The Mike Church Show

Are Young Conservatives Ready To Become Secessionists

today12/07/2023 90

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Mahgdalen Rose

Political Correspondent

  • Vivek isn’t any better than Nikki w/ foreign entanglement. 
  • He isn’t a phenomenon. 
  • His voters are Trump supporters.
  • DeSantis didn’t jump in either which is strange.
  • A division of people that should be great debaters and they just aren’t even trying to take him down.
  • Ted Cruz laughed off Donald Trump in the beginning and he actually went on to be president and Cruz didn’t.
  • It may also be that Trump made a deal w/ Vivek.
  • Ronna McDaniels – says the RNC doesn’t create marketing campaigns and isn’t a marketing arm, if they don’t do that then what do they do?
  • Where is Matt Gaetz?
  • He was helpful to Trump, but now it is clear that Matt wasn’t ready for the Chair fight.
  • He is staying under the radar now b/c of this.
  • Why did McCarthy resign?
  • He thinks of being in high esteem of people, like he is the big guy and he can’t cope w/ the torture of falling from grace.
  • He could raise money – he was a money maker.
  • He went from King Maker to nothing and that is a dramatic fall for him.
  • He doesn’t want to be in that group of non-elites anymore. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on NDAASpeaker Johnson worked w/ Chuck Schumer to cut a deal that removes all abortion and trans surgery prohibitions we passed under Speaker McCarthy. It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. The $300 million for Ukraine is also back in it. I’m voting a strong no on this. I can’t belive this is passing w/ a Republican lead Congress. 

  • We are all pretending Mitch McConnell is fine, he is supposed to be dealing w/ this and we all know he isn’t capable of handling his duties anymore.
  • Mike Johnson is walking around doing what he can but he is getting no direction.
  • We should have removed McConnell the first time he had the zoning out issue.
  • Mitch McConnell is holding back the Republican party is b/c he is incapacitated and there is simply no direction coming from the Senate at this point.
  • The young Christians and Conservatives are all feeling this is the end of the Empire.
  • Revolutions turn out nasty and the good guys never really win.
  • But I think this is revolutionary times.
  • I think the small successes we see in the states is important. 
  • DeSantis should take his ball and go home and be the bad ass President of Florida.
  • Young Conservative movement is being run by social media influencers that are only in it for the money.
  • Turning Point USA – they have like $15 million dollars they can spend a year and they put on a few concerts.
  • Can you imagine what you could actually do w/ all that put into backing good candidates and messaging? 
  • But we don’t do that and that is our downfall.
  • We are not in a declared war tell Boeing they have to make something productive not destructive anymore.
  • IDB – Industrial Defense Business
  • Remember when Mitch McConnell dropped the Industrial Base benefits off of killing people in other countries?
  • I’m a simple man that just happens to have a microphone…these are simple questions.
  • We have an elite ruling class that will not answer them.
  • The only thing they seem to understand is the raw exertion of power and that is terrible.
  • George Washington in his farewell address – 

Written by: Justin Redman