The Mike Church Show

This Is What Will Happen To Babies Sacrificed In Ohio

today11/08/2023 110 1

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SPECIAL GUEST – Wisdom Wednesday

Brother Andre Marie

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Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

The Limbo of Infants 

ReConquest Episode 372: Yes, Limbo Is Church Teaching! 

  • It is mostly true in the sense it was only used once in the Magisterial.
  • QUESTION: What is Limbo?
  • We know that in order to get into Heaven on must be Baptized and in Santifying Grace.
  • If we grant it possible according to the teachings of St Thomas Aquinas – 
  • That is only possible for adults, for those able to make an act of faith.
  • Infants are incapable of ascending to the faith or making an act of charity or making an act of hope.
  • It is INFUSED into them at Baptism.
  • So they have Sanctifying Grace at that point.
  • We are not born naturally children of God.
  • Why is it that when the Priest says the Our Father in Mass, he says prompted by saving admonitions…we dare to say, we have the audacity to say….then he starts the Our Father.
  • Why is it audacious to call God our Father?
  • Because he isn’t our Father by nature/birth. 
  • The theologians distinguished, Limbus means border lands, border lands of hell.
  • Those who die w/o sanctifying grace or mortal sin can’t be saved but there is a distinction b/w those that die w/ only original sin only and those that die w/ original sin and their own mortal sins . 
  • They are lost to the Beatific Vision. 
  • What is common in hell to everyone is pain of loss – the pain of the damned. 
  • Then there is super added to that – 
  • Example – Brother Andre – If I lose my soul, God forbid, I would have an awful lot of reckoning b/c I had a lot and squandered it.
  • Purgatory and Hell Proper – the hell of the pain of sense and loss those 4 states/places go by Infernum, the Essential Hell meaning they don’t have the Beatific Vision.
  • Again, they can have a certain amount of happiness there, infants.
  • Aborted babies are not martyrs they are being killed for the convince of their parents or mother.
  • Many women who abort are in a very bad state when they do that, but they are clearly accessories to a crime.
  • Question of Baptizing a miscarried baby – 
  • We don’t know when the soul leaves the body.
  • Most people say rigermortis is a sign of death right?
  • I have seen sacraments administered to people that had no heartbeat.
  • They would be declared dead by a doctor but a Priest would administer Last Rites.
  • When a baby is miscarried, then Baptizing that baby is perfectly fine conditionally. 

HEADLINE: Wrestling with the Fate of the Unbaptized by Father Thomas Crean, O.P.

Organ Donation – 

  • Clinically Brain Dead, doesn’t mean that you are actually dead as no one knows when your soul actually leaves the body.

HEADLINE: Limbo and the Mystical Body: on the Borderlands of Dogma by Brother Andre Marie

  • He gave her a moral pillow and fall asleep in her sins.
  • That is evil and that Bishop will have to answer for that.
  • What he said was taken, but it was in error.
  • The Church gives us clarity on issues that we need clarity on.
  • I have a trivia item – Roger Bobo – tuba player in that, Encounter.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rabbi Mizrachi on Mother MaryMary was just a prostitute that slept around on her husband and had a thing called JC.

  • That is straight out of the Talmud. 

ReConquest Episode 396: Your Attention Please


Written by: Justin Redman