Anagoge, sometimes spelled anagogy =is a Greek word suggesting a “climb” or “ascent” upwards.
The Churches liturgy wouldn’t make sense…..
Jerusalem is the Church in that reading when it says Jerusalem Rejoice!
Lent isn’t a matter of what you are giving up, we should be depriving ourselves of things we like, that’s all good but we should focus on acquiring virtue and growing in the love of Our Lord.
If you do only deny yourself via deprivations, w/o attachment to Our Lord, the deprivations w/ strike you at some point and you can get to “well I gave this up so I can do this over here”.
I will meat w/ my Spiritual Director and make sure that I have a Lenten program that is workable and brings me closer to God.
Allegorical Sense — the realm of faith, corresponding to meditatio in monastic prayer: This sense tells me what things really and fully mean when they are perceived in the superior light of divine and catholic faith.
Literal Sense — the realm of “nature” (or, better, of the most immediate appearances of a perceived reality), corresponding to lectio in monastic prayer: Here, I see each of my Brothers (Sisters) in their essence and nature as a reality, a “given,” with all of their personal qualities and attributes, their temperaments and character traits. With some of them, an easy and natural concord flows from a compatibility of those personal qualities and attributes. With others, such easy amity is lacking owing to a less compatible arrangement of our personalities.
LARPER – no I don’t want to go back to the Dark Ages
No I just want a Christian Nation and live Christian Virtues in today’s time.
I want running water, I want working sewer systems.