not for the little guy to get justice.
  • There is no such thing as a tax loophole, it is part of the law and it was created by someone w/ money that needed it.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Bedminster NJHillary Clinton broke the law and she didn’t get indicted. Joe Biden broke the law, and in many other ways we’re finding out, and so far has not gotten indicted. I did everything right and they indicted me. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Bedminster NJThe prosecutor in the case, I will call it OUR case, is a thug. I’ve named him Deranged Jack Smith. He feels safer in the department of injustice. He is a raging Trump hater and his wife orchestrated the Michelle Obama puff piece.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Bedminster NJThey’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you and I just happen to be standing in their way and I will never be moving. On Nov 5, 2024, justice will be done. We will take back our country and we will Make America Great Again.

  • Do you know why the FBI was actually created?
  • It was created to investigate the FEDERAL government.
  • Not the American citizens.
  • AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Twitter – America’s principles are at stakethe one thing you are not allowed to say is “There were no weapons of mass destruction” and Donald Trump exposed that which sealed his fate.
  • If Jeb Bush was elected back then we would still be in Iraq.
  • Biden pulled out b/c he needed the infrastructure and the troops where he was going next…Ukraine.
  • There was no poppy trade in Iraq any longer so there was no benefit there.
  • Those are the facts of Iraq.
  • Congress appropriate $6.5 trillion, where did all that money go?
  • Why is the state of Georgia and Governor Kemp kissy and cozy w/ the Chinese?
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Twitter – America’s principles are at stakeThwarting Trump was the single mission in their lives. Stealthy haters moved toward Trump and sucked up to him b/c he is susceptible to flattery. Mike Pompeo didn’t uphold the views of Trump.



Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of the ReConquest show aired only on The Crusade Channel

Saint of the Day – 

Yesterday’s Saint of the Day Saint AnthonyThe writing of “S.A.G.” (Saint Anthony Guide) on envelopes has its roots in a miracle. St. Anthony is well known as the Franciscan Friar who finds lost articles, but this is not the reason for the pious custom of giving him charge of our mail. In the early eighteenth century, a certain merchant sailed from Spain to Peru. His wife wrote him several letters, but never received a reply. At length, being at the end of her material sustenance and without hearing from her husband, she invoked the aid of Saint Anthony with childlike confidence. In the Franciscan church in Oviedo, she placed another letter to her husband into the hand of a large statue of the saint, begging him to have it safely delivered. She later returned to the church, and seeing the paper still in the statue’s hand, she began complaining to St. Anthony for not living up to her confidence. A priest, hearing her cries, came to see what the problem was. Upon hearing the story, he asked her to get the letter, for the statue would not relinquish it to him. The woman reached up for the letter, and not only could she take it easily, but several gold pieces fell to the floor. To her joy, the letter was not hers, but an entirely different letter from her husband, who expressed concern about not hearing from her sooner. He also related that a Franciscan father had brought his wife’s letter and had promised to deliver the reply. The letter may still be still be seen at Oviedo and is dated Lima, July 23, 1729.

HEADLINE: Saint Anthony of Padua 1231 by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

Poverty, Chastity and Obedience – 

  • They are a counsel and not a commandment. 
  • We shouldn’t confuse the two.
  • Albigensians were kind of a rebirth of the Manicheans.
  • The Dominicans dealt w/ the Manicheans the way the Franciscans dealt w/ the Albigensians.
  • It traps good spirits into evil bodies – Albigensians
  • People voluntarily embrace a life of poverty, chastity and obedience.
  • Chasity is a virtue and a counsel. 

HEADLINE: Saint Basil the Great (379) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • Saint Basil is one of the thirty-two Doctors of the Catholic Church. He came from a family of saints. Saint Macrina the Elder was his grandmother. Saint Basil the Elder and Saint Emmelia were his father and his mother. Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Peter of Sebaste, and Saint Macrina the Younger were his two brothers and his sister. He is called the father of eastern monasticism. He declared that he would not allow his soul to be turned aside from God by his love of any single earthly thing. Saint Basil is one of the four great Eastern Doctors of the Church. The other three are Saint Athanasius, Saint Gregory Nazianzen, and Saint John Chrysostom. Saint Basil was only forty-nine years old when he died. Five saints of the Catholic Church are commonly given the title “the Great” when they are referred to. These are: Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Leo the Great, Saint Basil the Great, Saint Albert the Great, and Saint Gertrude the Great.

HEADLINE: What Is a Catholic Worldview? by Brother Andre Marie

The definition now being settled, let us proceed.

  1. God First
  2. The Church Necessary
  3. Origins
  4. Destiny
  5. The True Progress of History
  6. Life’s Existential Questions
  7. Marriage
  8. Science
  9. Art
  10. Law
  • We have reduced people to the smallest amounts of information.
  • You can binge watch shorts forever!

James O’Keefe – I wanted to see something he said and ended up going down a rabbit hole of newts natural procreation habits!

  • You were interviewing someone recently who was talking about how things used to be memorized that we have such ready access that we don’t memorize things anymore.
  • Give me a good reason as to why I should want to be Catholic and have a Catholic worldview?
  • Father Jeffrey Jambon – He is such a joyous Priest, isn’t it great to be a Catholic? 
  • We have so many wonderful things, celebrations, Feast days and so many joyous things to discuss. 
  • We have the stories!
  • We have the Faith!
  • Becoming a Catholic was a lifelong commitment.
  • Modernity has us cubby holing our existence. 
  • As in my religion is one cubby hole my work is another.
  • EXAMPLE – I am Catholic and I don’t like abortion but I don’t want to put my religion on someone else.
  • Everything you think say and do has to be as a baptized person.
  • What is the role of human society?
  • The Church has answers to all of these things!
  • No one w/ a Catholic worldview would entertain something like the LGBTQ movement b/c it goes against what the church says about marriage and procreation. 
  • Saint Benedict Center Conference – Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview
 HEADLINE: Putin’s Real Objective in the Ukraine: It’s not what you have been told by Demosthenes the Younger
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Twitter – America’s principles are at stakeThe Crown Act in Texas prohibit discrimination based on texture and hairstyles. What about the voters? The Federal gov spent $6.5 trillion so you would expect pristine roads. Most of that money has gone to Ukraine. 
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Meta-tags for showThe Crown Act, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, Russia, Catholicism, LGBTQ, Father Jeffery Jambon, James O’Keefe, Saint Anthony of Padua, chastity, obedience, poverty, Wisdom Wednesday, Saint Basil the Great, Brother Andre Marie, Saint Benedict Center, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, DOJ, Merrick Garland, Ron Paul, blowback, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Marco Rubio, Thomas Massie, Erin Brockovich, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, CNN, Tom Woods, Dominicans, Albigensians, Manicheans, FBI, whistleblower 

Written by: Justin Redman