The Mike Church Show

Why You Should Never Wear Gay Blackface with Michael Hichbor

today06/07/2023 111

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Michael Hichborn 

Founder of the Lepanto Institute 

Follow Hichborn on Twitter – @LepantoInst

  • If the Bishop doesn’t stop this, he is complicit. 
  • If you don’t say no you can’t do this, the idea that you’ve conceived of it should bring disciplinary actions down on this Priest and the Deacons. 
  • Bishop Zubik has come out and denounced it but he hasn’t threatened any discipline.
  • They are given a weak, limp-waisted…please stop this isn’t a good thing.

HEADLINE: Pittsburgh Bishop Calls for ‘Pride Mass’ to Be Canceled by Mary Margaret Olohan 

  • This is 100% a perversion. 
  • This is how they invert things.
  • He is strapped to a Saint Andrews Cross – 
  • Maximum outrage against God and His Sacred Heart.
  • Corrupt as many souls as we can along the way.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Real Men of Hubris by Michael Hichborn 

  • If you leave the bosom of Holy Mother Church – you will feel it.
  • Holy Trinity College – Rainbow flag being flown over the University.
  • The demons want you to be like them.
  • Sister Lucia – when she saw hell she spoke of people or the souls of the damned having hideous forms.
  • That is what happens w/ the demons they went from something beautiful to something hideous.
  • They become horrible beasts in hell, that is how Drag Queens do their make-up is it not?
  • No servant is greater than the master.
  • The Restoration of Christian Culture – 
  • Taking what is good and inverting and distorting it. 
  • Saint Padre Pio movie – There is a scene when Pio is being tempted and the devil takes the form of Our Lady, naked, and does things w/ the image of Our Lady.
  • Destroying beauty destroys man’s sense of God. 
  • That is why they had to destroy the art.
  • Lucifer Founder of the TransMovement – article 

Written by: Justin Redman