The Breakdown – Censorship of Christian Media, Police Involvement in COVID Lock Downs, and Loud Talkers

today05/18/2020 18

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Censorship of Christian Media, Police Involvement in COVID Lock Downs, and Loud Talkers

Christians Are Not Immune to YouTube Censorship

YouTube removed John Piper’s “Coronavirus and Christ” book after 22 military chaplains complained. It was sent to them by a senior army chaplain who attached it to an email with an inspirational message.  However the chaplains – ones who are supposed to point to Christ became upset and are calling for a court martial.  Today, I discuss why the book was so controversial.

The Lesser Magistrate Doctrine Can Help With Nationwide Tyranny

Ryan McMaken from Mises Institute published a great article titled “Police Are Complicit in Politicians Disregard for the Rule of Law“.  Police have important crimes to cover but they are busting up birthday parties, ripping parents away from children and arresting citizens for not practicing social distances.  I’ve encouraged consistently for us all to develop relationships with our local law enforcement officers here.  I’ve also interviewed Matt Trewhella about the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates detailing how tyrannical measures can be stopped via interposition.

Loud Talkers Are COVID-19 Spreaders

You can’t be within six feet of anyone, can’t drink a beer in the restaurant or sit down at McDonald’s.  Now, you can’t talk loud, either because it may spread more COVID-19.  It seems that just about anything is going to take us sick.  Not everyone can stop being so loud, after all, you’ve heard Joe and Joe, right?

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Written by: LoneRhody

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