
496 Results / Page 51 of 56



Will Sodomites Embrace Soul Cakes After SCOTUS Wrist-Slap? – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Did the SCOTUS really settle the issue of "religious freedom" when it ruled for the Colorado cake baker in his lawsuit against the Colorado "Civil Rights Commission"? No says Mike and regular guest Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute. Mike's special interview guest today is Father William Slattery who is promoting his essential new book: Heroism and Genius-How Catholic Priests Helped Build-And Can Help Rebuild - Western […]

today06/05/2018 17


Celebrating Mother’s Day is A Celebrating the Creation Story; Happy Mother’s Day Eve! – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE ANNOUNCING THE 2ND ANNUAL GREAT GOLDEN TRUTH TICKET, CAR GIVEAWAY Founders Pass Members can take 10% OFF by using the coupon code! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory imagery for the GTT Giveaway. Golden Truth Ticket Winners: (there is a 1in21 chance of winning the car as of today) […]

today05/11/2018 10


Infinity Wars Kills Population Control

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:16 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE ANNOUNCING THE 2ND ANNUAL GREAT GOLDEN TRUTH TICKET, CAR GIVEAWAY Founders Pass Members can take 10% OFF by using the coupon code! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory imagery for the GTT Giveaway. Golden Truth Ticket Winners: Mark McGinley Melissa Linscomb Paul Clark Mike Devine 6:23 Columbia Magazine: The […]

today05/07/2018 76


Friday Medley-Education Is For Souls, Not All Mexicans Are Bad, The Rosary Doctor Talks Saint Joseph & Why The CRUSADE Must Succeed

Mandeville, LA - CRUSADE Newsdesk's Celeste Youngblood joins the Mike Church Show LIVE! in studio to mark the first "CRUSADE Studios", in-house, LIVE morning show and what a show it was. Mike covers a medley of topics including Mexican immigrants we should NOT hate/demonize (no that doesn't mean there aren't borders or immigrant laws). You want want to miss Mike's interview with The Rosary Doctor Brian Kiczek on Saint Joseph […]

today05/04/2018 73


How Alfie Evans Awakened The Slumbering Giant of Christendom-Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Alfie Evans has died and the Mike Church Show is all over the story and what it means to you and your children. Beverly Stevens-editor of Regina Magazine reports on her recent trip to Italy and the revival of The Faith that the young are undergoing there plus inside information and what really happened to Alfie Evans! Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 8:13 Welcome to the […]

today04/30/2018 88


The UK Deep State, Deep Six’s Alfie’s Army – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Free Phone Friday is filled with good phone calls and Mike's 4 hour long analysis and explanation of how the Deep State shut up Thomas Evans and Alfie's Army. Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Organ Donation and Harvesting You are not going to make any friends if you decide to share this information […]

today04/27/2018 30


Is The Plot To Watch Alfie Evans Die Linked To organ Harvesting? Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Joseph Pearce joins Mike Church and talks about the tragedy that the Alfie Evans case has become for the Catholic laity in the UK as only Joseph Pearce can. Mike breaks the news of the 1999-2000 scandal of the hospital holding Alfie Evans hostage, Alder Hey, being castigated and nearly closed for the harvesting of the organs and other body parts of thousands of babies who "died" […]

today04/26/2018 34


Syrias Just War vs Muricahs UnJust – Saving Alfie Evans – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Here is a rare explanation of Just War Theory and why the Syrian "civil-war" is a Just War action by Syrians FOR Syrians and the Western interventions of 'Muricah, baby-killing UK'ers  and newly blood-thirsty French are UNjust. Michael Hichborn joins the final hour for a no-holds-barred takedown of the "best interest of the child" ruse the UK courts and NHS are using to keep baby Alfie Evans […]

today04/25/2018 10

The Mike Church Show

The Cult of “I’m A Nice Guy” Is For Weaklings – Mike Church Show 26th Anniversary Show

Mandeville, LA - Mike celebrates the 26th Anniversary of the launch of the Mike Church Show on April 21st, 1992! Mike wastes no time diving right in to the continuing outrage of the #FakeNews - chemical weapon attack in Douma, Syria - has been proven to be. After 26 years of laying his opinions and career on the line everyday Mike contends that the "cult of the nice guy" has […]

today04/23/2018 37