The Second Amendment Wouldn’t Have Prevented Parkland, Waterloo or Hoth

today02/21/2018 87

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Mandeville, LA -Listening to the “conservative” echo-chamber, you’d think that making ‘Muricah’s public schools more closely resemble Stalag 13 is a one-size fits all solution to “school violence” anywhere in the universe, because inserting more guns is always a good idea (yeah, just look what it’s done for Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Nigeria….)! Mike also interviews actress Janine Turner with some very surprising results. Brother André Marie makes his Wednesday appearance Mike mourns the child-abuse pandemic that is 5 year olds “transitioning” as their Trans-N-abler’s™ preen.

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:12Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE



 HEADLINE: CPAC Told Those Criticizing Marion Le Pen to Do Their Research—So I Did by Bill Wirtz

  • There is a renascence going on in France
  • CPAC – Conservative Political Action Conference
  • CPAC attendees should know: the National Front is not fiscally conservative.











  • I am all for controlling and maintaining cultural population if you were trying to preserve the good, the true and the beautiful but that is not what is going on.
  • Don’t want any mass shootings in your schools/states, do what you can so young men cannot get their hands on such a weapon without training.
  • Look at the training and preparation required to get a drivers license. You have 3 months of practice you have to do prior to having the privilege to driving.
  • #MACA Make America Catholic Again
  • We want to save the jail space for those that had one drink too many.
  • NOTHING is required (practice or training) done to purchase a gun. Just an id and a clean background.
  • 2nd Amendment and your “right” to keep and bear arms
  • Reading from older transcript of “hate mail” on the 2nd Amendment
  • This is NOT saying you don’t have the right to defend yourself.
  • Why doesn’t it make sense to have licensing and certification for anyone that wants to buy one?
  • 1891 Kentucky Constitution – a Bill of Rights – the right to keep and bear arms, but they also held out that the legislature had the right to regulate.
  • How can that be true THEN and not today?






Caller Mark from Oregon-

  • 2nd Amendment Americans who want to exercise their right it should be mandatory they go through gun safety training. It will help those that aren’t armed.
  • These public schools now look like prisons, and if we add guns to teachers it becomes MORE like a prison. – Mike
  • How come all we do is just air all the bad video? Why don’t we show all the videos of all the citizens that STOP a massacre? We only see the bad on TV.
  • What is to stop a teacher from going crazy in the school? We have issues with mental illness with teachers as well.
  • Let’s be like Switzerland, you must go to training, you must show up for drill, you must join the militia. That way you have hands on training and actual use and knowledge of what you have in your possession.





Caller Will from Texas-

  • Public schools, pull your kids out! Everyone needs to homeschool their children. That is the safest place for them…their own home.
  • Make Schools Great Again
  • Homeschooled children are far more independent than the average public school children.
  • We have a 10th grade homeschooled 16 year old helping us out here in Studio D and he is polite, a quick study and just an all around great kid.
  • Internal Control
  • External Control (this will always fail)
7:25Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
















Special Guest: Janine Turner

God on the Go (podcast)

  • Ranch life in Texas and your father
  • I am still on the ranch and we are in the middle of a flood right now.
  • Still doing a little bit of acting, daughter is in college, trying to get a movie off the ground. I wrote it a few years ago, I have written 2 books since last we spoke.
  • Episode of Law and Order
  • Studying English, Political Science and Business (little Turner)

Janine’s Books: 

  1. Artificial Intelligentsia vs. Primal Sense
  2. Holding Her Heady High
  3. A Little Bit Vulnerable
  • Moving back to the farm life, I love all the aspects like FaceTime etc but we are just in this depressing contestant feed of people telling us what to think etc We have become robotic
  • We don’t even open actual newspapers anymore.
  • We are being manipulated with Amazon and FB
  • We have lost the ability to think for ourselves, we have false Gods.
  • I only have one….well maybe 2 shows I watch. Turn the TV off.
  • We need to have a REAL relationship with people in our own community.
  • Find the good the true and the beautiful and surround yourself with that. That is the key to a happy life.
  • We need to get outside, and enjoy nature!
  • Janine Turner wants to start praying the rosary!








  • We don’t adore the Blessed Mother, we Venerate.
  • I didn’t prompt Janine to ask me my religion.
  • We shouldn’t be enemies with any Protestants. We want them to convert because we love them.
  • You have seen the Blessed Mother work on this show again!
  • Janine Turner said she wanted to start praying the rosary!
  • The Memorare Prayer
  • Miracles in Mary of Nazareth
  • stone was stopped by baby Jesus with the baby handprint still in the rock
  • Who left Bethlehem that night?
  • Flight through Egypt
  • St. Mary Salome October 22nd (feast day)
  • St. Mary Salome (first century) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.





HEADLINE: US has evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says by Robert Burns

  • Where was the proof? Where was the evidence? IT NEVER HAPPENED!
  • “We have other reports from the battlefield from people who claim it’s been used,” Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon. “We do not have evidence of it.”
  • 5 years later there is still no evidence and entire policies have been written based on this LIE.
  • “peace through strength”
  • we bomb 1st and create proof of infraction later
  • Idiocracy – “we have all this evidence and stuff”
8:45Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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Last segment we discussed Weapons of Mass Destruction and that it was all a LIE.











Brother Andre Marie host of ReConquest on Skype

Apologetics Class #5

  • Addressing the arguments that the Catholic faith is somehow “bad” for the natural order.
  • Italian revolutionaries how they thought they would liberate themselves.
  • War was averted, the Catholic Kings appealed to the Pope
  • There was a Papal mediation in the 1980 between two states b/w Chile and Argentina

HEADLINE: Argentina and Chile Accept Papal Effort in Dispute by Juan de Onis 1978

  • Papal diplomacy has worked
  • Wells have been clean and have been used since the Flight through Egypt
  • 3 1/2 tons moved the pillar out of the way, under the pillar was the stone with the heal print
  • Hatred in this country for Egypt and Syria
  • both countries were Christianized which we forget about
  • Discussion: we continue to make up stories so we can continue to hate these people
  • Just taught a religion class here!
  • ReConquest #116 tonight





HEADLINE: Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology? by Jennifer Bilek 

  • Whereas men who identify as transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible.
  • Calling them gay is not being charitable. They are actual sodomites.
  • The ADA has NOT gone along with this…they will not assist children in transitioning a child from one sex to another.
  • Their livelihoods are ended if you come out against the LGBTQ community and their “beliefs”







HEADLINE: These Transgender Children Say They’re Thriving. They Want to Help Others Do the Same by Christina Caron

  • AUDIO: Arianna Grande music and others – this is straight up porn, it is exactly what her lyrics say
  • Legalized child abuse
  • Trans-N-abler’s pimping out their children to people like Megyn Kelly
  • Focuses on positivity “gender cool
  • Trans-N-abler™
  • Assigned gender at birth by who?

HEADLINE: New York Times Denies Basic Scientific Fact by Rod Dreher









 Gregory Carpenter on Skype

  • We live in a culture where everything is allowed we live in the land of the FREE right?
  • We tell them to dream BIG
  • Sometimes your dreams are stupid and we as parents are afraid to tell them so.
  • Gene Simmons – Dr. Phil with the 41 year old that wanted to be a musician
  • Dr. Phil quack-a-holic
  • Syria story – 56 missiles we sent into Syria b/c of this false story
  • Why are we still in Iraq?
  • It is a Stratego moment (this is all a game)
  • LIVE Reverse Deception Radio
  • LIVE Barrett Brief
  • LIVE News
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Written by: candacechurch

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