The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday: To Restore Higher Education Give It Piety of Thought With Brother André Marie

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Wisdom Wednesday: To Restore Higher Education Give It Piety of Thought With Brother André Marie


Host of the ReConquest show heard only on the Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

HEADLINE: A Letter to Employers on the Ethics of the COVID-19 Jabs by Brother Andre Marie

HEADLINE: The Abortion Ties of the COVID Vaccines: A Deal-Killer or No Big Deal? by John Zmirak 

Discusses life on the farm moving the pigs around the Saint Benedict Center.

HEADLINE: America, Immigration, and the Catholic Church by Chilton William

Loving = Pia
It often means kindness but to the Romans it was religious duty you showed to the Gods and your parents.
The movie Gladiator – the small carved statues of his parents and he burned incense.
That is what he was doing rendering homage to this patrons.
Healthy respect for the democracy of the dead.
Impietas – impiety at it’s most iconic = tearing down the states of Confederates 

HEADLINE: We Can’t Wait for Universities to Fix Themselves. So We’re Starting a New One. by Dr. Kanelos 

HEADLINE: “The Piety of Thought:” A Response to Dr. Kanelos by Dr. Glenn Arbery

“The Piety of Thought:” A Response to Dr. Kanelos

Pietas for Romans included something higher or greater than themselves.
Something passed down from their elders.
Piety leads to gratitude.
When we become creators we become diabolical.
The devil cannot create he can only destroy.
Tolkien orcs are not a creation of the dark lord he took elves and ruined them.
Only God can create!
The Midas touch – you can turn things to gold right but what else?
He ended up killing, turning his daughter into gold.
This is what we do when we put ourselves before God.
If you look back at the high middle ages – it was a time in history w/ some of the most rapid technological development.
Today we worship ways and means – they are more important to us than purpose.
When they are before purpose you are creating gadgets that are created for NO PURPOSE.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

HEADLINE: Exploring Nature to Find God by Brother Andre Marie

ReConquest Episode 303 TONIGHT – The Metaverse versus the Universal Church 

There is a lot of issues w/ Mark Zuckerberg and his introduction of Meta.
The danger here is combining AI and VI and augmented reality w/ the internet as we have it, they are creating a parallel reality.
Selling your private data like they have been doing all along while telling you they weren’t.

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Written by: Justin Redman

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