The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-To Save It’s Border Time For Texas To Learn What Nullification Is

today01/23/2024 183

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  1. New Hampshire Primary
  2. Southern Border Crisis
  3. SCOTUS Border Ruling
 New Hampshire Primary Tonight

  • Dixville Notch has voted.
  • 6 in favor for Haley and 0 for Trump.
  • Polls close at 7pm cst.
  • We used to spend a great deal of time on Nullification back in the day when this show was on Sirius/XM Patriot.
  • So about 12 years ago I spoke w/ the president of the Patrick Henry Coalition. 


























Texas v The Federal Government 

This is what must be understood, the Federal government gets its way all the time by:

  • 1. Brute Force
  • 2. Bribery 

HEADLINE: Rio Grande buoy decision threatens Abbott’s border policy by Saul Elbein and Rafael Bernal 

  • Now this was in September of this past year – “We will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border, including deploying Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers and installing strategic barriers. Our battle to defend Texas’ sovereign authority to protect lives from the chaos caused by President Biden’s open border policies has only begun. Texas is prepared to take this fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,” – Governor Abbott. 
  • Under Operation Lone Star, the Texas government has used this as the justification to move soldiers to the border; arrest and jail migrants for trespassing, as most illicit border crossings are not a crime under federal law; and repel people from crossing.
  • The Biden Regime appealed to the Supreme Court.
  • It was Justice Alito that decided to take the call.
  • It is unclear whether or not the state of Texas is defying the Supreme Court.
  • If CBP is taking bolt cutters to razor wire it will be in Eagle Pass.
  • This is an epic struggle and a microcosm of our day.
  • This isn’t a religious argument – 
  • Senators from NY, PA, NJ all the states w/ ports up there went into Congress w/ the idea to take over and make a rule/amendment that allowed immigration and naturalization policy.
  • This is why you get the famous off loading point known as Ellis Island. 
  • Nothing like this was ever considered though, nothing remotely resembling this happened back then.
  • The number of Irish would PALE in comparison to what has come across the Southern border.
  • This goes back to what an alien enemy and an alien friend is.
  • How many of you like to travel to countries in Europe? 
  • What happened when you got to Heathrow Airport?
  • You had to get in the CUSTOMS line right?
  • They scan you papers, they ask you what business you have in THEIR country and then they stamp your passport.
  • Neutral ground – airport customs
  • What happened when the customs agent said you could come on through?
  • You were admitted into that country as an ALIEN FRIEND.
  • There are varieties of reasons as to why or how you became an alien friend and it wasn’t b/c you sent them a Christmas card each year.
  • It is a miniature treaty.
  • An alien friend can get an H1B visa – 
  • Can a state determine alien friends and alien enemies?
  • Are the people crossing the Rio Grande, are they alien friends?
  • You know who can do something about this?????   CONGRESS!
  • All Congress has to do is declare that diplomatic relations w/ each of the countries sending people is an ENEMY COMBATANT. 
  • Congress can declare war on Mexico, Honduras etc
  • Declare war and this will STOP immediately.
  • The population is left to defend itself at this point.
  • Where are the men that went to the Alamo?
  • Where are the men of Texas?
  • Does Texas have a leader that the men of Texas can follow?






Border Crisis 

  • Amy Coney Barrett just voted in favor of allowing Biden’s federal border agents to dismantle razor fencing set up by Texas agents to stop illegals immigrants entering America. 

HEADLINE: Rio Grande buoy decision threatens Abbott’s border policy by Saul Elbein and Rafael Bernal

  • This is what happens when you lose connection w/ the term Federalism.
  • It is up to Congress to determine if a state is under invasion. 

HEADLINE: When The Imperial Capital Won’t Guard Borders by Rod Dreher 

  • Does Amy Coney Barrett lock her doors at night?
  • Does she have a fence?
  • You don’t need Constitutions to figure out this is common sense here. 
  • The price will be paid by the Americans killed by fentanyl and violence thanks to this policy of lawlessness, and by migrants ensnared in the global web of human trafficking that the President of the United States by policy allows to flourish. 
  • Charge President Biden w/ Treason – that’s what this is.
  • The state of Texas is trying to protect its people and its sovereign borders and the Biden Regime is allowing it through their policies. 
  • We need big men w/ big panties that are going to stop this!
  • At some point the people of Texas will have to pick up their arms and protect their state!
  • Is that the ultimate goal of this Regime?
  • To show that Texans are “Insurrectionist”? 
  • The true tragedy of Washington, D.C.’s failure is not that it happened, but that it was chosen. Texans and Americans see great value in themselves and their heritage. The cohort controlling the national government does not: which is why they throw open the borders, fight those who defend their country, and embrace the end of our distinctiveness and our inheritance as a positive good. 
  • The Biden Regime is saying you American citizen are not worthy of preservation.
  • Your culture isn’t good enough, you need these other cultures to make you better.
 Oath Keepers –

  • Is the Biden Regime telling Border Patrol to cut the wire is an unlawful order?
  • Should it be an order that is enforced or rebuked?
58mNullification – 

  • What happened in 1861 when Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act?
  • How many of you remember or know what was the basic idea behind this?
  • If a slave escaped from its master, and made its way to another state, that state law enforcement authorities were to arrest and detain and return to then its rightful owner. 
  • This was an act of Congress.
  • What happened in 1861 in Wisconsin legislature? 
  • What did they do? 
  • They Nullified, quoting Calhoun, they refused to carry out the order of Congress!
  • The Underground Railroad – 
  • This is what Texas should do Article 1 Section 8 – 
  • We dare you to not try and stop us!
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tom Woods at the Tenth Amendment Center on Nullification 

  • Who can correct the actions of the Federal Government?
  • The first thing you will hear is the ‘Supremacy Clause’. 
  • Read Article 1 Section 8 and then 9 and everything you need to know about what is happening in Texas is there.
  • BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Nullification and Secession in the United States: A History of the Six Attempts During the First Century of the Republic by Edward Payson Powell 
  • Last paragraph of the introduction from book listed above – 
  • This book was published in 1897!
  • We forget the War of Northern Aggression, we forget about all these things.
  • The Age of Turn Toward Socialism and Communism after Cleveland – Wilson
  • The Era of New Deal 1930-50
  • The Era of Peace 1950-64
  • The Era of Never-ending War 1964-Today
  • This SCOTUS ruling basically means that invasion is legal.
  • Can you undo this invasion? 
1h47mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on Abortion3 Different Congressmen have proposed National Abortion ban amendments. Even if you live in a state where extremist Republicans are not running the show, your right to choose, your right to privacy, would still be at risk. 

  • Killing an innocent baby is NOT CARE!
  • This coming from a ‘catholic’ President just pains the heart.
  • His campaign is going to be this…abortion.
  • So this now makes sense when it comes to his border policies.
  • You have to import the future.
  • What if you import enough of them and it becomes equal to the population of 38 states?
  • What if they decide they didn’t like how we run things here?
  • Killing the soon to be born is their only campaign tool.
  • It shouldn’t be lost on Pro-Lifers, were it was once concentrated to choose pro-life members to Congress and SCOTUS…look at what has happened since Roe.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris on Abortion – In the United States Congress, extremists are trying to pass a national abortion ban. But what they need to know is that if Congress passes a national abortion ban, President Joe Biden will veto it.

  • The crowd goes wild at this statement.
  • We are no better than the times of the Gladiators. 
  • Does this not entertain?
  • Less than 2% of all abortions were the result of rape or incest. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Abortion

Karine Jean-Pierre – The overturning of Roe v Wade has led to the chaos and confusion we’re seeing play out across the country. That is why President Biden will continue to fight back.

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Baby Rights

Reporter – Do those unborn babies have any rights then?

Karine Jean-Pierre – I’m not going to get into that question. We want to see Roe become the law of the land.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld on Trump and DeSantisTrump is basically, he’s like a red, white, and blue 10 ton big rig blaring Free Bird as it rolls over every woke Prius in its path. DeSantis is just a great car, but he’ll be needed later, just not right now.

 HEADLINE: Meet 5 Accused Pedophiles Who Bought Kids Through Surrogacy by Katy Faust 

  • The fertility industry is handing designer babies over to men with zero vetting or scrutiny of their mental fitness or criminal history.
  • Norplant – Levonorgestrel-releasing implant, sold under the brand name Jadelle among others, are devices that release levonorgestrel for birth control. It is one of the most effective forms of birth control with a one-year failure rate around 0.05%. The device is placed under the skin and lasts for up to five years.
  • Why not just go around the college campuses w/ the Norplant minivan?
  • They wouldn’t need an abortion after that.
  • They will be sterile for 5 yeas but that’s about as long as one goes to college.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 


Electric Vehicles 

  • When I drove the little Chevy Volt it was a little peppy but it was 70° out I wasn’t having to run a heater.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gerri Willis on Fox Business EV Cars The government has its fingers on the scale when it comes to EV emissions. Under DOE carmakers multiply emissions by a factor of 7. They are also handing out compliance credits which are tradable for cash.

  • No one is going to campaign on this but it is part of the whole damn fraud!

HEADLINE: The $499,999 Ford F-150 VelociRaptor is a six-wheel monster truck by Gary Gastelu 

  • 25 years old or older – 
  • Why can’t I just go to Wal-Mart and just buy a truck – with a stick, no electric windows, no radio and no extended cab…just a truck?
  • Why did we have much cooler cars years ago?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Gaetz  w/ United States Air Force Official – Illegal Release of GOP Lawmakers RecordsThe 11 individuals who had their records illegally released were all Republicans. 

  • What does the Air Force deem appropriate actions?
  • She refuses to answer if anyone was actually fired over this though.
  • If this was you or I that accidentally released peoples service records to someone, we would be fired.
  • They basically doxxed them.
  • She sure has a lot of hardware on her jacket.
 Southern Border Crisis

  • The Regime Leader is actually making war on the states so how can this be stopped?
  • He needs to be voted and smoated out!

HEADLINE: Immigration overtakes inflation as top voter concern: Poll by Rafael Bernal 

  • The sanitation workers are seeing pee and poop cups and cans everywhere. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in Laconia, NH We have to bring in the death penalty if we want to stop the infestation of drugs coming into our country. It’s actually an act of kindness. Mother will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hopelessly dying in their arms.

 HEADLINE: Meet 5 Accused Pedophiles Who Bought Kids Through Surrogacy by Katy Faust 

  • That became glaringly obvious last month when YouTubers Shane Dawson and partner Ryan Adams announced the birth of twin boys. Dawson’s long history of sexualizing children is well-known and well-documented. Evie magazine detailed concerning incidents including Dawson pretending to masturbate while watching 11-year-old Willow Smith’s music video, referring to a 6-year-old fan as “kind of sexy,” justifying pedophilia as a mere “fetish,” typing “naked baby” in a child pornography search and remarking that the returns were “sexy,” and proclaiming, “I would rape all of you” when viewing a series of photos featuring young girls wearing his merchandise.
  • Contrary to what you may think, surrogacy isn’t just about helping infertile couples have babies. When we look at how surrogacy is actually practiced and promoted, we see surrogacy isn’t about babies, it’s about on-demand, designer babies shipped worldwide. And sometimes, those babies are shipped directly to child abusers.
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Meta-tags for showKaty Faust, Donald Trump, Catholic Vote, pedophiles, surrogacy, Rafael Bernal, immigration, Texas, border crisis, SCOTUS, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, sanctuary cities, Rep Matt Gaetz, Air Force, DOJ, New Hampshire Primaries, Dixville Notch, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Greg Gutfeld, Tom Woods, nullification, secession, Gary Gastelu , electric vehicles, Tesla, Elon Musk, Gerri Willis, Karine Jean-Pierre, Peter Doocy, Saul Elbein, Governor Abbott, Edward Payson Powell , 10th Amendment, slavery, Rod Dreher

Written by: candacechurch