The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-They Aren’t Migrants, And It’s Not “Immigration,” It’s An Invasion

today01/31/2024 147 2

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
16mThe Union of States

QUESTION: Where does the term genocide come from?

  • No the Jews didn’t invent it.
  • What are the nations of the world called in the New Testament? 
  • Gentile basically means – 
  • Immigration – these people are not governable.
  • If you game plan this out over a long period of time, what do you do w/ those that won’t assimilate? 
  • What if 1/2 of them refuse to learn English?
  • What if 1/2 of them decide YOU need to learn Spanish?
  • Is this already happening in NYC?
  • In NYC they are passing legislation forcing companies to hire “illegals” even w/ NO ENGLISH. They are telling the businesses they must ‘make appropriate accommodations’ for the language barrier.
  • Why is my government forcing me to accept things I know to be evil?

HEADLINE: Poll: 18% of Voters Likely to Back Whoever Taylor Swift Endorses in 2024 via Catholic Vote 

  • We already know she absolutely HATES Donald Trump.
  • The fate of our Presidency lies in the hands of a halfway talented lounge singer?

QUESTION: What is Truth?

QUESTION: What is reality?

  • We must deal w/ reality in order to make our way in this world.
  • It took the killing of unborn and turned it from infanticide into a thing known as abortion or choice.
32mVolume II – Language and Truth 

  • The language of black and white is studiously avoided.
  • Language is now a uniform grey. 
  • They are about to win the battlefield here on immigration if we don’t seriously get this done.
  • They are NOT MIGRANTS!
  • Canadian geese migrate to Mexico…they don’t become Mexican, they ultimately fly back to Canada.
  • If we can’t distinguish this fact, what else can we distinguish from?
  • Male and Female?
  • Maybe we are nearing the end of this deceit and evil.
  • Will Americans stand up and tell the ruling elite no, not anymore.
  • Gov Abbott’s popular percentage is up 32%.
  • When we use the word ‘habitual’ – what is the word for a good habit?
  • Bad = Sin
  • Good = Virtue

  • If these people are such good citizens, why are the countries they are leaving not blocking them from leaving?
  • You know what the answer is to that question. 
  • Their governments are saying ‘dude let them go they are a drain’. 
  • They want to win one more Federal election and are willing to put the US in a position to lose the entire country.
  • Even Villains in movies don’t go this far.


HEADLINE: Rep. Ilhan Omar Represents Everything Wrong With America’s Immigration System by John Daniel Davidson 

  • Why is she still allowed to have a seat in Congress?
  • If we were serious about these issues, she would be the poster child for deportation. 
  • Why is she even allowed to remain in the United States? Omar is an immigrant and a U.S. citizen, but clearly she is not an American. She appears to have no allegiance to her adopted country — a country that took her in, sheltered and protected her, provided a safe haven from the chaos and violence of her homeland, and elevated her to a position of power and influence.
  • Democrats today don’t really believe in borders, and they denounce all immigration restrictions as racist because they reject the notion that America should be for Americans and that government policy should prioritize American citizens and their prosperity. Their grand project is to undermine and destroy the American republic, and importing mass numbers of noncitizens is one way they are going about it.


HEADLINE: Man who admitted damaging Satanic Temple display at Iowa Statehouse charged with hate crime by KCCI Des Moines 

Michael Cassidy, of Lauderdale Mississippi – 

  • He took the head off the Satan statue that was erected in December in the Iowa Capitol.
  • Court documents say the cost to replace or repair the property is between $750 and $1,500. They also show that the act was committed “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statute.
  • Religious indifferentism. 
  • Worshiping Satan and worshiping God is NOT the same.
  • See what ‘religious freedom’ gets you?
  • Evil and Error do not have rights in the public square. 
  • This is what happens when men refuse to be men.
  • Michael Cassidy was acting like ALL men should.
  • What about the Confederate statues that were removed b/c the left couldn’t bare to look at them?
  • Why was that okay?
  • Couldn’t they have just “looked away”?
  • You are allowed to distinguish b/w good and evil, white and black…the rational brain knows these things.


HEADLINE: Pro-Life Demonstrators Found Guilty, Face Up To 11 Years In Federal Prison by Leif Le Mahieu 

  • The pro-life activists were accused by the Department of Justice of violating the FACE Act and civil rights conspiracy for a protest that took place in a hallway outside of a Mount Juliet abortion provider on March 5, 2021. On that day, a group of demonstrators gathered on the second floor of an office building in the hallway outside the Carafem Health Center Clinic. The group prayed, sang hymns, and urged women showing up to the clinic to not get abortions.
  • All six defendants were found guilty of both counts. They are expected to be sentenced in July.
  • The conspiracy charge can be punished with up to 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000 while the FACE Act charge can lead to one year in prison and a $10,000 fine.
  • The case was overseen by Judge Aleta Trauger, appointed to the court in 1998 by then-President Bill Clinton.
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden (before getting on airplane) asked about borderI’ve done all I can do! Just give me the power! Give me the border patrol, give me the people, the judges. Give me the people who can stop this!

  • Article II has your power baked in!
  • The total is now 10x the amount of the first year of the Trump presidency on immigration.
  • It was 2.7 million last year.
  • Now we are staring at 3.8 million this year.
  • With a number like this, it doesn’t take much of an imagination to wonder where all these people go.

HEADLINE: A city of 710,000 struggles to cope with 40,000 migrant arrivals by Juli Ainsley and Didi Martinez 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Woman responds to Karine Jean-Pierre’s comments on the 3 Dead SoldiersSoldiers don’t fight on the behalf of your presidency, they fight for America and the Constitution. 3 American soldiers are dead and the best this woman can do is mutter something that resembles a stroke victim. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Robert Garcia (D-CA) on Trump’s ‘Solution to the Border’The Donald Trump and MAGA plan for the border: Alligator moats, bombing Northern Mexico, shooting migrants in the legs and electrifying the fence and putting spikes on them.

AUDIO/VIDEO: John Daly’s Solution to the Border Crisis w/ Tucker Carlson and Kid RockYou get 100,000 crocodiles and poisonous snakes and some rhinos and put them in that river…see what tries to cross it then.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Cori Bush on DOJ probeI hold myself, my campaign and my position to the highest levels of transparency. I have broken no laws. I have used personal money to secure my security detail services. I did hire my husband for that role b/c he has intensive experience in that field. 

  • So what qualifications does her husband have to be in her security detail?
  • Remember when the left lost their minds over Bobby Kennedy?
  • It is completely and totally a visible ethical breech to appoint members of your family to lucrative positions when you are on the government dole. 
  • Does anyone remember the House banking scandal?
  • It was called Rubbergate.
  • QUESTION: Guess who was also part of that?
  • ANSWER: Nancy Pelosi 
  • Many US banks, like the House Bank, offered overdraft protection to checking account holders. However, the overdrafts in a regular bank’s overdraft protection program are always secured by a line of credit with the bank extended under standard lending protocols, including interest charges, if any, linkage of the protected checking account to another account with the necessary funds to pay the overdraft, such as a savings account; or charges made to a credit card held by the depositor. 
  • The credit unions existed long before the scandal. However, the Office of the House Sergeant-at-Arms had offered a much more-convenient clearing house for Members of Congress’ checks, and overdraft protection was managed in a much more lenient (and less expensive) manner than that by the credit unions or, for that matter, any chartered bank.
  • My point in bringing this up is we have no idea just how corrupt these people are.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Clay Higgins on the BorderThe Democrats don’t seem to grasp simple truth about our southern border. Everything is very much not cool. Who is ultimately responsible for this? The expert Biden assigned to the border.


HEADLINE: Trump Allies Pledge ‘Holy War’ Against Taylor Swift by Adam Rawnsley and Asawin Suebsaeng 

  • So these followers of Swift will go jihad if Trump comes out against Taylor?
  • These are the same women that can’t be bothered w/ bringing the next generation into being but they can be mobilized into voting against Trump?
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 
 Rhinestone Cowboy – 

Written by Larry Weiss and sung by Glen Campbell, in the 1970’s this song was what people would call heroic.


Thomas E Woods

  • Healthy wealthy and wise in a world that wants to keep us sickly, poor and stupid.
  • We have to realize not everyone is going to think like I do.
  • What are the best places for normal people to live?
  • How do I start my own business?
  • Finding people that think like you to assist you.
  • These are practical things you can do to make your home and family happy and healthier. 
  • If you stand up to the establishment they will come after you.
  • I’m just going to defend myself from now on is the actions being taken by Texas.
  • I don’t care what the NY Times calls me.
  • I don’t care if they respect me.
  • Make history, don’t be the one that backs down.
  • You aren’t doing anything wrong.
  • 2,447 – Podcasts currently going on the website
  • I come up w/ different topics each day.
  • Now I do 3 longer ones instead fo 5 short ones. 
 Crusade Channel

  • This isn’t always about politics and issues on this station.
  • These guys are entertainers, they work in show business. 
  • Being behind this microphone is show business most of the time.
  • Do we hit serious issues?
  • Of course we do but we also balance it out w/ community and friends.
  • There would be no FFF there would be no signal group chats if this station didn’t exist. 
  • The regions wouldn’t exist if we didn’t have our Congress.
2h58mThe Swifty Population and E Jean Carroll

  • We don’t vote as the end all be all.
  • You live in a society that is based upon these things called elections.
  • We must not leave the public square.
  • We must make our presence known.
  • We must take back what ground we can for the betterment of a life for our children.
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Meta-tags for showTaylor Swift, E Jean Carroll, Thomas E Woods, NY Times, Larry Weiss, Glen Campbell, Donald Trump, Adam Rawnsley, Asawin Suebsaeng, Rep Clay Higgines, border crisis, immigration, illegal immigration, Catholic Vote, Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, John Daniel Davidson, Nancy Pelosi, Rep Cori Bush, Rubbergate, Bobby Kennedy, John Daly, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, Karine Jean-Pierre, Juli Ainsley, Didi Martinez, Leif Le Mahieu, My Pillow, Michael Cassidy, Satan, devil worshiping, Iowa, pro-life, Rep Ilhan Ohmar

Written by: Justin Redman