The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Trump “The Killing In Ukraine Must Stop!”

today07/19/2023 229 2

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  • Climate Change
  • LGBTQ Agenda
  • Louisiana legislation vetos Governor on LGBTQ minor surgeries and puberty blockers
  • Ukraine/Russia Conflict
  • Ron DeSantis w/ Jake Tapper highlights
  • Donald Tump w/ Sean Hannity highlights
 Climate Change

  • The North is experiencing cooler temperatures.
  • The South is experiencing warmer temperatures.
  • Why are we so obsessed with our own hemisphere?
  • Is there a fluctuation?
  • YES of course there is, there always has been.


LGBTQ Transgender and Abortion News

HEADLINE: Louisiana Bans Transgender Procedures for Children After Lawmakers Overturn Governor’s Veto by Mimi Nguyen Ly 

  • State lawmakers overturned Mr. Edwards’ veto of the bill at a special override session on Tuesday, which means the measure is now slated to take effect on Jan. 1, 2024.
  • The override needed a 60 percent majority in both chambers of the legislature. The Louisiana House vote was 76-23, and the Senate House vote was 28-11.
  • In a statement following the override, Mr. Edwards said the legislation “needlessly harms a very small population of vulnerable children, their families, and their health care professionals.” He also said he expects the courts to “throw out this unconstitutional bill.”
  • Notice he NEVER mentions the morality of this.
  • He is supposed to be a practicing Catholic.
  • We are the most pro-life state in the entire Union but we have this ‘Catholic’ Governor that doesn’t act Catholic at all.
  • All we can do at this point is pray for this man.
  • “We have sent a signal to America that Louisiana intends to strengthen the family unit and to protect children from harmful gender reassignment surgeries.” – Attorney General Jeff Landry 
  • There is no greater example of the utter and total failure of the Catholic church in teaching and then defending the teachings of the Catholic Church!
  • Where is the Bishop in Baton Rouge to council this man?
  • How is this center going to hold?
  • In the 1850’s the War of Northern Aggression was being fought.
 Daughter #2 in Boston

  • I don’t need to be lectured about how backwards the South is.
  • This town is more segregated than the South is now.
  • They have black areas, they have Hispanic areas and they have a Chinatown.
  • They mingle but they don’t LIVE in the same neighborhoods. 
  • The South we have black, Hispanic and Asians all living together. 
  • Don’t lecture me you freaking Northerner. 
  • One of the ways out of this pickle, look at the states that have banned the mutilation of children, that’s quite a large chunk of America right there.
  • Look at both coasts.
  • You don’t hear very much of the population squawking about it.
  • The people that are protesting this are bused into these states to oppose this.
  • Parents that have withdrawn themselves from their teaching priority are the ones protesting this.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: Our Cultural Degeneracy Is Actually A Return To Normalcy by Adrian Gaty

HEADLINE: Have You Noticed A Lot More Americans Look Like A Frightful Hot Mess? by Joy Pullmann 

  • The People of Walmart used to just be funny because the people weren’t prevalent it wasn’t the norm…well now it is the norm.
  • We have to start doing better America.
  • We have to start dressing w/ dignity again.
  • When I go out in my suit or my vest and slacks, I get called Sir all the time by everyone.
  • You get treated differently when you dress w/ dignity.
 Saint Benedict Center

How will one be greeted at the monastery. 

Chapter in The Restoration of Christian Culture – 

  • Let’s insert your HOME where he mentions monastery. 
  • Walmart even gets this – they have retired old people at the door to greet customers.









Back to Adrian Gaty at the Federalist

  • Humanity is not heading toward some new degenerate frontier, but simply back to our old stomping grounds. 
  • In Pompeii, depictions of pedophilia, rape, and bestiality were a part of daily life, and its art celebrated the “blurred boundaries” between sexes and species. As the Smithsonian puts it, graphic depictions of sex were not sequestered in red light districts but celebrated by the culture at large: “At a time when polytheism, not Christianity, was the norm, sexual pleasure — embraced proudly by the very gods the Romans worshipped — was cause for celebration.” I bet they even had parades.
  • I am imploring you to realize that, in the absence of God, the madness is the norm. You cannot wait-and-see your way out of it, you can only repent-and-revival your way out of it. Our godless elites are not leading us into brave new worlds of depravity, they’re simply taking us back to where we started. If we do not want America to be normal again, if we do not want to revert to the monstrous mean, we must turn to Christ instead. He is the only way out of the very normal chaos of life. 
  • Do you remember the heart-wrenching plot of “It’s A Wonderful Life,” when Jimmy Stewart’s character experiences what the world would have been like had he never been in it? Well, we’re all George Bailey now — except instead of learning about a world without us, we are getting an up close and personal encounter of a world without Him. Are you liking what you see? Do you want to do something about it?
  • It is very rare you see such great insight like this.
  • Take these people at their words when they tell you.
  • They aren’t hiding anything.
  • You can complain all you want but what are you going to do about it?
 HEADLINE: San Francisco Safeway stores install security gates at self-checkout kiosks in a bid to thwart thieves as city crime rates soar forcing many retailers to shutter by James Callery 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)


















David Simpson and Son

The True Money Show aired only on the Crusade Channel.

  • Christ can raise up sons of Abraham from stones so that is what he is doing w/ me.
  • Rules of Saint Benedict are in effect at Walmart.
  • One of his students is a Brother, Father Francis Bethel – John Senior and the Restoration of Realism 
  • I thought about just running away to a monastery after reading it.
  • H.G. Potter – Never Leave Your Monastery 
  • Experience at Christendom College – 
  • It is very difficult, very experience, most of us work while attending college.
  • Many came from long distances and we are willing to do whatever it takes to get this formal education.
  • There are issues of course but I assumed when I got there everyone would be exactly like me with the same Catholic background but that wasn’t the case.
  • College in general is a steep climb for anyone I think.
  • The overall disposition of the kids is what is the important thing.
  • Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • You’ll find very different reactions – are y’all those guys w/ the Giant Chapel?
  • I get that a lot.
  • Young Catholics are there and a lot say “I was ‘raised’ Catholic implying they aren’t anymore but you see in their eyes they miss it.
  • Combination of both of them – 
  • Democracy what is it really?
  • Let’s potentially call starting WWIII our way of promoting Democracy.
  • Once you get to this level of subjectivism, I don’t think you can turn this around with them.
  • That which is meant for God or the highest things – Sacred
  • A lot of bad philosophies – all boiled down to a selfishness and pretend that God validates it.
  • That is the devil.
  • If you had to put natural law into one sentence – do good not evil.
  • I don’t like to have to legislate every aspect of this.
  • If you see someone doing harm to themselves you should be able to stop them.
  • Not necessarily arrest them but punish them in a way to show them what they did was wrong and they shouldn’t do it.
  • “I feel like the house is burning down and instead of everyone getting out of it we are all trying to piss on it!” – David Simpson
  • National average of those under the age of 27 that says they are transgender is 30%.
  • Combination of factors – 
  • “Ultimately what is going on with the youth is if you reject God, you feel horrible inside and they want to change something so they want to change the matter….the body! They don’t realize the soul is what needs to change not the genitalia.”  – Stephen Simpson
 Mother Mary

  • A child of Mary can never be lost.
  • Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
  • The influence of Mother Mary is there in the Trump family as Melania prays the rosary daily.
  • He did more for stopping child sex trafficking and abortion than any other President.
  • Everyone has faults, every human has faults and we need to remember that.

















AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Sean Hannity – Ukraine/Russia War

You have hundreds of thousand dead people and cities absolutely demolished. You are gonna’ find out later just how many people have actually died. I’m for one thing very simple: I want to stop people from getting killed, and I’ll have it stopped fast. 

  • There is a strong anti-war sentiment running deep in these people in the GOP running for the highest office.
  • The appearance and general messaging from the campaigns come from the base.
  • The lefts candidates want war, murder, abortion etc
  • The red meat craving base of the GOP wants 1. real votes actually counted 2. no war on any front w/ any country
  • Any candidate like Mike Pence, he is done.
  • He is a neo-con and he won’t make it.
  • QUESTION: Is there a cult of Zionist?
  • Why don’t we get any news anymore about COVID and the jab experiment they had in Israel?
  • Why don’t we see what happened what the death rates are now or anything?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Sean Hannity – On Impeachments

They impeached me over a phone call, a perfect phone call so why aren’t they impeaching Biden for receiving tens of millions of dollars?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Sean Hannity – Ballot Harvesting (do you embrace it now)

I do but I have to say they create phony ballots. For some reason Republicans all want to go out on that one day and vote. They don’t want voter ID b/c they cheat. The one thing we have to be careful of is them creating the ballots. 

  • By and large the people that vote for the Republican party are honest people.
  • This leads them to think everyone else is also honest and we know this simply isn’t the case.
  • Mail-in ballots shouldn’t count and we don’t need them.
  • COVID is over so the absentee/mail-in ballots should be over. 
  • There is fraud simply baked into them.
  • If Trump isn’t on the right path, why do the left want him in jail so badly?
  • For some reason they have some doubt that the ‘fix’ isn’t 100% in for the Democrat candidate.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: MONTAGE of Democrats Explicity Calling for ViolenceFrom Madonna , Johnny Depp to Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters to CNN hosts. 
3h38mLila Rose Twitter Thread 

  • Two men hired surrogate Brittney Pearson to create their “dream family.” By the end of the process, a 25-week-old baby boy was murdered. 
  • While pregnant, Brittney received a breast cancer diagnosis & decided to deliver the baby early at 25 weeks so she could receive chemo treatment while giving the child a possible chance of survival. She said her thought was, “I want to keep this baby safe & bring it earthside.” 
  • But the purchasing couple didn’t want to pay Brittney for a baby born before 38 weeks due to the potential health problems of a premature baby. They demanded the baby be “immediately terminated.” 
  • When Brittney refused to kill the baby, they threatened legal action. When she offered to adopt the child, they demanded a death certificate. Brittney has described her experience as a surrogate as feeling like “a rented-out uterus.” 
  • Surrogacy laws in California gave no rights to Brittney or the baby. She was able to deliver the baby at 25 weeks, but the purchasing couple had “ownership” of the child after birth. They ordered that life-saving care be withheld. The baby boy died shortly after birth. 
  • While it appears Brittney tried to protect this child in the womb, her participation in surrogacy played a partial role in the ultimate death of this little boy. From his moment of conception, he was stripped of his fundamental rights & treated as a product that could be discarded at the first sign of defect. 
  • How is something like this even legal?
  • Why didn’t someone in the state of California intervene here?
  • The homosexual couple treated this baby as property.
  • This is what happens when you BUY babies!
  • The woman offered to adopt the child and the homosexuals declined, they would rather the baby DIE than to LIVE w/o them b/c it had their DNA.
3h42mAUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Admiral Rachel (Dick) Levine on – Puberty Blockers & Gender Surgery for minors – What if you’re going through the wrong puberty? What if you inside feel that you are female, but now you’re going through a male puberty?
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Meta-tags for showAdmiral Dick Levine, puberty blockers, gender reassignment surgery, Governor Edwards, LGBTQ, Lila Rose, surrogacy, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Johnny Depp, Brittney Pearson, Sean Hannity, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, DNA, COVID, mail-in ballots, Ukraine, Russia, David Simpson, Stephen Simpson, Mike Pence, James Callery, Jimmy Stewart, Adrian Gaty, George Bailey, climate change, Mimi Nguyen Ly, AG Jeffrey Landry

Written by: candacechurch