Wisdom Wednesday: Yes Defending Holy Matrimony Is A Hill Worth Dying Upon, Are You In? with Brother Andre Marie

today01/18/2023 86 1

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Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest aired only on The Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter @Brother_Andre

Truly enjoyed our Pecan Praline King Cake you sent us here at the Saint Benedict Center

Saint Anthony the Great or Saint Anthony the Abbot – 

HEADLINE: Saint Anthony the Abbot (356) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart 

HEADLINE: Saint Prisca (270) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart 

  • The Desert Fathers – 
  • They would have done some minimal amount of farming.
  • In order to keep themselves busy they would make baskets.
  • They would use palm trees for food for the dates and they would use the palms for clothing and baskets too.

HEADLINE: A Hill On Which To Die by Regis Martin

  • Stability in Society 
  • You want stable families and you want your neighbors to be stable as well that is what forms a community. 
  • The Church herself, including especially the Holy Father, was prepared to lose half of Europe on account of an adamantine refusal to gratify the greed and lust of one English monarch. How disproportionate the Pope’s gesture must appear to today’s Catholics, whose attitudes have been shaped less by the catechism than the culture. 
  • That is the force that will move the hearts of men and women joined to one another in holy matrimony. What lover would not wish for a fulfillment along those lines, the very lines of divine love itself? 
  • What Chesterton has called “the ideal of constancy,” is not some sort of “yoke mysteriously imposed on mankind by the devil.” It is rather, as all true lovers will be the first to admit, “a yoke consistently imposed by all lovers on themselves.” 
  • Tonight’s ReConquest Episode 359: The Good Samaritan
  • Reconquest” is a militant, engaging, and informative Catholic radio program featuring interviews with interesting guests as well as commentary by your host. It is a radio-journalistic extension of the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center.

Monday’s ReConquest Episode 358: The Church Unity Octave


Written by: Justin Redman