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Tuesday-To End The Deep State Trump Must End The Deep Bureaucracy

today02/18/2020 9

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    Tuesday-To End The Deep State Trump Must End The Deep Bureaucracy LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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HEADLINE: DOJ Furor Latest Attempt To Help Democrats Hide Spygate, Undermine Elections by Joy Pullmann

  • How many remember the meeting on the Tarmac?
  • The whole thing is a foreign aid racket. 
  • Rep. Devin Nunes told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs that the prosecutors who resigned over the altered prison recommendation for Stone are “not going to be the only example. We think there’s other examples of things that they did during the Mueller investigation that I think you and your listeners and the American people will be very interested to learn in the coming weeks, as we start to unpeel the onion of what the Mueller team was really doing.”
  • Adam Schiff LIED about this 100%.

HEADLINE: Dershowitz: I Have Info That Obama Personally Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of Soros by Nick Arama

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: Daily Wire Co-Founder: ‘We May Be Grifters, But We Sure As Hell Aren’t Poor Grifters’ by Gabriel Keane

  • Ask Sean Fanning is music is free.
  • Do you know Sean Fanning? 
  • NAPSTER – 
  • Commercials – Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
 HEADLINE: The Insanity of the Elites by Charles Coulombe  
 HEADLINE: Adult Film Shot At Santa Monica Public Library During Business Hours Sparks Outrage by CBS Los Angeles News











Special Guest Matt Gaspers managing Editor at Catholic Family News

Follow Matt Gaspers here: @MattGaspers and @cathfamilynews

  • The TradInc Wars seem to be escalating on Twitter and social media.
  • If you represent the Catholic Church you should know the faith. 
  • What you say shouldn’t be controversial with the Church.
  • Sleazy Grifter – if you do this full time, you shouldn’t be making a living off of it.
  • Church Militant is bringing in WAY more money than Catholic Family News and you can take that to the bank.
  • A true member of the Catholic religion will contact me privately and fraternally correct me. 
  • Doing it in public to shame and gain an advantage is just wrong and let’s stop doing that.
  • Dr. Brian McCall 
  • Dream One: Marxist Ideology 
  • Dream Two: Indiscriminate Multiculturalism 
  • Dream Three: Pagan Pantheism
  • Dream Four: A Bold New Church Behind the New Amazonian Face

Conclusion: The “Missing” Dream of Married Priests 

  • The Political Pope – 
  • You are trying to sanctify the temporal sphere.
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 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO: Mike Bloomberg: “I could teach anybody to be a farmer. You dig a hole, put in the seed and put water over it, then you get corn.”

AUDIO: Mike Bloomberg: “If you show up w/ cancer & you’re 95 years old, we should say ….there’s no cure we can’t do anything.”

  HEADLINE: Brawl breaks out at Bernie Sanders rally over ‘Black Guns Matter’ shirt by Ben Feuerherd 


HEADLINE: The Insanity of the Elites by Charles Coulombe 

  • “Despite the many differences among them, public discourse in all four countries (and many more beside) is dominated by governmental, cultural, academic, and media elites who are at once emblematic of St. John Paul II’s famous description, “the culture of death.” They are removed from reality—that is to say, in a sense, they are insane and, worse still, not all that bright. Not only do they ignore the various clear and present dangers with which the West and the world are confronted, but their fecklessness and lying make anything they oppose—including fascism—look attractive to the innumerable uninformed their educational policies have created.”



















Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

  • Why are you assuming Bishop _____ has any good will?
  • This is NOT how Catholics should never stop reaching out to our shepherds. 
  • The battle ground is not that person.
  • We are fighting for THEIR SOUL!
  • We don’t just walk up to them and smash them in the head w/ a hammer.

HEADLINE: More Than Our Appetites by JD Flynn

  • USAID – 
  • Contraception and Condoms – PSI 
  • They start distributing the money and do these programs so CRS keeps their hands clean so to speak.
  • It is an organization w/in CRS.
  • There is such an arrogance here that really bothers me.
  • AUDIO/VIDEO: Confrontation with AUSCP Rep – Lepanto Institute 
  • When you write someone a letter you give them the opportunity to withdraw without any type of scandal.
  • You don’t go on social media and beat them over the head w/ information. 
  • TFP founded by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

HEADLINE: US Representative of Pope Francis to Participate in Assembly of Heretical Priests by Michael Hichborn 

  • Why would we want a Catholic King?
  • When Rome fell you didn’t have a series of government, you had Christian Kingships that rose up.
  • They were a reflection of the Kingship of Christ.
  • When God is the King of Kings all these local Kings reflect the TRUE KING of the kingdom.
  • Saint Louis IX of France
  • King Saint Ferdinand III
  • Edward the Confessor
 Crusader Monastery Prayer List

Please in your charity remember the following people in your prayers – 

The Pigg Family – Little Christopher Jude Pigg lost his fight 2/16/20 he was 7 weeks old. (Mother Julie, Father Michael and 5 siblings.)

Richard – who continues to battle sepsis.
Caleb – who has down syndrome and was just diagnosed w/ Crone’s disease. 

Lizzie Reezay – that she grow in her faith and not lead devout Catholics astray.

Father John Hollowell – has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Prognosis is very good.

Father Dana Christensen – has been diagnosed with ALS

Rush Limbaugh – stage IV lung cancer, pray for his conversion to the One True Faith.

Tara Carroll Gates – for her conversation to Catholicism. 

Denise McAllister – for her conversation to Catholicism.

Michael Ecker – for his heart to soften to at least be open to discussing the faith.

Brenda Marroy – for her reversion back to the One True Faith.


  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

 Joy Pullmann, Spygate, DOJ, Rep. Devin Nunes, Lou Dobbs, Mueller, Adam Schiff, Nick Arama, Soros, FBI, Dershowitz, Hillary Clinton, Gabriel Keane, Sean Fanning, NAPSTER, Johnny Dollar, Charles Coulombe, Santa Monica, Matt Gaspers, Catholic Family News, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Brian McCall, Amazonian, Pope Francis, Marxism, multiculturalism, Michael Bloomberg, Ben Feuerherd, Bernie Sanders, JD Flynn, AUSCP, TFP, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Saint Louis IX, Saint King Ferdinand III, Edward the Confessor

Written by: LoneRhody

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