2 military planes to Israel to retrieve all Polish citizens, tourist and pilgrims.
There are different numbers floating around like 2,000 or 1,000 but one portion of the group has been evacuated.
Is Zelensky a millstone now?
I can tell you the people of Poland are fed up w/ him but the current government is doing turning anti-Ukraine right before the election is only an election ploy.
This is basically what we call election sausage.
The Polish people have had enough of this Ukraine stand.
We have Polish military getting used and the destroyed by the Ukrainian army.
The Prime Minister said hey Zelensky don’t critics Poland anymore or else.
I just find it hard to believe that all of the sudden the Polish government cares about Polish people?!
Ever since the war started we have been the loudest voice for extreme measures against Russia.
How will public opinion be on Sunday on the election day, that is what I’ll be looking closely at.
The tide of legal and illegal immigrants that are still flowing into Poland.
Zelensky has just gotten put on page E6 after this Israel attack.
He worked Congress big time last month when he was here and then worked the Canadians too.
He wanted to make sure that the Ukraine Money Train wasn’t going to stop rolling his way.
As soon as this begins to end, or the West turns on him and if Donald Trump is elected this money train will stop immediately.
Is Catholic Poland making a comeback?
Latin Mass – young people w/ 4-6 children that is where the future lies.
Saint John Paul II – you can find a lot of things that a traditionalist can pick apart.
The exponential growth of Tradition in Poland is something for you guys in the West to keep an eye on.
By the way, I know the Austen Ivereighs and Mike Lewises and Massimo Faggiolis will say that I’m looking at the problem through a “narrow American lens.” To which I say, “Hell yeah I am.” Yes, conservative American Catholics often seem to think the whole Church revolves around us. I’ll own that. But we still matter. We have our own challenges, and the Pope should be sensitive to those challenges. Instead, Team Francis refuses to talk about the “American Church” except to insult us. You mention how difficult this papacy has been for us in the U.S., and they act like you’re trying to drum up sympathy for the German people during World War II. They clearly see us as the enemy. Our bishops are evil reactionaries, and we—the laity—are nearly as evil for following them.
I’ll also say that Americans are, categorically, too online. We spend too much time reading (and complaining) about our leaders on the internet, and that includes Pope Francis. Fair cop. But, again, Francis is now actively siding with the “Christmas-and-Easter Catholics” against our young priests. That’s bad news for everyone.
Team Francis despises the United States b/c you know #1 Orange Man and #2 the site and information of the Latin Mass being celebrated somewhere in Brooklyn.
When he thinks America he sees Donald Trump only.
He wants more liberal Bishops not those like the ones that are traditional.
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!