The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- Senate: “Either Adopt Every Criminal On Earth, Or Your Sons Get It!”

today02/06/2024 170 1

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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  • Immigration Bill
  • Sanctuary Cities
  • Border Crisis
  • Toby Keith Dies
 Msgr Arthur Calkins 

Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord, and may perpetual life shine upon him.






















Immigration Bill

  • Guys the border is the simplest thing our elected officials can take care of.
  • You protect the border.
  • This is Government 101 and they can’t get it right.
  • There was no attempt to get it right.
  • Their pet projects came before our countries safety and security. 
  • 12 GOP Governors went to Texas this past weekend.
  • Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California – that is a significant border. 
  • The North Korea and South Korea is a massive border but it is only 1/5 of what we have to Mexico.
  • If one of those before mentioned states drops its guard and says, we will be a sanctuary state, it is over.
  • This country is over as we know it.

HEADLINE: Migrants accused of beating two NYPD cops in Times Square and freed without bail by woke DA Alvin Bragg are ARRESTED in Phoenix bus station – after fleeing the Big Apple by Harriet Alexander

  • Let me clue you in, the 6 thugs that beat up the cops in NY were released by District Attorney and they had a BOLO go out. 
  • Where do you think they were apprehended at?
  • They were all the way in Phoenix!
  • So just how did they get bus tickets?
  • They gave fake names to a Catholic Charity and obtained free bus passes to Phoenix. 
  • Now get this: they knew where the Catholic charity was, they knew they wouldn’t be vetted by the Catholic charity and their volunteers and boom…free ride across the country.
  • This country is failing on so many levels can it be fixed?
  • Is there a way out of all of this?
  • The one that NY kept in prison had already been arrested twice for shoplifting. 
  • These people aren’t dressed like farmers, they are dressed in brand name clothes, carrying expensive backpacks etc.
  • They aren’t afraid of our police, they aren’t afraid of ICE.
  • The interesting thing about the Mexicans hired on the race track back in the 90’s, these were by and large good people. 
  • Most of them would wire most of the money they made back to Mexico. 
  • They would come and work for 6 months or so and then they would go home.
  • We had ICE raids on the race track all the time.
  • You’d hear the siren and you’d know that ICE had arrived.
  • My point is most Americans wouldn’t be bothered by immigration like that.
  • But this is a whole new level of invasion. 
  • These people are criminals.
  • What is the Federal Government doing about all of this.




  • What does our government exist to do?
  • It certainly isn’t taking care of this country or the citizens that dwell in it.
  • These guys said they spent 4 months getting this Immigration Bill done.
  • That shows their incompetence. 
  • They can’t even get this ONE thing done w/o adding their slush fund money to it.

Sean Davis Twitter: Let this be a lesson to any Republican stupid enough to go out on a limb to do McConnnell’s dirty work: he will leave you out to dry, then cut off the limb you’re standing on to save his own behind.

Make no mistake: McConnell picked Lankford for this kamikaze mission because 1) Lankford isn’t up for re-election until 2028, and 2) Lankford didn’t have the experience or wits to accomplish anything substantive against Schumer and Biden, whose goals on immigration and Ukraine perfectly align with McConnell’s.

It was vintage Mitch McConnell: work feverishly behind the scenes on behalf of his donors and the Uniparty to fleece taxpayers, pick an unsuspecting dupe to bear the public burden of carrying McConnell’s slop bucket, then throw the poor dupe right under the bus when everything goes sideways.

  • Now McConnell is out there saying the GOP should vote NO on this Immigration Bill that HE himself helped write up!
  • He isn’t even going down with the ship.
  • That is how spineless McConnell is.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Woman in Oakland talks about how Oaklandno business can survive in Oakland. Even the Wal-Mart is closed, if your town ain’t got no Wal-Mart, you know your town is hurting. 

HEADLINE: Oakland small business owners sound alarm on crime: ‘We are all dying’ by Kendall Tietz

  • This isn’t a result of American people going bad all the way but is a result of the worst coming into this country and promoting socialism and communism now here.
  • There is nothing funny about this and we should be serious about this, deadly serious.
  • They are eviscerating cities.

HEADLINE: Democrat Border Deal: Ukraine Gets More Money, Americans Get More Poor Illegal Immigrants by Eddie Scary 

  • You don’t get to just leave Communist China.
  • They don’t just let you walk out and leave that country. 
  • So how are they choosing which ones get to leave and enter through Mexico?
  • What is in the bill? 
  • The $118 billion package includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. An additional $10 billion is earmarked for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, the West Bank, and Ukraine. The border changes include $20 billion for transportation for deportation, shelters, 4,000+ new asylum officers, more border agents, and anti-fentanyl trafficking efforts.”
  • In short, that’s $84 billion to be sent overseas, the vast majority to Joe Biden’s dearly beloved Ukraine, and then a quarter of that amount would hire new government workers in the United States to process more poor illegal immigrants dumping themselves onto the care of American taxpayers.
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.




















AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Chuck Schumer on MSNBC: American Soldiers to UkraineIt took 4 months of negotiations for this Immigration Bill. This bill is crucial and history will look back on this. If we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over it and we will lose the war. If we don’t help Israel, that perpetual war will go on and on. This is a turning point for America. The Republicans are just scared to death of Donald Trump. We might be brought into Ukraine. This is a compromise. This is the right thing for America. 

  • Trumps Minions – that is approximately 80% of the American population. 
  • Who are these minions?
  • If you are driving around you probably have one in front of you w/ a MAGA sticker or hat or shirt.
  • He speaks of these minions, he is speaking of fellow citizens.
  • He might as well just call them pions, little people, people that mean nothing. 
  • They are still so upset over Trump b/c they own the 5th estate state run media, they figured they’d have this Orange Man behind bars already. 
  • I think they truly thought he would be in prison and not an issue at this point.
  • These are people that are saying “I thought we lived in a precious Democracy Chuck”?
  • If we don’t agree w/ them, we are the threat to THEIR democracy.
  • It seems to me this Trump guy is more in control of policy than the Biden guy is at this point.
  • If you hate him, fine.
  • Schumer and all of these Democrats think Trump is running the show still!
  • So what does this all mean?
  • What is to be done now b/w Feb 6th and Nov 5th?
  • You can’t say nothing, you can’t beat something w/ nothing…
  • Congress isn’t coming to your rescue even if they had the backbone to do so.
  • Alejandro might be impeached but Biden will just put another stooge in his place.
  • If this isn’t going to stop what happens now?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson: Immigration Bill Is DOAWe will not pass immigration legislation that further incentivizes illegal immigration and does not reform asylum and parole in a meaningful way. and it empowers President Biden and his cabinet, the architects of this catastrophe. 

They took 4 months to prepare THIS Immigration Bill.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Reverend Al Sharpton on MSNBC: Immigration BillYou are getting migrants beating up police in NY and this has people in an outrage. Why are you allowing this to continue? There is money for Gaza and Ukraine, at the end of the day Senators have to be held accountable to their constituents. 

  • He called it a MIGRANT INVASION.
1h43mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden Speech: Roe v WadeNow Donald Trump is saying I did this w/ the Supreme Court I appointed. It has taken away a women’s right to choose. I made it clear if they try to pass a National ban I will veto it. Give me all the Democrat congressmen and Senators and I will bring back Roe v Wade. 

  • The crowd goes crazy w/ cheers over him saying he is going to bring back Roe v Wade.
  • There has always been evil in this world.
  • By and large this is young people cheering this on.
1h57mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Former Pharma Insider The open secret w/in pharmaceutical industry. The kind of silly ads you see b/w the news beaks, the pint of that is not, it’s largely to impact they customer. But the pharma has already got that. They’ve already bought off the doctors. 

  • Look at a beach photo from the 70’s and tell me if you can ‘Where’s Waldo’ a fat person.
  • Food wasn’t mass produced back in the 70’s.
  • It was made by people you know, love and trusted.
  • Let’s look at corn – it isn’t very healthy, it tastes delicious and is easy to grow and cook but it doesn’t hold much nutritional value for the human.
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup – 
  • Do you know what is happening to your pancreas? 
  • Ozempic – government subsidized crack.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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HEADLINE: McDonald’s CEO promises ‘affordability’ amid backlash over $18 Big Mac combos, $6 hash browns by Lisa Fickenscher 

  • Seed Oils – 
  • Who is going to pay $6 for hash browns?
  • $18 for a crappy burger?
  • People have realized it is cheaper to just cook at home.
  • Despite the uproar, McDonald’s customers should brace for even more price hikes this year — albeit at a slower pace of 2% to 3% versus last year’s 10%, restaurant analyst Mark Kalinowski told The Post. McDonald’s attempts at “affordability” will likely take the form of targeted deals offered on its mobile app, he predicts.
  • Last week, a McDonald’s outpost in Connecticut got slammed over its “outrageous pricing” after a customer was charged $7.29 for an Egg McMuffin — and nearly $5.69 for a side of hash browns.
  • The last time we ordered pizza it was $48 for 2 medium pizzas.


AUDIO/VIDEO: NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Immigration is a National ProblemI can’t be clearer, this is a National problem. The National government must solve this, no city should be facing these challenges. We’re seeing the visuals of what a failed national police is producing. These other cities are saying the same thing. This isn’t unique to NY. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson on being asked if he is going to the Southern BorderDo you not understand that you have not had a mayor like me?! You are asking me to give you a date. I’m doing all that w/ a black wife raising 3 black children. 

  • He sounds like he wants a cookie for doing the job he campaigned for.
  • He has a family, he knew he had a family when deciding to run for Mayor right?





Girls/Women Running Things

HEADLINE: Blaming the Victims of a Broken System by Christopher Roach

  • These young women grew up where they were the majority and they were given control.
  • They were told they were better than the boys.
  • They were told boys were bad. 
  • Women cannot run the country.
  • Women cannot raise strong young men either.
  • Young woman on TikTok – she seemed sad and overwhelmed. Her income apparently could barely cover the rent. Of course, she probably needed a smaller place and a roommate, but her complaints are universal, even among those who are more frugal.
  • There is a reason God wanted humans to ‘partner’ to be in marital unions.
  • Marriage is something that will be beneficial to both the male and the female.
  • You have two sets of hands to raise children, you have two heads to work through issues, you have two to go through whatever life brings.
  • American conservatives have always been the witting and unwitting allies of feminists. In a battle between the rough-and-tumble market and the refined ideals of motherhood and matriarchy, they prefer to see the GDP grow rather than encourage more two-parent families.
  • This is what modernity has produced. 
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Meta-tags for showChristopher Roach, marriage, Gen Z, immigration, border crisis, GDP, modernity, Msgr Arthur Calkins, Harriet Alexander, DA Alvin Braggs, NYC, Mayor Eric Adams, Mayor Brandon Johnson, Lisa Fickenscher, McDonald’s, inflation, Mark Kalinowski, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Mexico, Big Pharma, Roe v Wade, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Reverend Al Sharpton, Speaker Mike Johnson, Senator Mitch McConnell, Eddie Scarry, Kendall Tietz, Oakland, rampant crime, ICE, Sean Davis, Toby Keith

Written by: Justin Redman