The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The War Is On For Who Can Lay Claim To Be The “New Right”

today10/20/2022 228

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The Mike Church Show-The War Is On For Who Can Lay Claim To Be The “New Right”

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
20mHEADLINE: Why A Red Wave Is Suddenly Possible by Ann Coulter via Substack 

  • After months of warning you about the GOP’s chronic overconfidence problem, now I’m feeling overconfident! Inasmuch as I will be giving a speech at my alma mater, Cornell University, the day after the election, I’m about to do something very stupid: make an election prediction.  
  • These people are the most despicable, hateful, lunatics in the entire human race.
  • I want them to lose, every single one of them.
  • That’s when I discovered the iron rule of election polls: They will never, ever be wrong in favor of Republicans. Another is that polls will generally show the Democrat winning until the election gets close — and the media finally start telling the truth. 
  • Mostly, I just want to wake up the morning after the election and find out Dr. Mehmet Oz has won in Pennsylvania and defeated that slovenly, goatee-sporting Michael Moore-wannabe, John Fetterman, who is passionate about only two things: not bathing and releasing vicious murderers. And that Lee Zeldin has beaten the demented, “release all the criminals!” New York governor, Kathy Hochul, with the crazy “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” makeup. – Ann Coulter
  • No it won’t bring President Trump back but it will knock Biden back to planet Earth.
  • Heck hopefully it will knock all the Democrats back down to planet Earth.


HEADLINE: CDC Panel Unanimously Recommends Truth Be Damned: Kids & The Coronadoom Vex by William Briggs 

Megan Kelly Twitter – A scary # of kids are dying after taking the Covid vax – from myocarditis among other injuries. HOW DARE THE CDC ADD THIS TO ITS LIST OF SCHOOL VACCINATIONS? Don’t listen. Be v careful w/ your teenage boys in partic but girls too. These are not honest brokers. This is dangerous!

  • There is only one possible explanation for the CDC to do this.
  • They HAD to approve it because if they didn’t they’d have to admit there course of action during COVID was WRONG and they simply can’t do that.
  • There was no other option for them. 
  • FROM THE CRUSADER STADIUM: Intellectual dishonesty and medical malpractice. They would kill children just to cover their own asses? Shameful. There’s a special place in hell for these scumbags.


  • Dr Naomi explains all the dosages the CDC is recommending and even Pfizer said that dosage was for adults and even in adults it was a harmful dosage.
  • But somehow these medical professionals say it is perfectly fine for kids 12 and under?!
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h07mHEADLINE: Applications Open for Biden’s Billion-Dollar Student Loan Forgiveness Program Despite Mounting Lawsuits by Katabella Roberts 

  • This is altering binding contracts AFTER THE FACT.
  • This is actually illegal.
 Dearborn Michigan Muslim & Christians Unite Against This Book

Christopher F. Rufo Twitter – 

“Rub the head of his cock back and forth with your hand.”

“Oral sex is popping another dude’s peen in your mouth.”

“In order to be able to cum at all, you … may need to finish off with a handie.”

  • THIS is what is in that book w/ graphic detailed images.



HEADLINE: Truss QUITS after just 44 days in No10: PM admits she cannot carry on after crisis talks with Tory chiefs over flood of no-confidence letters from angry MPs – but who will take over running Britain? by James Tapsfield 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Walsh on Tucker Carlson on transgender surgeriesI think most Americans when they hear about this, they’re shocked to find out there aren’t already laws banning doctors form doing cosmetic double mastectomies on teenage girls or sterilizing and castrating kids.
 HEADLINE: Lessons in Theocracy from Savonarola by Michael Warren Davis 

  • Salem may not be a city in Tuscany, but Florence is. And for four glorious years, that city—the capital of the Renaissance; the home of Dante, da Vinci, and Machiavelli—was ruled by a theocrat named Fra Girolamo Savonarola.
  • The Borgia Popes were horrible human beings.
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 Heroism and Genius: How Catholic Priests Helped Build – and Can Help Rebuild – Civilization by Father William J. Slattery 
2h31mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joe BidenMy message to American energy companies is simple, you should not be using your profits to buy back stock or for dividends, not now, not while war is raging.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe BidenBy selling from the oil reserve at the higher price of $90 earlier this year and then re-filling it in the future at a lower price around $70 will actually make money for the American taxpayers. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in 2020 discussing filling the SPR  wanted to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in March of 2020 when oil was $24 a barrel. 

  • (President Trump wanted to fill reserves when oil was $24/barrel, Dems blocked him.)

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pastor John Amanchukwu speaking at NC school board meetingQuotes bible verse of millstones tied around their necks.

AUDIO/VIDEO: NBC News – pushing China’s social credit systemIt helps you become a better citizen.


  • We need to start enforcing public decency laws.
  • You can’t use the ‘what they do in their bedroom’ phrase any longer.


HEADLINE: Are We Postliberal Yet? by Michael Hanby 

  • The deepest problems with our political order are not themselves political but metaphysical and theological. 
  • FROM THE ARTICLE: The first is to indicate the nature, size, and scope of liberal order, without which it is impossible to understand its totalitarian character as a total interpretation of reality, the horizon within which other social facts are permitted to appear, that recreates everything in the image of its own fundamental assumptions. The second is to establish something of a backdrop for the ensuing discussion of “postliberalism,” about which there seems to be a good deal of confusion. Serious Catholic and Christian critiques of liberalism, for a long time roughly grouped together as “postliberal,” are in at least their second or third generation.[7] Patrick Deneen referred to this strain of thought in an early article before his breakthrough book, Why Liberalism Failed.[8] Mentored by this earlier generation of anti-liberal philosophers and theologians, I myself have been a critic of liberalism my entire career, though I have never used the term “postliberal” to describe my own thought. Nevertheless, this earlier strain of “postliberal” thought never succeeded in capturing the public, or even the ecclesial, imagination. Three things have transpired in recent years, however, to transform the situation. First, events have finally vindicated these earlier generations of critics, falsifying both the “fusionism” that synthesized social conservatism with libertarian economics as well as the Americanism of Catholic neo-conservatives, a distinction with little difference.        
  • FROM THE ARTICLE: Second, and partly as a consequence of the first, “postliberalism” has acquired that special sort of reality that can be conferred only by the attention of the American pundit class. A tree falling in the forest doesn’t make a sound until the New York Times hears it, and it is only with the attention of a Ross Douthat, or a David Brooks, or even a Rod Dreher or Sohrab Ahmari that ideas achieve reality in the public consciousness.[9] Third and last, social media have made potential journalists and pundits of us all, thereby making this power to determine the boundaries of “the real” potentially available to anyone who can succeed in building a personal brand and establishing a following. In consequence of all this, “postliberalism” has burst into the public consciousness as a phenomenon in itself—a banner to march under for some, a dangerous but useful foil for others—exceeding the narrow genre of political philosophy or the theses of any given thinker. But what sort of phenomenon is this, and how should we understand it?
  • We live in a world of indifference.
  • Seek ye first the kingdom of God!
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Meta-tags for showMichael Hanby, Michael Warren Davis, social credit system, China, Strategic Oil Reserve, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre, oil companies, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, nuclear war, Patrick Deneen, Rod Dreher, Ross Douthat, David Brooks, Sohrab Ahmari, Pastor John Amanchukwu, transgender, LGBTQ, millstone, Ann Coulter, red wave, midterm elections, William Briggs, Father William J. Slattery, Matt Walsh, Tucker Carlson, CDC, COVID, postliberalism, Liz Truss, UK, EU, James Tapsfield, Dr Naomi Wolf, Steve Bannon, War Room, Christopher Rufo, Fra Girolamo Savonarola, Megan Kelly

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Written by: LoneRhody