The Breakdown:  As School Starts Remember- Your Kids Are Racist And They Don’t Even Know It, And So Are You!

today08/24/2020 22

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The Breakdown: As School Starts Remember- Your Kids Are Racist And They Don’t Even Know It, And So Are You!

Facebook Steps Up to Remove 1,000 Antifa and Riot-Affiliated Groups

This is a stunner!  Facebook removes the terrostic groups and profiles.  But on wonders why they waited to long?  Perhaps the Democratic Convention held last week had something to do with it?

Rioters Decapitate America By Executing American Flags

Antifa doesn’t want peaceful reform – they want to destroy America and change the foundations of liberty and freedom.  This past weekend, they decided to execute the ideals of America with a guillotine.  Forget peaceful protests; they are pushing for a complete violent overthrow.

Teens Murder A Seventeen Year Old Girl – The Media Is Silent

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White Teachers Are Racist – And They Don’t Even Know It

As school semi-starts around the nation, teachers are being advised that they are racists and don’t even know it.  Today we walk through a few points from a piece by Angela Watson titled, “10 things every white teacher should know when talking about race.”

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Written by: Aaron B

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