The Mike Church Show

Time To Give The Old “Heave Ho” To The Novus Ordo – Mike Church Show

today02/05/2018 118

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Mandeville, LA – Mike continues to rally the gentlemen of the Red, White & Dude Nation to the CRUSADER Knights of the Rosary, today quoting Archbishop Chaput’s latest on the subject. The DeceptiCONS are back with a new-new entitlement – “family & medical leave” act – that shines the light of Truth on the fraud that is today’s “conservatism”.

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:12Welcome to the Mike Church Show on February 5, 2018

Call the show 844-5CRUSADE







HEADLINE: Memory, Sex and the Making of the “New Man” by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Men grab your rosary/weapon and get in the game.

  • so what is the problem? MEN
  • 22 rules from The Manual of a Christian Knight by Erasmus of Rotterdam
  • these rules are a wonderful little handbook for young men
  • theological virtue – hope “rule 7”
  • rule 10 – typically when referring to “temptation” they are referring to sins of the flesh, lust
  • we have talked about this for years on this show, “recover what it means to be men, and especially how to live as Christian men of substance and virtue”




HEADLINE: Who Let Dr. Strangelove Write The Pentagon’s Nuclear Posture Review? by Julia Conley

  • audio from Dr. Strangelove “shoot first ask questions later”
  • smaller warheads making them more “useable”
  • who believes the ramping up of our nuclear arsenal is a “good” thing
  • audio from Blazing Saddles “working up a #6′


6:53 VRP


HEADLINE: The Nuclear Posture Review by Paul Craig Roberts

  • the document is a NeoCon product, not President Trumps

Brother Andre Marie – the term Zion in the Bible

  • we have been conditioned to think the US military has the job of spreading freedom
  • the “C” word vs Zion
Drinking for a Cause: American Warrior Whiskey

American Warrior Whiskey Looks to promote American War Heroes with Funding Assistance via FundThis

6:59back to headline: The Nuclear Posture Review
7:03HEADLINE: A Morning with Big Brother by Joseph Pearce

  • TV screens are everywhere, seemingly omnipresent
Mary of Nazareth by Michael Hesemann

discussing the original image of Mother Mary


HEADLINE: Here Are The 7 Biggest Bombshells In The House Intel Memo On FISA Abuses by Bre Payton

7:25Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



Dwight and Kevin will now be advertising with us. More on that in the upcoming week. Let us make a commercial for you!

We will make a video for you with a tutorial of our 3 step process on how to listen to the Crusade Channel through iTunes

  • only took Mike 1 minute flat using iTunes







HEADLINE: “They’re Running Out Of Maneuvering Room” – Debt Ceiling Alarms Are Ringing In The Bond Market

  • the Treasury is expected to exhaust its borrowing authority as early as the first half of March
  • who gets stuck with this bill?
  • who gets to keep the Military Industrial Complex running when the cash cannot be borrowed?
  • inflation is guaranteed now
  • savings accounts gain no interest
  • we are robbing Peter to pay Paul…it is a never ending cycle
  • Trump is no Debt Mizer







8:02 RP


HEADLINE: Republicans’ Latest Family Leave Scheme Shows Why We Can’t Be Free by Robert Tracinski

  • if you are a small business owner, when is the last time you got a COLA? (cost of living adjustment)
  • do they ever “fix” the issues we have with Social Security? We pay people to look into these types of groups in the hopes they will “fix” the problems.
  • these non-profits are an entitlement class
  • Did St. Joseph get his 12 weeks of benefits after Jesus was born?
  • there will be people that die before they can touch the money…who gets that money? If you answered the Federal Government, you would be correct.
  • the solution is: if you want family and medical leave, pay for it YOURSELF!
  • find someone like David Simpson that will encourage you to be your own banker so you don’t have to plays these _____ games
8:08Do business with those that do business with us. Visit “We’ll see ya’, at Bulldog Kia!”



8:21 RP

back to headline: Republicans’ Latest Family Leave

  • all of these other “benefits” your company gives you, do you think you would invest your money better?
  • Dr. Wacasey with healthcare and health insurance referencing last weeks interview
  • Return to Order by John Horvat III
  • All these so-called “Conservative” talk show hosts, and magazines are all in on it!



HEADLINE: Mississippi state house votes to ban abortion after 15 weeks by Claire Chretien

  • I am all for it but it will ultimately get turned, once PP gets in on it, it will go to SCOTUS and the people in the black robes will tell the citizens….yeah no killing babies is awesome
  • “Again, you cannot base a rule on an exception!” – Mike
We need you to shop, shop, shop. It’s the last day of the month. WE are going you 50% off if you purchase a yearly Founders Pass Membership by using coupon code (join2018)
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Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail and much more.

Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
8:44Regina Magazine hardcopy available for purchase in the Founders Tradin’ Post

Catholic Newspaper Golgotha Monastery Island


8:51 VRP









HEADLINE: Time to Let Go of Vatican 2 by Brian Williams

  • “It described itself as a pastoral council, and it sought to repackage the teaching, life and worship of the Church to suit a world in flux. For this very reason the Council was necessarily going to have a best-before date. That date has been passed. The sad thing is that its milk turned sour very soon after packaging.” by Fr. Hugh
  • for those that say, well what’s wrong with it? Did it produce good fruit? Seminaries were almost empty.
  • Vatican 2 took the heresy of Americanism and Catholicized it!
  • Most of the youths that get called “Trads” today probably don’t know anything about the Vatican 2 council. They want the OLD ways.
  • Sodomites can have their “unions” blessed



Caller John from Canada

  • Now has Latin Masses 1st and 3rd of each month.
  • 1st Solemn High Mass since Vatican 2 said at that Church
  • St. Jane de Chantal will be receiving a NEW high altar
  • story about the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag he purchased from the Founders Tradin’ Post







 DudeMaker Hotline: Gregory Carpenter

  • Today’s Reverse Deception episode 3 – the tiny countries in the world that you wouldn’t want to go to because our American Exceptionalism has destroyed them
  • Next week will be episode 4 the wrap up – opportunity cost. If we hadn’t spent that money overseas, where would we be with paying for our own medical research? How many Americans could we have saved or positively impacted their lives?
  • we will put these Reverse Deception episodes into ONE package for download, it will be available in the on-demand store
  • military industrial complex, we continue to do the same things and nothing gets better it only gets worse.
  • our government has been so engaged in such activities for such a long time, you  truly don’t know where to begin.
 9:50back to headline: Memory, Sex and the Making of the “New Man”
The Veritas Radio Network also has a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected] All requests are annoymous unless otherwise specified.

Written by: MikeChurch

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