Trump’s life was saved by going off script. He turned away from the teleprompter to ask his team to bring up a politically incorrect hatefact about immigration. Pointing to this forbidden fact prevented the bullet from passing through his skull, clipping his ear instead.
Now there are people out there stating Trump set this all up.
That he paid someone to shoot him JUST in the ear for political gain.
That is absolutely preposterous and if you believe that, there is simply no talking to you.
What a radical statement –
People invent things for their own self-esteem.
I’m much cleverer than you right?
As for the death cult thing – Tucker Carlson said the same thing yesterday.
Corey C was not just a dad or husband, he was opposed to the Cult!
I was delighted to find that Corey had denounced Lindsey Graham, he said he didn’t have any children b/c all his partners lacked ovaries!
We fight b/c there is a great global evil.
This is about the extension of life and truth as we know it.
Make friends w/ your neighbors, lift weights and say your prayers b/c you are going to need all of them!