The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-You All Can Go To Hell, I’m Going To Texas

today01/25/2024 122

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Governor Abbott & The Texas Border

  • We haven’t heard the Regime Leader being all dictator but he was pandering to the UAW yesterday so he will probably be on the job today.
  • The Regime Leader has been very quiet in regards to Governor Abbott.
  • This letter penned yesterday by Governor Abbott is wonderful, almost like TKD penned it.
  • He left no grey areas in this letter.
  • It is white and black, he is not going to give in.
  • There are officially 25 states showing support for Texas.
  • That is 1/2 the union.
22mHEADLINE: ‘Pawn Stars’ Celebrity Rick Harrison Blames Border Crisis For Son’s Death by Tristan Justice 

  • “The fentanyl crisis in this country must be taken more seriously,” Harrison told the Post. “It seems it is just flowing over the borders and nothing is being done about it. We must do better.”
  • December set a new record for the number of migrant encounters in a single month, with more than 300,000 reported. According to the House Homeland Security Committee, on Biden’s watch, there have been at least 1.7 million known “gotaways” who have dodged Border Patrol and gotten into the country, with even more coming in undetected. In fiscal year 2023, 169 individuals caught trying to cross illegally were on the terrorist watchlist.
29mBorder Patrol & Texas National Guard

  • If you receive an order that you believe to be unjust, you have the responsibility and duty to say “I will not cary out that order”. 
  • Remember the Crimson Tide movie?
  • CO and XO – Remember when Denzel’s character was given an order and he refuses to do so?
  • I wouldn’t want to do that job at the border. 
  • I commend those men and women for doing the job they are doing out there.
  • They see the misery and despair and everything else that happens out there but there is a job to be done.
  • Customs and Border Patrol agents have been ordered to storm the breech. 
  • There is going to be a showdown, this is just getting started.
  • Even Newsweeks cover is about Texit and ‘Can the Lone Star state go it alone’?
  • What Texas needs now is the Cajun Navy.
  • That Cajun Navy w/ their boats could patrol the crap out of the Rio Grande!











Articles of Confederation 

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

  • This treaty, signed on February 2, 1848, ended the war between the United States and Mexico. By its terms, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory, including the present-day states California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming. Mexico also relinquished all claims to Texas, and recognized the Rio Grande as the southern boundary with the United States.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which brought an official end to the Mexican-American War (1846-48), was signed on February 2, 1848, at Guadalupe Hidalgo, a city to which the Mexican government had fled with the advance of U.S. forces.
  • ABBOTT LETTER  – The federal government has broken the compact b/w the United States and the States. 
  • When you state something like this, you mean business. 
  • Here is some American Constitution and Civics 101 – 
  • It was a permanent agreement not a compact.
  • So does Abbott really know what he is doing here?
  • Understand that some of the Senators egging Lincoln on for Southern blood, despised the use of the term COMPACT. 
  • Perpetual Union – means as long as both parties still agree, it perpetrates itself.
  • So when Abbott says the federal government has broken the compact that means he is done with the COMPACT.
  • This is all Biden doing this and just using Merrick Garland to carryout his order.
  • The compact has been broken and Biden has been derelict in his duties to protect the states.
  • Abbott goes on to say he has penned a few letters and he actually put one of them in Biden’s hands personally. 
  • The word starts getting out that Texas is arresting you when you cross and you aren’t flown to your choice of cities, they will stop coming.
  • There are 28 points of entry where these people can WALK across a bridge and not attempt to enter the Rio Grande.
  • These crossing in other areas are intentionally trying to avoid LEGAL entry.
  • Under Biden’s border policy more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our souther border in just 3 years.
  • That is more than the population of 33 different States in this country.
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h20mAUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Greg Abbott on Securing The BorderAltogether counting TX we have 15 Governors and 15 States deploying personnel to the southern border. 25 Governors and 25 states, that’s 1/2 of the states of the United States of America are banning together.

  • It may be a diabolical act, but people do things for love.
  • You can attach all manner of motivations but philosophically speaking things are done out of love.
  • It is even possible that Joe Biden does things out of love each day.
  • What out for those people that have the mentality of all things are bad all the time.

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Border Crisis

Peter Doocy – There are about 800 getaways at the border every day 96,000 since October 1st. Does Biden want to locate these folks who have disappeared into this country to parts unknown?

Karine Jean-Pierre – Here is what I’ll say. He is having negotiations w/ Senators and Congress members. He’s taken this very seriously. There is a diplomatic aspect to this too. DHS is maximizing its enforcement efforts. We need help, we need Congress to actually act.

  • When Congress appropriates “x” money for “x” reason, they are making it fungible. 
  • To the charge that we need money to have more border agents…there are at least 4,000 TX National Guard on the border right now.
  • The appropriations are made by Congress are in general terms.
  • DHS is appropriated money and that money can be used by DHS for whatever reason it needs or whatever area it needs.
  • What the Regime is doing is malicious. 
  • It leads to acts of malice.
  • Fentanyl – Experts consider 2 mg of fentanyl to be lethal, but many counterfeit pills contain up to 5 mg (more than twice the lethal dose). This amount is incredibly small. 
  • While fentanyl can be absorbed across the skin, this happens only with constant direct contact over hours and days. Still, you should avoid touching fentanyl. Skin absorption can be increased by using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, bleach, and excessive sweating.
1h43mHEADLINE: America Can’t Afford Never Trump’s Nihilism by Matthew Boose 

  • The “Never Trump” brigades see getting rid of Trump as a Pyrrhic victory. They posture as “true conservatives,” but actually they’re petulant nihilists who would rather let Biden burn the country down than admit they lost a primary.
  • For some ideologues on the right, nothing Trump does will ever be good enough. The unfair and often obsessive criticism that Trump gets from self-described conservative purists was encapsulated by the DeSantis campaign, which was driven by a monomania over Trump’s handling of a pandemic four years ago. Sure enough, in his concession speech Sunday, DeSantis could not resist taking one last cheap shot at Trump over Anthony Fauci. Would DeSantis have handled things any differently if he were running the country during the mass hysteria of 2020?
  • Whatever the states decide on abortion Trump is fine with.
  • On principle, we know abortion is wrong but we understand politically and practically why he is doing this.

SIDE BAR – OHIO on Transgender Banning Passed!

  • Do you know anyone personally that is saying “I’ll do Biden for another 4 years over Trump”?



AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Ted Cruz Presser on the Border BillIf the Democrats cared about the children being raped at the border you’d say no more. Democrats want these open borders. This mysterious bill buried down in the basement of Chuck Schumer. As bad as we think this bill is, I’m sure its worse. The bill is not designed to fix this crisis. Republican leadership is like Charlie Brown & Lucie w/ the football. 

  • The Democrats don’t want to fix this border problem.
  • They don’t care about what is happening w/ the human element of the border crisis.
  • If they did they would absolutely fix it in a meaningful manner.
  • Not trying to pass something that is destined to fail.
  • This is an invasion army.
  • What would be a Hallmark of an invading army?
  • Dead people right?
  • Well there are dead people, many of them are children.
  • That is an act of war.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 
 HEADLINE: Trans man who had mastectomy discovered to be 5 months pregnant, making rare ‘seahorse dad’ by Yaron Steinbuch

  • A transgender man who underwent a mastectomy while transitioning in Italy was found to be five months pregnant — joining a rare group of so-called “seahorse dads.”
  • Now if this woman thinks she is a man, why is she still having sex like a woman would?
2h22mAUDIO/VIDEO: Reporter on the ground in TexasTexas is holding the line. Texas National Guard are arresting migrants coming across the Rio Grande. 

  • This is illegal activity.
  • These people were not invited.
  • They are coming and crossing illegally, stop calling them migrants.

HEADLINE: Massive Trucker Convoy Planned to Protest Major Border Entry Points by Sarah Arnold 

  • Imagine if all of these millions of people stayed in their homeland and changed their own homeland?
 HEADLINE: Religious ‘Nones’ are now the largest single group in the U.S. by Jason DeRose

  • Pew Research Center finds that the religiously unaffiliated – a group comprised of atheists, agnostic and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular” – is now the largest cohort in the U.S. They’re more prevalent among American adults than Catholics (23%) or evangelical Protestants (24%).
















Dr Kevin Gutzman

Author and Historian 

Thomas Jefferson Revolutionary, James Madison and the Making of America, The Jeffersonians and many more.

University of Texas – 3 degrees

  • What do you say about what is happening in Texas right now with the border and Governor Abbott?
  • I’m not surprised he is trying to do something but I’m skeptical it will work.
  • This is because it makes the Federal Government own up to their responsibility.
  • I’m not sure Governor Abbott is going to be allowed to do what he is doing by the new court system.
  • Has there ever been a situation in American History like this?
  • I don’t think there has ever been a time where the Federal government has said “we just don’t want to keep foreigners out of this country”.
  • What relationship will there be between the Federal Government and the state?
  • The current Fed Gov is inviting these people into the country at this point.
  • I think it assumes what isn’t the case that someone thought this could happen.
  • I don’t think anyone thought this could happen.
  • Why would anyone want it to happen?
  • We know WHY this administration wants it to happen.
  • This is a situation our Founders never contemplated so we are in uncharted territory here.
  • Law Degree from University of Texas, I have another degree from University of Virginia. 
  • What could have led someone to the idea that this was going to be a good idea?
  • These Democrats think if we have illegal entry, it will be beneficially to their side.
  • They have good reason to think that.
  • Executive Immunity – Donald Trump
  • I don’t think the controversial acts of Donald Trump have to do w/ the duties of his office.
  • When it comes to matters like that everyone has an opinion and the results may vary.
  • I don’t think there is a straight answer.
  • His claim is he was trying to protect the votes of his people.
  • January 6th I don’t think that will fall under Executive Immunity, whether it was illegal or not, there was no other president in history that has held a rally near the Capitol and telling the people to address their grievances to their Congressmen and women.
  • Thomas Jefferson fathered children w/ his slave – 
  • John Hartwell Cocke – 
  • He didn’t have any incentive to slander Thomas Jefferson back then.
  • Cocke did visit Jefferson at Monticello several times.
  • The white relatives of Thomas Jefferson say it was one of the Carr brothers which were cousins.
  • My feeling is that we haven’t had enough impeachments in our history.
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Meta-tags for showDr Kevin Gutzman, University of Texas, University of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Madison, Gods and Generals, Texas, border crisis, Governor Greg Abbott, Governor Jeff Landry, Governor Ron DeSantis, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre, John Hartwell Cocke, Monticello, Jason DeRose, Sarah Arnold, Rio Grande, immigration, illegal immigration, Yaron Steinbuch, Trucker Convoy, Senator Ted Cruz, Peter Doocy, John Kirby, Tristan Justice, Rick Harrison, Pawn Stars, fentanyl, National Guard, Governor Jeff Landry, Governor Kemp, Articles of Confederation, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Written by: candacechurch