They Pray To “Our Lady of Plan B Pills” As Part Of The Heresy of ‘Muricanism-The Mike Church Show

today02/06/2018 117

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Mandeville, LA – For over a decade Mike has been talking about the bi-partisan Deep State that makes a mockery of our “democracy” and the concept that ‘Muricans practice “self-government”-the Nunes memo is just the latest confirmation of this. The LePanto Institute’s Michael Hichborn is provocative as segment 3’s special guest.

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
 6:12 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on February 6, 2018

Call the show 844-5CRUSADE










HEADLINE: Let’s Name the Abortion Providing Politicians by Father Dwight Longenecker

  • what are the ways you can aid in someone else’s sin
  • shortly after vote, Father asked to name names
  • for Christians violence is always a last and unwelcome resort
  • reading through the list of Senators the diocese they attend and their Priest
  • Father Martin and him being disinvited from one parish to another one
  • circulate their names to ever inch of social media
  • want to get a Bishops attention – starve him of monetary contributions (sad state of affairs when it comes down to that)
  • what was Rudolph Hoess doing at the time? He was overseeing the slaughter of Jews
  • “I know it is a cliche to scream “Nazi!” at anybody you disagree with, but in this case, are not the crimes of abortion our own hidden holocaust…?” Fr. Longenecker






HEADLINE: Legal Rationalizations for the Slaughter of Holy Innocents by Fr. David Andrew Fisher

  • Our Lady of Plan B our devotions are to contraception
  • water supply near college campus have hormones associated with contraception stay in the water supply
  • causing an ecosystem issue that no one is talking about
  • This is Our Lord sending us a little warning sign saying…hey llama I will contracept your food supply if you continue to abort my babies








back to the headline: Fr. Fisher

yesterday’s 3rd hour “Time to give Vatican II the old heave-ho.”

  • why don’t we look at abortion like the extermination of the Jews?
  • AUDIO: from Hillary Clinton on abortion until due date

(if you are in that crowd that cheered Hillary when she said this, you will hear this same audio at judgement time)

  • that’s “their” choice, who am I to judge?
  • if you don’t speak out against this, you are aiding in the actual sin
  • It is NOT okay to aid someone in damning their soul!
  • in many cases we are joyous about it “I will defend their choice/right to an abortion”
  • error doesn’t have a right
7:26 Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



HEADLINE: The Bloody 14 and the question of excommunication by Edward N. Peters

(should these 14 be excommunicated? this article will tell you why not)

“Pray that such tension is relieved before it erupts into even more serious problems. (you mean like people claiming to be Catholic?

  • What does bible believing even mean?
  • The Eagles are a team that is some way held together by their faith.
 VRN sign-up special : WE are going you 50% off if you purchase a yearly Founders Pass Membership by using coupon code (join2018)








HEADLINE: Nunes Duels the Deep State by Pat Buchanan

  • “From the Nunes memo, there was, at the highest level of the FBI, a cabal determined to derail Trump and elect Clinton.” Pat Buchanan
  • who was the head of this cabal?
  • Comparison: What is it about the use of loop holes that allowed Mrs. Clinton to get away with what she did? No one is happy about it, we know it stinks and is corrupt, it causes agitation, all manner of TRUST has gone away because it is all done as a technicality. – Mike Church
  • example of giving change at the grocery store (trust)
  • example of driving down the highway, how do I know you are going to stay in your lane? (trust)
  • Obedience to the unenforceable (after the fact you can be ticketed)
  • They don’t even care if you know they are doing wrong.
8:02Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
 8:04HEADLINE: The Nunes Memo and the Death of American Journalism by Robert W. Merry
8:09 Caller Martin from Georgia

  • Do you think Trump will be impeached with the whole Russia collusion?
  • We don’t impeach people in this country. Mike
  • What do you think he did to merit impeachment? Mike
  • We are the only ones talking about this in the media. Why isn’t the rest of the media talking about the Nukes? It is a horrifying situation.






HEADLINE: The Nuclear Posture Review by Paul Craig Roberts

  • wait after 20 years of telling us we need MORE military you are now telling us is it scary big and nukes are abundant?

Men take your weapons/rosaries out…today you are called to arms! 3 simple intentions

  1. sodomy
  2. pornography
  3. abortion
  4. contraception
Do business with those that do business with us. Visit “We’ll see ya’, at Bulldog Kia!”
 8:24Caller John from Ohio

  • no identity for a FISA court judge
  • an impeachment clause implies accountability

Cabinet Members: secretary of education (at the end of the day what does that title mean and what does it do?) It is executing the executive powers granted to the President

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 8:47Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show

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 Special Guest: Michael Hichborn from the Lepanto Institute 

  • Happy Belated Birthday to Michael Hichborn
  • Fr. Longenecker has issued the call for the Bloody 14 Catholics-withholding Holy Communion from these 14 what do you think?
  • Hichborn – Canon Law 915
  • So what he is saying is these politicians aren’t really going to Mass.
  • Cannon Law 915 will come into play IF they were going to Mass and have had their Priest or their Bishop tell them they are going against Church Doctrine.
  • Same applies to those deemed a Heretic
  • Use of contraception: those who in exercising it (marital act) deliberately interrupt……
  • It requires a PUBLIC profession
  • These politicians are PUBLICLY saying these acts are okay even if you are a Catholic
  • Inquisition conversation-false conversions in order to hold a public office
  • America Magazine – Writer for Jsuit-Run “America” Magazine is Blaspheming Communist 
  • Socialism is a good choice….all this from the writer of America Magazine Dean Dettloff
  • This guy is like a for real red flag waving communist and he is promoting homosexuality and same sex marriage and he also applauded Hillary Clinton and her abortion stance.
  • Maybe the Jesuits should change their order…the Society of Gomorrah
  • How can they escape the title Heretic doing such things over at America Magazine?
  • We have lived in an era where our Holy Fathers have seen what our Industrial Modern World was going to bring and do to the Modern Faith. (encyclicals)
  • 16 Encyclicals have been written about and against communism
  • This is THE issues for the last 100 years…all of these social ills are symptoms are from dialectical materialism.
  • Dialectical Materialism = is a philosophy of science and nature, based on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
  • Rerum Novarum – Pope Leo XIII 1891
  • Rerum Novarum condemned communism and Laissez-faire Capitalism
  • 100th anniversary of Rerum Novarum 1891-1991 communism isn’t dead it simply changed faces
  • Marxism – what is a Marxist? A Marxist is a materialist! He said there is no God only what we have right now. You only get what you can get in the here and now. Marxism and Communism at the end of the day are MATERIAL!
  • 1st error of Russia was they left Europe…2nd they started to allow divorce
  • The Council of 9 asked Marx to punish their beliefs
  • Quote from Deneen
  • Praying the rosary for peace set back communist attempts 20 years
  • Can you imagine if we did something like that now?
  • You are turning to Mother Mary and she is the greatest intercessory!
  • Pray for the 4 mortal sins that are promoted and subsidized.
  • This is not smoothing WE can fix. This is beyond human means. We are not fighting against powers and principalities!

Colleen Hammond author of Dressing with Dignity @ 7:30am cst

Brother Andre Marie Apologetics Course #3 @ 8:40am cst

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Written by: candacechurch

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