The UnHappy Death of Steven Hawking or When Stevie Met Helly – The Mike Church Show

today03/16/2018 13

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Mandeville, LA – All the good this man could have done with his gift of intelligence. He fought all the way to the end of his life against God. He didn’t pass, he didn’t go to the other side, he DIED. He denied the existence of God his entire life. Special guest Greg, Junkbond Carpenter. Brother André Marie: “I certainly don’t wish his soul any harm but he did some horrible things while he was here on Earth.”


Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE

Special Guests Today:

Gregory Carpenter aka Junkbond

Brother Andre Marie


HEADLINE: ‘We have a voice’: New Orleans students joining walkout to honor Parkland victims, demand action by Della Hasselle and Chad Calder

  • They are going to walk out of school for 17 minutes in honor of the 17 killed in Parkland
  • Why don’t you have a “prayer rally” instead of a walk out?



Steven Hawking is Meta-physically challenged.

  • He will now get to meet the God he spent his entire life denying.
  • Did you notice he had to continually change his views?
  • All the good this man could have done with his gift of intelligence…
  • He fought all the way to the end of his life against God.
  • Scientism – Hawkings Final Warning to Humanity – leave Earth in the next 200 years or face extinction.
  • Climate Change is motion
  • Philosophia Perennis classes
  • He didn’t pass, he didn’t go to the other side, he DIED.
  • He denied the existence of God his entire life.
  • With his heroic struggle against ALS he could have done so much.
  • He also believed we were doomed because Trump exited the UN Climate

2018 Hogs For The Cause efforts are underway.

This happens every year usually the last weekend in March. It has been moved from City Pork (Park) to the UNO Lakefront Arena

The bidding has begun! We have cutting boards from McClure Tables all handmade in Michigan! We have the Phil Mickelson package and much more!

BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit:

We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.



Back to Headline: Student walk out in New Orleans

  • This is all about gun grabbing, this has nothing to do with the poor souls that were lost in Parkland.

Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.



HEADLINE: Gun Confiscation Begins in Illinois by Daniel John Sobieski

  • Which cops will they be sending to confiscate guns?
  • Ones trained with the cops that remained outside while these children were being slaughtered?



Special Guest: Host of Reverse Deception Gregory Carpenter

  • Quick and easy ending to the Russian investigation
  • Tillerson is out Pompeo is in for the CIA director

HEADLINE: Trump Fires Rex Tillerson and Will Replace Him With CIA Chief Pompeo by Julie Hirschfeld Davis

  • Slap the App – put the VRN app on your friends and families phones!
  • Very industrious people, these are not “bad” immigrants. – South Vietnam
  • What is the end game?
  • You will get a double down of the torture we say we don’t do.
  • If anyone has seen or found a terrorist the TSA has found, please send me a note b/c I would like to know who that terrorist is.
  • There is a little bit of reach to the Democrats here with Pompeo.
  • We will continue the types and policies we have always had.
  • Endless wars, torture, and so on…
  • End result is the state no longer exists to end a conflict
  • So Tillerson was just a little too nice and we can’t have that.


  • This is preemptive policing! How can you predict crime?
  • Palantir is an areal intelligence tool used by military.
  • It collects big data that is supposed to be useful.


Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

Please upgrade from basic monthly or basic yearly to Brother monthly or yearly! Please help keep our radio station alive. We also have Founding Father and Crusader levels.


 2018 Hogs For The Cause efforts are underway.

This happens every year usually the last weekend in March. It has been moved from City Pork (Park) to the UNO Lakefront Arena

The bidding has begun! We have cutting boards from McClure Tables all handmade in Michigan! We have the Phil Mickelson package, several bottles of extremely rare wines and much more!


#NationalWalkOut Day

  • This only works for public schools because they are funded by tax dollars.
  • This is driven by taxes and confiscation.
  • I do think in any responsible society there is ample room for registration (in some instances), training and such. But this should all be done on the LOCAL level.
  • There is a need and room for militias!
  • National Laws on keeping and bearing arms – militias
8:01 HEADLINE: A World Without Hope by Anthony Esolen
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager [email protected] and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.



Special Guest: Brother Andre Marie host of ReConquest

  • Climate Change, aliens, over population etc – Dawkins and Hawkings
  • I certainly don’t wish his soul any harm but he did some horrible things while he was here on Earth.
  • Alien Invasion = there is ZERO scientific evidence of alien life, because in his thinking we were so insignificant there just had to be something else out there. That is only because he did NOT believe in God. 
  • Atoms and subatomic particles ( you can’t see any of this, you have to have ‘faith’ they exist) yet you cannot take a leap of ‘faith’ in God?
  • Mathematics deals with the accidents of quantity. Brother Franics
  • Time is a unit of measure that was created by man!
  • Time is an accident, it is a thing it just isn’t a substance.
  • Substance is one category- 9 other categories
  • God didn’t create time or space!

BOOK: The Incredible Catholic Mass by Fr. Martin Von Cochem

  • Blessing of a Catholic Church used to take a minimum of 5 hours and it is done by a Bishop
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:48Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.


Paulaner Beer Stein – holds about 24oz of beer

HEADLINE: The Lenten “Beer Only Fast” Practiced by German Monks by Billy Ryan

  • 40 days without solid food, only beer and water
  • Today, the tradition continues on in the current Paulaner Brewery of Munich, who brews a beer using the same recipe used by the friars almost 400 years ago.


Caller Jas Wil

  • There is always opportunities to mortify our bodies.
  • Stephen Hawking, it is just a shame. He didn’t use his talents for the betterment of mankind.
  • Scientific theories that aren’t proven and that will never be proven.

HEADLINE: President Trump announces that U.S military will soon have a ‘space force’ to wage war beyond planet Earth by Denis Slattery and Chris Sommerfeldt

  • It isn’t good enough to bomb and create war here on Earth…now we have to do it on other planets in space.


Back to Headline: President Trump announces…

  • This is actually Idiocracy
  • Just call Trump – President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


Back to Headline: A World Without Hope by Anthony Esolen

AUDIO: Arby’s Sandwich Legends TV Commercial, ‘Therapy Peacock”


  • They rely on the institution of the temple reducing God to an idol.
  • When you were a kid, didn’t you typically go to your mom for things? She usually got you what you needed right?
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The Veritas Radio Network also has a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected] All requests are annoymous unless otherwise specified.

Meta-tags for show Post

National Walkout Day, Stephen Hawking, creation, President Trump, space military, Anthony Esolen, Denis Slattery, Chris Sommerfeldt, Beer Only Fast, Paulaner beer, Lent, Fr. Martin Von Cochem, Brother Andre Marie, Gregory Carpenter, CIA, Pompeo, Tillerson, Palantir, predictive technology, Russian Investigation, 2nd Amendment


Written by: MikeChurch

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