The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-Muricans Actually Demand JOINING Of State To Their Church Of Zionism

today11/15/2023 194

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Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Host of the Reconquest Show aired only on the Crusade Channel.

Follow Brother Andre Marie on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

  • The Italians, the Palestinians the Israelis – none of them are the ‘chosen people’. 
  • Our Lord was pretty clear on this, God can raise children of Abraham from these stones and that is us.
  • It isn’t a matter of ancestry – we are born of God and that is what Baptism does for us.
  • Jesus is the bridge builder b/w Heaven and Earth.
  • We get a lot of rich texts that come from this error of Monophystism.  
  • Monophysites and Monophysitism .—The history of this sect and of its ramifications has been summarized under Eutychianism (the nickname somewhat unfairly given by Catholic controversialists). The theology of Monophysitism has also been described under the same heading. Two points are discussed in the following article: first, the literary activity of the Monophysites both in Greek and Syriac; secondly, the question whether they can be exculpated from material heresy in their Christology.
  • There is only one will and operation in Jesus and that is Divine. 

HEADLINE: Bipartisan Murderers and Warhawks: Our Sanguinary Governing Class by Brother Andre Marie 

HEADLINE: Unconstitutional: U.S. presidents restrain personal liberty, kill with impunity by Judge Andrew P Napolitano 

  • The Biden administration is killing people, openly in Ukraine and Gaza and secretly around the world. It has continued to use the killing machinery crafted by President George W. Bush, expanded by President Barack Obama and employed by President Donald Trump. These presidents have used drones and other unmanned projectiles to target people in foreign countries with which the United States is not at war.
  • They have done this notwithstanding the prohibition against taking life, liberty or property from any person — not just any American, but any person — in the Constitution each has sworn to uphold, and they have done so pursuant to secret rules that they themselves have established for these killings.
  • It goes back to James Bond – 
  • We learn through our films.
  • The writer was given money by the American government to write these James Bond movies. 
  • Killing all over the place and giving the idea that this must be done to ‘keep us safe’.
  • That is why the phrase ‘National Security’ plays so well.
  • And the phrase “you have to fight them over there so you don’t have to fight them here”.
  • All of that comes from our own government. 
  • That is why Father was able to negotiate a peace treaty w/ the government. 
  • The old Christianity is a parallel w/ what’s goin on in Israel.
  • This ‘we are the chosen and can do whatever we want and by any means’. 
  • Jonathan Jay Pollard 
  • This sympathy isn’t authentic.
  • They are impoverishing the American people, while getting others to hate us more and not paying attention to the Southern border where these people are setting up shop here in the US, it just creates a situation where this is going to happen again and thus the storyline continues.
  • Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden they have done something that no one in the Muslim world has been able to achieve in 1,000 years. They have united the Sunnis and Shiites.
  • The first Crusade was a huge success for Christ and Christendom but it was incomplete b/c it didn’t drive Islam from the Arab. 

ReConquest Tonight – Episode 397: The ‘Our Father’ as a Trinitarian Prayer


Written by: Justin Redman